
1: Contact.

It was a day like any other for steven who liked to walk around his neighborhood. He was a decent looking man who had brown hair and brown eyes. He liked to eat but was very active so he was neither fat nor skinny. steve noticed an odd noise in the air and as soon as he noticed where the noise was coming from he was shocked. He shook in fear as a tiny asteroid crashed right in front of him. while the rock was the size of a basketball the damge it did was much more grand. from that same pit crawled a fleshy green slime. steven was still shocked cold sitting on the concrete. just when he believed he could not be more surprised a green blob jumped straight at him. reacting as quick as possible he blocked the blob with his right arm. The blob seem to cover and devour his arm and as this happens steve seem to lose in his mind. He felt an unknown precence trying to steal his body and will from him. While physicaly steven was nothing special his mind and will were strong. He seem to clash his will with the unknow intruder. The blob was weak from the entry to the planet and tried to quicky find a host to take over to recover but was struggling with its first target. the crash landing left it weaker then it believed. Steven loved life and was not going to surrender his body to this strange force any time soon. Steven felt this strange force weaken for a second and pushes his rage and will with all his might. A battle for the soul of the body so to speak. A soon as the blob let up for a second it felt steven's mental clash against its own will. It was already too weak and could not resist. it's essence began to fade and it's mind was no more. After the last push steven felt the force gone and steven woke up from his mental slumber. He noticed where his right hand used to be was now a green flesh blob shaped hand with pointed fingertips. It seemed that the blob merged with is body but Steven had control over it. while steven saw only his hand was diffrent he felt as if his entire body was changed.