
The Kingdom of Versimoil

Seventeen years old Anneliese consumed by books and adored by her parents & sister was living in her own world. She dreamt of a simple life surrounded by the people she loved but her whole world turned upside down when she was captured by royal soldiers and found herself in the Kingdom of Versimoil!!! Anneliese realised struggling or pleading is futile, the only way to go home is to escape from the royal palace. But all her plans were shattered when a cold pair of eyes laid on her which refused to leave her!! Vincenzo Thornburn, the lord of Versimoil Kingdom known for his selfishness is considered to be the most cunning immortal! When he encountered a brown haired mystery soul from Sicilian Empire, he couldn't help but to unfold the concealed layers hidden behind her crystal blue eyes! All it took is one drop of tear from her mystic eyes to turn his self centred world, revolve around her and he realised, he could burn the hell for her!

Dreamer_princy · Fantasy
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28 Chs

I am here for you

Vincenzo, who was proficient in changing the narratives in his favor, stated, "She may be your subject Lightwood! but the Book of Spells falls under the conclave's subjects and if she really did committed a felony by keeping the book to herself then that means she is the Conclave's culprit, not yours. So pull your high horse and let the Conclave decide, if she should be charged or not!"

Egnatius scowled, "Even if she is the Conclave's culprit, she needs to be interrogated thoroughly!"

Noticing Vincenzo's frequent efforts to defend the girl, Archimedes said, "We have other more important matters on our hands that needs our attention instead of charging a town's girl who not to forget, is a mere human!"

Studying the situation, Head Witch Bellatrix quickly inferred, Vincenzo has set his target on the girl and deal with her in his own way, and stated with a straight face, "The Conclave is keeping the book and if needed, we will summon you for further interrogation! You can leave."

Anneliese didn't need to be told twice and she quickly bowed at the Conclave and left the place. She walked at a rate that if it was possible, she would have flied her way back home. Reaching home, without making any noise, she quickly went to her room to sort out her thoughts which are spiraling in her mind.

Edmond, who saw Anneliese's boots outside the house, deduced his daughter is home. Knowing it wasn't like Ann not greet them after coming home, He went to her room and knocked the door twice! After not receiving any reply for good 2 minutes, he slowly pushed the door open to see if Ann was sleeping!

On seeing his daughter, curled up in a chair near the window, he quickly got to the chair before sitting down on floor in front of Ann. A look of worry appeared on his face, he placed his hand on his daughter's hand and lightly pressed it, as if to assure her that everything will be alright.

Ann slowly turned her face and looked at his father. Noticing the worry on his face, Ann managed to speak, "I am okay papa, just feeling a little anxious because of today's incident of the Dark Witch's murder ."

Edmond nodded at Anneliese and said, "I understand, It is quite disturbing. It's not likely to occur something like this in our town. However, you don't have to worry about it! The Conclave has taken the matter in it's hand and will capture the culprit soon."

Not having the energy or courage to say anything, Ann took a deep breath and nodded.

Edmond knows his daughter well, she is not someone to get easily shaken by things like this as they live in a world of supernatural creatures, where these things are not uncommon.

Taking her hand, he held it in both of his hands, And assured his daughter, "Ann...dear, You know that you can tell me anything, Right! I will always be here for you and protect you with everything I have." He paused briefly before continuing again, "If there is something that's bothering you, Please share it with me. Even if I may not be able to provide a solution, I can still bear it with you so that you don't have to endure it alone."

Hearing her father's words, Ann's eyes moistened, she placed her other hand on her father's hand and said, "You reminded me pappa that I have you by my side and I don't have to worry about anything. There is something that has been bothering me but I won't let it seize myself and will figure it all out."

They heard Althea's voice coming from downstairs who was calling Edmond. Ann said to her father, "You should go pappa, I will be down in a moment." Edmond nodded and left.

Ann wanted to tell her father everything that has been happening with her since yesterday, but not knowing the danger it could bring to him or her family, She decided to keep it to herself and find out why and how she is experiencing these inexplicable things.

Splashing the water on her face before wiping it with a towel, She went downstairs. Sniffing the aroma of food wafting through the air, she realized, "Even if the hell would break down, her mind can still be drifted away by the aroma of fresh food."

After having a quiet dinner with her family, Ann said "I am really tired and off to bed". Wishing her parents, Good Night, She went to her room.

There is so much she have on her mind and so much she needs to figure out but she was too tired to be awake because of anything. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she was drifted away by sleep.