
The King? The Copy? The Soul?(Hiatus)

A world heavily inspired by jujutsu kaisen with a power system that's pretty confusing This book is about our main character named Tori a human that's half monster after he merged with the strongest monster of all named Yoru a monster stronger than everything his sensei Jin has gotten him and let's Tori decide to Die or Live until he eats the 8 souls Tori has to eat the 8 souls of the level 8 monsters the strongest level and true monsters that will do anything to achieve there goal they want to kill Tori to gain his power and be the king of everything He has watched his sister Sanya die from a heart problem and cancer and he knows he has to live on for his sister even if he knows he'll die at the end will he carry it out or will he break the deal? Tropes/genre: fiction, dark, adventure, action, fantasy, sad, inspired by jujutsu kaisen, diseases, good characters, multiple arcs.

yaboinethertank · Action
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24 Chs

Chapter 11: Tori and his Expansion

Tori(mind): Aura Expansion

Tori's Deriontro Expansion is a bunch of eyes watching you with tongues binding you and the tongues aren't breakable in any way and Waru is scared as he gets binded Tiyori laughs

Tiyori(mind): this kids Deriontro Expansion is stronger than mines!

Tiyori kicks Waru and he stops laughing and he walks to the wall and leans on one of the eyes and Tori and Gari walk to Waru and Gari kicks Waru in the eyes then Tori punches Waru's stomach then Gari grabs Waru's head and rips his ear off then Tori punches Waru's face they keep hitting Waru and Waru dies from to much damage Tori falls on the floor but Tiyori walks to Tori and Gari and Gari looks at Tiyori with fear Tiyori kicks Gari sending Gari flying

Tori: what was that for!

Tiyori: kid I'm not one of those friends I'm a monster a `Snake`

Tori: I'll kill y-

A girl walks in and she looks down at Tori

Girl: are you Tori...

Tori: ...yes

Tiyori goes back into Tori knowing that any longer and he'll die

Tori: who are you ...

Girl: Yana

Tori: oh ... Why are you here

Yana: because I'm a new member

Tori: oh...

Gari walks back

Gari: we got a new teammate and she's a girl...

Tori: yeah

Gari: oh that's crazy my neck still hurts

Tori: oh yeah he did kick you square in your neck

Yana walks to Gari and heals him

Gari: nice you're actually useful

Yana: what does that mean

Gari: well my teammates usually are weak

Gari side eyes Tori

Tori: hey don't come at me like that!

Gari: I don't know what you sayin

Yana laughs