
The kingdom of Lucifer

This is the tale of a japanese gangster who travels to another realm and is reborn as LUCIFER SILVER KNIGHT,the seventh prince. There are lot sercrets and wonders in the world. The world is full of adventures for the young guy going by name Lucifer , who is striving to solve puzzles and make new acquaintances in the new world

Nie1i · Fantasy
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3 Chs


His and his mother's memories arrived in Lucifer's mind.

Lucifer's eyes widened as he examined each flower in the garden, and a butterfly sat on his nose, scratching it. Then a hand came to Lucifer's face and wiped his nose with a white cloth. When he looked up, he saw a smiling face in the dazzling sunlight. She took him and sat on a white swing. Then she looked into Lucifer's face and said to him,

"Lucifer, I have a request for you."

"I was looking for a trustworthy person to look after this garden; will you help me, Lufy?"

Lucifer knew the answer, yet he asked his mother, "Mother, why are you telling me to do this job?" Then Uriel looked into the sky after a deep sigh, and she said,

"When I took your first brother and sister to the garden, they did not even bother to look at the beauty of the garden; they only cared about sword fighting between them."

"They never let me rest that day;

I couldn't even take a sip of my tea."

"I was so focused only on stopping them from destroying the garden in their fight, and that same goes for the rest of your brothers and sisters."

"They are really fighting maniacs," Lucifer thought to himself.

Then Lucifer smiled at her, and he said,

"Okay, mother, I promise you that in the name of Lucifer, I will look after the garden in your absence."

Hearing that made Uriel happy.

"Are you trying to act mature in front of your mother?" she said while hugging him tight and pinching his cheeks.

After that day, Lucifer and Uriel started spending their days in the garden.

Then, shortly after six months, Michael and Uriel go on a trip. Michael returned twelve days later, on a rainy day, with a sharp mark on his face and his armour and body covered in blood. Even the Kindom Magic recovery magic was ineffective in healing his facial scar. Then, shortly after a deep silence, he announced shocking news to all the people present: all the soldiers and Uriel were killed, and he never told who did it but only said that he killed the people responsible for this.

Lucifer cannot accept Uriel's death and runs into the garden, holding back his tears. He fell down several times due to the rain and entered the garden, where he looked into the white swing and remembered his days with his mother. He couldn't take it any longer and yelled,

"Motheeerrr, please come back."

"Please come back."

After that day, that garden became Lucifer's special place as a memorial to his late mother Uriel.

"From now on, I think I should stay here; it will be good for me," Lucifer thought.

"I don't think Captain Reynolds will give up on training me that easily until then, and I also don't think I'll ever get a chance to explore this place fully."

"Then I decided today that I would thoroughly explore the garden; who knows, maybe I'll find some treasures there, is that right, mother?" Lucifer said this while looking into the white swing.

Then Lucifer started to walk into the depths of the garden, where he saw many more beautiful flowers that were not in the earth.

When Lucifer had been walking for a while, he suddenly made the sound "plop." Lucifer fell like he was walking through a water wall, checked his body and didn't find anything wrong, then looked back.

He was astounded—there was no sign of the castle or the garden that he had just walked through; instead, there were two large mountains and a clear blue sky without any clouds. When Lucifer looked down, he realised he was standing on a mountain cliff and couldn't see the ground because it was pitch black. When he walked slowly through a cliff, he saw a large cave, and he looked at it with curiosity.

"Oh, man, this cave is the same size as the Tokyo Tower."

"Is this the nest of any huge anacondas like in movies?"

Then he heard a sound from the cave:

"Hey brat, how did you come here?"

A large dragon's head emerged from the darkness of the cave with the question.

The massive dragon has scarlet and crimson scales, golden eyes, and two swept-back horns on his heads that point backward towards his wings, with the rest of his body hidden in the cave's darkness.

That was Lucifer's first time seeing an enormous dragon; he opened his mouth wide in surprise. The dragon thought the child was frightened by his presence.

"Hey, you don't need to scare me."

"I don't eat people with small bodies like you." "That is my nature."

After the dragon said Lucifer should respond with a loud noise,

"Wow, you can speak the human language of this planet?"

"Hey, can you please show your wings and your tail? Oh, can you also open your mouth to see the size of your teeth? Can you spit fire from your mouth, and is there another dragon besides you? and and"

The dragon was irritated by Lucifer's speech, so he interrupted before Lucifer finished.

"You need to shut your mouth, brat, or you'll become my first human meal in a small body," the dragon warned Lucifer as he closed his eyes.

Dragon thought he would be scared by this thread and run for his life, but Lucifer didn't show any signs of fleeing, and he didn't show any concern for the thread; instead,

he again asked, "Is there a fire at the end point of your tail?" and "How fast can you fly?" Lucifer's response gave a shock to the dragon, and she asked, "Don't you have any fear that I will eat you, brat?" Lucifer told her with a smile, "If you decide to kill me, do you think I can do anything to stop you?" So is there reason for me to fear? Lucifer's response piqued his interest in her.

She decided to learn more about Lucifer, so she asked,

"Hey brat, you don't answer my question; how did you get here?" Then Lucifer walked up to the dragon and looked into its eye, and the dragon was completely focused on what he was about to say, and when he said,

"By walk,"

the dragon was dumbfounded. Dragon held back his anger and said,

"I also know you walked through the barrier, but I needed to know how you passed through the barrier."

"That barrier is a special magic barrier that I created with dragon magic."

Lucifer thought a lot about matter, and then he remembered that he was a reincarnated person, and he thought that was the cause for this to happen.

But Lucifer decided that now was not the time to reveal this; he wanted to learn more about the dragon before telling her the truth. Lucifer pretended to be thinking something and said, "I think." Dragon lowered his head and approached Lucifer, and Lucifer said, "I don't know," while turning his back on her. Dragon was irritated that he had been dumbfounded yet again by Lucifer.

The dragon said with a fake smile to Lucifer,

"Do you know what I am thinking now, brat?" Lucifer closed his eyes for a second and thought, then he said with a proud face,

"You think I am a very special kid, right?"

The dragon tried more to hold back the anger and said, "No, brat, I was thinking of how many ways I can torture you." "How about we get started?" Lucifer was dumbfounded, and then the two started arguing with each other.

Lucifer told the dragon, "Now I know why you have hidden yourself in this dark cave because you must be exiled from the kingdom by people due to your behavior."

the dragon full of range said,

"What did you say?"

"The mere humans exile me, the god Dragon, the progenitor of the great zodiac?"

"Kuhaaaaa, that will only happen in your dream,"

and Lucifer is also not ready to give up.

"Ho, I think you're the one who has daydreams about being a bigshot or something."

Then the dragon shouted at Lucifer.

"youuuuuuuu brats"

Due to the strong wind that came from the dragon's shouting, Lucifer flowed away to a small distance, and he landed by hitting his back on the ground. Then Lucifer attempted to stand up by placing his hand on his back, and he landed by hitting his back on the ground. Then Lucifer attempted to stand up by placing his hand on his back, and the dragon laughed at him. The dragon laughed loudly,


and Lucifer became embarrassed by his own situation.

Lucifer told the dragon, "Hey, if you want to shout again, you should move your head in the direction of facing the sky, then shout," and he slowly stood up.

"Why is that, oh, if I don't do that, the small bigshot will fly away right away, Kuhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"the dragon smiled.

The dragon laughed while forgetting his anger about Lucifer. Lucifer also saw that the dragon stopped shouting when he flew away on his wind; now Lucifer also knows that he does not want to cause any harm to him, so Lucifer decided to make him his friend.

Then Lucifer asked

"What is your name?"

Dragon closed his eyes and pretended like he was about to go to sleep. Lucifer again asked

"Do you not want to share with me?"

Then, thinking that the dragon would not say anything, Lucifer held his two hands together and looked to the sky, saying,

"Oh, I get it, your name is very bad that you don't want to share, so sorry, that's my mistake."

The dragon then opened his eyes and looked at Lucifer, saying.

"My name is Aries, and what is your name, brat?" Lucifer then smiled and said

" Lucifer silver knight ".

When Aries heard the name Lucifer, she stood up, shocked, then she said:


Lucifer was totally confused by the sudden change in the atmosphere. He thought to himself what just happened to cause high alert in Aries, and with a confused look, he said,

"That's right, my name is Lucifer Silver Knight. Is there a problem with my name?"

Aries was trying to say something, but she stopped, and she again pretended to go to sleep and said to Lucifer,

"No, there is nothing wrong with your name."

Lucifer got that there was something wrong and Aries did not want to share it with him, so Lucifer decided to change the subject and said, while looking at the sun setting in between the two green mountains,

"Hey Aries, the sunset is really very beautiful."

"What are you up to with the friendly tone?"

Aries inquired with a doubtful face.

"I have nothing special to tell you, but I'd like you to be my friend."

"You see, I don't like people who talk friendly but hold grudges in their hearts, but you are very open-minded and you don't care what other people think; you just say what you want to say, just like me." Aries laughed and told Lucifer,

"I will become your friend."

Lucifer, with a happy expression, said


Aries then stopped laughing and said, "In your dreams."

Lucifer is dumbfounded this time, and she speaks. "The scenarios you are seeing were created by my dragon magic, called "Illusionery Magic."

Lucifer never thought the whole place was created by magic.



Aries understands from Lucifer's expression that he likes magic very much.

He acts like a child at times and is mature at other times. Aries decided to brag a little.

"Do you understand now how great I am?" So show some respect, brat. You can feel free to worship me. I will give you my permission. kuhaaaaaa kuhaaaaaa"

Then Lucifer turned to Aries and inquired.

"Does any other dragon have the ability to create something like this?"

Aries stopped laughing and looked around, avoiding eye contact with Lucifer, and she told him in a slow tone.

" NO" 

Lucifer clearly understood from Aries's expression that it was a lie.

"You are really bad at telling lies."

"Shit, what do you want, brat?" Aries, a little embarrassed, said

With a smile, Lucifer said, "You are lonely by yourself, right?"

"So, should I start giving you company now?"

. Aries looked at Lucifer with a doubtful expression and asked, "What are you, a scheming brat?"

Lucifer told her

"Hey, old man."

"I'm not planning anything; I'm just sad and lonely in my place for some reason, and I think this is a great place to hide from scaring sword training; no, I mean to spend days in this great place."

Aries asked with curiosity, "You don't like sword fighting and training?" Lucifer responded quickly, holding his hands in a cross shape.

" NOPE "

Aries thought to herself, "He doesn't like fighting or getting stronger; he wants to know more about magic because he thinks that is fun."

"Oh, man, he's different from all the small children I've ever met." intriguing, very intriguing

Lucifer asked, "Hey, can I see what is inside your cave?" But Aries changed into a serious expression and said,

"No, if you get into the cave without my permission, I will seriously kill you." Lucifer realises that Aries is hiding a secret in the cave that she doesn't want anyone to discover, which is why she hasn't fully emerged from the cave.

Then Lucifer said while perched on the cliff's edge, "Hello, what do you think? Can we become friends?" Aries reacts instantly.

I don't need your company, therefore no thanks.

Lucifer never anticipated a rejection so quickly..