
The Kingdom of Fire

Euronor_Jackson · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Part 3

Horses running, soldiers marching, the sky is crying, and chaos is spreading. The city was almost emptied because most of the men were recruited to duty in search of the prince. General Espinoza sent his men and scattered all over the island of Roeña. Dividing themselves at the forest, ruins, and provinces—the towns of Septentrional, Puerto Esmeralda, and Gael del Sur.

Gael del Sur is a few days away from the city if you would walk along the trails, but just a few hours is all it took for the flight of Agustin to spot the vast fields of crops and thatch roofs of wooden huts. They descended carefully and silently, but the local guards rang the bell and alarmed the townsmen of their arrival. The people began to lower their heads and kneel as they waited for the prince to land.

"There's no need to greet me formally" Agustin spoke "Blood was spilled in the events of Ciudad Elmond after the execution of the queen, to be followed by the death of the infamous King."

"Bueno, isn't that a great news? ¡Esto es un festín para nosotros!" a strange guy among the crowd raised his tone. Reaching his fist upwards and others cheered with him.

"We cannot celebrate!" Agustin yelled so loud that it silenced all of them "Martial law is in effect throughout Roeña, and their goal is to hunt the kingslayer! …And that kingslayer, is me."

Gasps and murmurs were emitted by the crowd in bewilderment. Agustin, took his steps as he held Marielle's hand. Suddenly, the guards pushed them back and a raspy voice emerged, "¿Adónde vas?" A man in his formal attire entered the scene.

"¡Duque Zaragoza! Perdóneme, señor, for the sudden intrusion, but Lorenzo told us this was the safe place for us." Agustin was careful with his words.

"Lorenzo? Where is he?" Duke Zaragoza started to get worried.

"He's gone up north to let us escape, for now, we have no specific whereabouts-" Agustin's speech was unfinished when he took a heavy punch from the aggressive duke.

"How dare you let him sacrifice himself?!" Duke Zaragoza screamed at Agustin's face.

A moment later, Duke Zaragoza sat on his lavish sofa as he damps an ice-cold cloth to his bruises. "She sure does pack a punch." The duke commented.

"She's Marielle, princess of Atlantis and leader of the southern Merfolk tribe." Agustin introduced as he also carried a freezing cloth. "Marielle, apologize to him por favor."

"No." One-word response from Marielle.

"Anyway, I'll provide the apology. I'm sorry, I was just aggravated because… Lorenzo is my brother." Duke Zaragoza proceeded to explain humbly. "He was given the title of Conde and was offered a piece of land beside the river of Gael del Sur, but he refused and passed the land to me, and then he became a revolutionary leader before we knew it. Many of my people joined his ideals. Later, he made his way to Ciudad Elmond and became a consejero real of the Palacio so he could get closer to his target, the King. While he was away, I arrested his men. All of them, I believe. It may seem like I betrayed him, but I prevented a massacre by the nation's army. A monarchy could wipe Gael del Sur off the map. He then received the news that his men were caught, and he had no choice but to leave his work… to you, Agustin."

"I will do anything I can, for the nation and to all of us." Agustin raised a toast with a glass of beer given by the wife of the duke. Out of the blue, a kid runs and trips on the carpet. It was a boy and Agustin asked his name.

"Me llamo Noel Zaragoza, ¡mucho gusto!" Noel smiled. "I'm eleven, and when I grow up, I will be the best soldier in the entire world!"

The boy's spirit made Agustin laugh hysterically, followed by the boy.

Celestial Mona and Luna began to shine the darkness of the night, and that is when Agustin expressed his speech as all of Gael del Sur's population listened. He tries to convince the people why they should revolt against the unfavorable effect of the law of the current monarchy and the immoral traditions the country possesses. Victims also presented themselves and told their stories on why they agreed. Some were slaves of the city, some were innocent witches who escaped toward the South for a new life. All of them were discriminated against by society. Agustin wanted to change them all. He requested opinions from the crowd, and he received a hundred. He called on the duke's men and set their plans. A whole week later, ammunitions were packed, guns were loaded, men were in positions, and all five senses waited for the signal. Galloping hooves gradually arise from the silent fog. A lamp light got brighter before an armed lieutenant appeared on horseback. A cavalry unit that consists of 30 soldiers at short range and close combat. They roamed and interrogated the locals in search of Agustin. What they didn't know is that there were no townsmen present, but fully trained men of the duke. Even the women were trained which was against the tradition. Taking down a platoon from thirty men to thirty free horses for everyone. Some horses were attached to a wagon to carry reinforcements. All of them wore uniforms, while Agustin and Marielle blended in among the soldiers. Beginning their journey along the trails that lead to Ciudad Elmond for days. They held the lieutenant hostage to guide them through the military base within the city. Duke Zaragoza however, remained confident in his elegantly armored horse. Arrived again, in the most lavish ground of the city, the Royal Palace.

A few moments later, the lieutenant greets the general with a salute, "General Espinoza, soy el Teniente Jacobe de la vigésimo cuarta [24ª] unidad de Caballería, señor. My men had observed and turned all the rocks upside down but the culprits were nowhere to be found, señor!" after his spoken reports, his eyes began to twitch as if it was a subtle gesture for the General.

"¡Gracias, teniente!" Gen. Espinoza responded with a small salute. The lieutenant left hurriedly and so Gen. Espinoza was left to face Duke Zaragoza. "¡Mucho gusto, señor!" They shook hands, "I believe you brought some reinforcements, I would like you to gather them up for me, por favor?"

"New recruits from Gael del Sur, ¡a sus posiciones!" Duke Zaragoza commanded loudly. By the time they were gathered at a fair distance, another army surrounded them. Duke Zaragoza turned around to find out that the general's revolver was pointed at him. So he took his steps back.

"I know you're there, ¡príncipe destituido!" Gen. Espinoza called. Countless rifles were also aimed at them so they had no choice but to raise their arms high. To prevent any shots from being fired, Agustin came forward.

Gen. Espinoza laughed menacingly. "¡Hola, regicida! How brave of you to surrender yourself to us. As a reward, I will kill you right here, right now, in front of everyone! You may speak your final words."

"I only need a word." Agustin replied humbly, and then he called, "Marielle!"

Afterward, Marielle expressed her magnificent voice through a harmonious blow of melody that crawled and bewitched the listeners of her enchanting song. Regardless of how alluring Marielle's voice was, the selected men remained conscious. They took this chance to disarm all the opponents. But it did not take long for them to hear the roar of a shotgun. Marielle fell to the ground from the pain of her wounded spine.

"Marielle!" Agustin screamed and sprinted toward Marielle.

Without the voice of Marielle, Gen. Espinoza and his men were awakened. Agustin cried as he held Marielle in his arms. He stood up from his knees and carried her to the Palace's halls.

Amidst the sudden confusion, Duke Zaragoza spelled, "Te invoco, Leóna, la Chimera!"

This caused a portal to open up and a chimera jumped out. Leóna the chimera proceeded to ravage and rip apart the bodies of its prey. Her wrath burned its victims with the goat's fiery breath. A deadly sting can be earned when attacked from behind. Her demonic claws would scar even their souls.

Meanwhile, Agustin found the royal clinic where he lay Marielle's paralyzed body. He continues to shout, "¡Doctores! I need someone who can cure, ¡por favor!"

Medical personnel came rushing with their assistants. Voices in Agustin's head gave him the urge to find the shooter and pay the toll. But before he leaves, he apprises the staggering truth to the doctors, "Be careful with her, she's a mermaid!"

Instead of running down to the ground level, Agustin finds the tower's rooftop. There he sprinted over the parapet and freefalls for a few feet before he spelled, "Te invoco, Griss, la Hippogryph!" Griss instantly appeared beneath his toes. A firm seat at Griss's saddle was rushed and so he stretched his wings and fluttered up high.

"Griss, I know that you saw the shooter, can you take me to him?" Agustin favored. Griss responded with a shriek. They soared above the warfare of the duke's men against the national army. Pieces of the Palace were collapsing down by the continuous dynamite detonation, and powerful guns that dented every inch of the lavish concrete. Griss folds his wings with an incredible amount of velocity towards a certain window. Agustin breaks through the glass and Griss disappears. Agustin found the man he was looking for, a man who curled up in regrets, hiding within the darkness.

"¡Hijo de puta!" Agustin couldn't help but swear by his anger. "You're from our side, how could you!" He walked up to the miserable man and struck his face with Agustin's massive fist. "¡¿Por qué?! Why did you shoot her!? ¡Dime!" He screams.

"L-Lo s-siento! Lo siento…" the man tries to catch his breath and recover from Agustin's punches. "I j-just thought that y-you would fail this and I don't want to die. So m-my intrusive thoughts won over me. Please don't kill me, I have a family in Gael del Sur! Por favor!"

"I'm not going to kill you… not anymore… I'm not my father." Agustin gradually calms himself down. "After this anarchy, a new set of laws will emerge... and a new order of justice will arise." Agustin left the man alone in the room. He left the building and strode through the gates of the Palace. Strangely, it became quiet, and then he saw Duke Zaragoza approaching.

"Agustin, I have good news!" Duke Zaragoza panted from running as he spoke. "General Espinoza… ¡Se rindió!" Agustin's eyes sparkled and out of joy… he embraced Duke Zaragoza. Paralyzed by awkwardness, he stood alone after Agustin sprinted through the debris.

Meanwhile, Marielle lies on the clinic's bed, recovering her wounds peacefully. However, she hears a resounding voice along the hallway. It was Agustin, breathing heavily as he blocked the doors. "Marielle!" Agustin called. "¿Estás bien?"

"Sí, they made me drink a few potions that would heal me. ¿Por qué? It's been quiet, did we win?" Marielle told and asked. In response, Agustin nods his head with a smile. They hugged each other tightly and said. "Te amo, Agustin!"

…"Te amo, Marielle!"

A whole month is what it took for Roeña to recover from chaos. The recent officials were overthrown while others were imprisoned for resisting. Agustin and Marielle made their vows at the altar. They were pronounced husband and wife from their marriage until death. On the same day, the coronation began. Agustin Maurecio Blanco y Kemanie is crowned as king. Marielle Clarissa Neptuneous de Blanco is crowned as Queen. Following the moment that their titles and responsibilities were bestowed, Agustin stands above the Palace's balcony where he faces the people of Roeña.

"Roeñanos, arise!" People stood from their seats at Agustin's word. "Today, I am honored to be speaking in front of the people whom I have risked my life just to provide my kin a better place and a better life within this nation. I know you have been afraid, I was too… The late Reina Miguelina, she's my madre… but were executed as the frailes believed she was possessed. I studied psicología that other empires had, turns out it's crap! Some women were accused of witchcraft for using magic. While wizards were slaves. Poor people were abused in all forms because they had no power to stand against the hierarchy. From now on, our bad traditions will dissolve. Laws will be righteous and reinforced. Slaves will be free. No more dictatorship, no more deaths by the monarch. For I am the new king that will lead us to a new path. This kingdom of fire shall provide warmth to the people who shiver in poverty, this kingdom of fire shall be bright and stand for liberty." Agustin raised his fist and yelled, "¡Viva Roeña!" The people below imitated his stance and shouted altogether, "¡Viva Roeña!"

[The following events of King Agustin's Reign]

Using the unnecessary wealth left behind by the late King, King Agustin renovated the structures and facilities all over the city and the provinces. More durable in any weather conditions. A peace treaty was formed with other human nations and opened the global market for the economy's growth. This improved lifestyles and knowledge from various regions of the world. The colonies of Roeña were given independence. A military school was proposed by Duke Zaragoza as he wanted his son to be educated and trained into a great soldier. This is where La Roeña Academia was founded, as well as the school of magic, La Magica Academia for wizards and witches. Agustin visited Atlantis with Marielle to form a peace treaty and conclude the wars with other races. Eight years later, Queen Marielle gave birth to their first son, Lorenzo Amadeo Victor Blanco y Neptuneous. He was named after the late Adviser Lorenzo Zaragoza. King Agustin would continue his mission to bring peace to the world through expeditions to every Nation he came across. Ending the war of humans against the order of life. Seven years passed, and another prince was born. Miguel Malvolio Laris Blanco y Neptuneous. The only boy who was born with Albinism. Milk skin, white hair, red iris, and sensitive to heat. People have discriminated against him as they grew up, but his brother Lorenzo won't let them. Protecting each other side by side until...

~The End