
The Kingmaker: Legend of the Undefeated Commander

"Saras Gayen! Are you reading those dusty old books again?"  Nina Gayen's shout preceded her entrance as she banged open the door to her son's room. As she expected, she found Saras sitting on his bean bag, holding a paperback copy of World History: The Ancient Civilizations. She snatched the book from his hands and tossed it into the pile of other books covering a range of topics from politics to economics related to Earth. "Look at Ellie's daughter, Stivi. She has already reached Level 3 in the Dreamverse VR within two hours of its launch. Why are you still lounging at home?" "I am not lounging! I am studying History…" Saras protested, looking at the book pile before turning his gaze towards his mother.  She stood with her hands on her hips, glaring at him as if he had committed a grave sin by not entering the game as soon as it was launched. "You are turning 25 this year. If you don't play the Dreamverse VR now and join a good guild, how will you find a wife?" Thus started his journey as he once again navigated the VR scene through the mysterious game Dreamverse VR that was said to hold the keys to Human Evolution.

Wise_Weed · Games
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241 Chs

Pet Capturing Trap

When choosing a faction, any guild would consider the development opportunities in that particular faction - Which powerful Guilds have joined the faction? Do they have any specific quest related to the faction? etcetera. 

However, when a player chose a faction, they would only look at one thing - How powerful is the Faction's variant of the player's desired Combat Class? 

This was the only question I was considering right now. 

The Holy Human Empire's variant of the Archer class was called a Marksman. They had insane attack speed and damage, but their mobility left a lot to be desired. 

This class was well suited for large scale battles but in PvE or even one on one PvP situations, it would be the worst. 

Next, the Archers of the Death Kingdom, the Bonechers. 

Bonecher was a very basic type of archer with no particular flaws or strengths. It uses Ossein Magic to grow bone arrows in the body and hence have much less expenditure than all the other archer class variants. 

Maybe it was good enough for newbies but it definitely was not for me. 

The last but not the least were the Elven Rangers. 

The Elven Ranger Class was the most versatile amongst all the other variants of Archer Class. It could dabble in magic, traps and also tame beasts. Moreover, it had high mobility, making it a suitable class for a team player as well as a lone wolf. 

After thinking all of this through, I had my answer to the Elf Representative's question. 

"Representative Karn, I would be happy to contribute to the Elven Forests."

"Wonderful!" Karn exclaimed with a big smile on his face. He cheerfully conjured another spade shaped green leaf and pressed it into my hands. 

Immediately, my transformation process began.

Heat began to surge in my body, just like when I had my first bath in the Mytherium Solution. I didn't know whether my VR nano suit was squeezing my body or my muscles were truly bulging but I did feel stuffy in my current suit. Even so, my body felt more energetic than before. 

Just when I felt like I was truly about to transform in real life as well as in game, the process came to an abrupt end. My body thirsted for more of similar energy but there was no more of it.

I opened my eyes and heard a notification chime. 

[Congratulations! You have joined the Coven of Elves.]

[Congratulations! You have absorbed the energy of the Tree of Longevity.]

[Current Life Energy +2%]

[You have a small chance of gaining extra stats when you level up.]

Just as I finished checking the notifications, I heard a loud snort. The Death Kingdom's Representative, Galthan glared daggers at us six players and then turned around and left the tent without a comment. 

The Holy Human Empire's Representative, Edward, also approached and patted me on the shoulder. 

"You have made a good choice." He said, looking at me and Stivi's party that stood behind me. 

"Now that you have chosen our allied faction, you can also complete the quests issued by the Holy Human Empire to earn more resources. I hope you will consider it." He patted twice on my shoulder and left without a second glance at Karn.

When I looked back, I saw an ugly expression on Karn's face. It seemed like things were not all hunky-dory between the two allied factions. 

While I was speculating the relationship between the two factions, the Barbarian Chief approached Stivi and her party. 

"Deathless Stivi, you have been absolved of your crime."

"Deathless Zamir, you have been absolved of your crime."

"Deathless Mamamia,…."

The Barbarian Chief repeated the same verdict for each of the party members and their names returned to green color. Their experience penalty was also removed. 

As theirs was a Penalty Quest, there were no rewards for them but the same was not the case with me. 

Bowsmith Sangma approached me with his son. He joined his palms together and lowered his head a little. 

"Young Hero, you have saved my son and grandson… you have ensured the continuation of my bloodline… I am eternally indebted to you."

[Congratulations! You have completed the 'Bowsmith Sangma's Quest - The Slave of Darkness.']

[Favorability with Bowsmith Sangma +50]

[Favorability with Sangwan +80]

[Favorability with Nadru +100]


Notifications chimed in my ear one after another. I wanted to check the notifications carefully but the middle aged man we had saved from the Boss's lair stepped forward at this moment. 

"Deathless Heroes, I did not have the chance to thank you for saving my life and my son's. Please accept these trinkets as a token of my gratitude."

Saying so, Sangwan handed each of us a stone fruit seed with mystical rune engraved on them.

"What the…! This is a Pet Capturing Trap!"

HardBro, who stood nearest to Sangwan, received the item first and exclaimed in shock after checking the information. 

This made all of our eyes shine. The reason was that capturing pets was too damn hard in this game. 

In every VR game, pets and mounts were an inseparable element of a player's strength. Every class of players had their own space for storing pets. 

However, in Dreamverse, only two classes- the Beast Tamers of the Holy Human Empire and the Elven Rangers could capture wild monsters using their skills.

As for other players, they could only purchase devices such as this Pet Capturing Trap to capture and carry the pets. 

Sangwan smiled upon seeing our exuberant faces. 

"These Pet Capturing traps can capture pets of up to Lv20. But you should be careful. As the level of the monster increases, so does the chance of it escaping from the trap." He explained for our benefit but his words were lost on the excited Grandeur Guild members.

I also checked the information window of the Pet Capturing Trap. 


Pet Capturing Trap

Grade: Ash-Grey 

Maximum Level Limitation: Lv20

Success rate: 10-60%

*Higher the level of target, lower the capture rate.

A trap created by a Ranger using his basic understanding of "Seal" rune.


By the time I finished checking the window, Sangwan had left with Bowsmith Sangma. 

I was confused as I still haven't received the two of my most important rewards - The clue about the Shard of Myth and the Runic Arrow Forging technique. 

I quickly glanced through the notification and found one that answered my confusion. 

[Please visit Bowsmith Sangma's tent to receive the rest of your rewards.]

Whew! I breathed a sigh of relief knowing that my rewards had not disappeared. 

When I turned my attention back to Stivi and others, they were already in the process of logging out. I quickly bade them farewell and made my way to Sangma's tent, eager to receive my real rewards from this quest