
The Kingdom and the devil

Enigma_5170 · Anime & Comics
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Power scale and Everything you should know :

In this word exists 3 Kingdoms and maybe other more that we didn't discover yet .

The 3 Kingdoms are :1.Evry Kingdom the principal one and ruled by a King and followed by his 30 man army called top warriors. All 30 warriors are classified into (Low,mid,top warrior )

2. The Oc Kingdom who is ruled by a Lord and has his army but different where they army are called Guardian of the Kingdom or just Guardian .

3. The Mer Kingdom is ruled by a King to and his army formed out of Soldiers.

In this word the magic is ruling the word how much stronger you are the better . Magic is different and is not really ranked . The word can choose to fight for the country or to just live a simple life as a human doing stuff you enjoy.

●Amulets are partially expended im every Kingdom . The Oc has 2,The Mer has 2 but the Evry has 3 because the third one appears one in 100 years .

The owner of the amulet is choosed by the amulet to have demonic powers . Amulets are pretty weak if the owner is young and the demon can do nothing about his vessel . Even if you destroy the amulet the demon still exists in the owner soul .

●The vessel can only reach 85% power cause the vessel is to weak to comprehend such an immense power and if the demon wants to achieve 100% he can't just kill the vessel he needs the vessel to agree on a deal , to give the demon his body .

●The stones of the he'll are very hard to find the Kingdoms and can only be found in specific region or temple or shattered Castel. If all the stones and amulets are toghether the owner of all of them can open the gates of he'll to summon all 11 demons . Yeah there are 6 stones .

●The demon streak - The demon streak appears on human who can have different intentions like the human can have dark magic and can summon Half streak demon meaning the user's can get more powerful by 100% and the owner can live past the age of 50, he can summon wings to if he wants and has different special abilities.

High streak demon gives the owner a boost of 500% power with immense strength and speed , but this mark can cause the owner death at just 50 years old .

●The Angel Mark is different than demon mark , you can't just summon whenever you want this mark appears just when the human soul if choosed by The God . This mark appears when the body is very close to death . The power of the Angel Mark is limited by the strength of the body , so how strong the body is the better .

●The pact with the demon- The pact with demon is a rare pact where every human can create a ritual to enter the he'll of the underground but just as a ghost to create the pact with the Kings of demons. The human has to sacrifice something to the demon to become invincible . An exemple will be that the human can lose his memory or sacrifice his body to the demon . Even if the body is sacrificed the body can't be a vessel . In the price of that the human can have anything that he wants .

●The shattered Castel -The shattered castle is led by a dangerous creature that can hold its own against a demon, but the creatures are different and will be described later. The castle is one destroyed by time and people. The Castle is built of durable bricks and a red tile roof, inside the Castle is arranged like a house but in the Castle after 1 day spent in it the rooms change their place because the Castle is ruled by a powerful creature who orders the Castle to do what he wants.

●The normal temple - the normal temple are ruled by Count this Count can be very powerful of very weak , the Count are normal people who Commons his army to protect the border of the Kingdom . The army is made by people have a good magic strength.

●The bastions- The bastions isn't ruled by anybody really the bastions are just an illusion coordinated by tech equipment . The owner of the equipment can create his own desires for the bastions . In the bastions rarely can be found amazing equipment or a stone .

●The dark forest - The drak forest is very dangerous in the Summer,Half of spring and half of autumn. In the summer there are many creatures ranked in power like:

1.Novice-1 stage made by foxes,mini ants and balled birds etc

2.Domestic -2 stage normal Wolfes, Racons and Vultures

3. Rabid animals-3 stage Bloody ants (one is 2m) ,Bloody wolf's, bloody bears etc

4.Demolish - 4 stage are armored Skeleton, Gray Goblins , Mini Cyclops , Harpies, Normal Zombies

5 Seraphic - Grimlocks, Nature Zombies or petrified ones, Lava monsters ,Ghouls ,Lizards etc

6. Ogre animals - Titan,Dark Unicorns,Centaur, Giant Cyclop, Dragons and The Kingd of creatures .

●In Evry Kingdom there are 30 warriors classified in 3 parts :30-21 the low tier warriors , 20-11 mid tier warriors and 10-1 top warriors.

How the demons are ranked :

1. Demons with 1 horn are the demons who are weak and are being ruled by a stronger one

2. Demons with 2 horns are strong and rarely encountered.

3.Demon with 3 horns are present in the amulets beside 2 of them .

4. Demons with 4 horns reached peak power and are just only 2 . To become a 4 horns demon you need to kill humans and demons who are weak .