
The Kingmaker: Legend of the Undefeated Commander

"Saras Gayen! Are you reading those dusty old books again?"  Nina Gayen's shout preceded her entrance as she banged open the door to her son's room. As she expected, she found Saras sitting on his bean bag, holding a paperback copy of World History: The Ancient Civilizations. She snatched the book from his hands and tossed it into the pile of other books covering a range of topics from politics to economics related to Earth. "Look at Ellie's daughter, Stivi. She has already reached Level 3 in the Dreamverse VR within two hours of its launch. Why are you still lounging at home?" "I am not lounging! I am studying History…" Saras protested, looking at the book pile before turning his gaze towards his mother.  She stood with her hands on her hips, glaring at him as if he had committed a grave sin by not entering the game as soon as it was launched. "You are turning 25 this year. If you don't play the Dreamverse VR now and join a good guild, how will you find a wife?" Thus started his journey as he once again navigated the VR scene through the mysterious game Dreamverse VR that was said to hold the keys to Human Evolution.

Wise_Weed · Games
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255 Chs

Gathering Trainees

Just 24 hours later, his father was ready to be discharged from the hospital. As he completed the procedures, a Nurse brought him a datapad with the Bill summary. 

"What the heck?" Saras exclaimed, shocked by the bill the nurse had brought him. 

The bill was 443,217 Musks! Now this bill was a real tragedy! 

Saras had heard of families going bankrupt paying for the Hospital Bills but he had thought them to be exaggerations. Looking at the bill on the datapad, Saras now believed those stories. 

This bill had wiped away nearly half of their savings! 

'Dad, I hope you don't get into another accident again. If that happens, I don't think we can keep our house.' Saras hoped sincerely in his heart. 

Still, this was a Government run hospital, not a thieves' den. He could not believe the charges would be so high for a simple broken bone surgery procedure. 

"Can I have a detailed breakdown of the bill please?"