
The King Scarred Black Wolf

WARNING ---- Swearing, Violence, Abuse If you dont like my book dont read it and don't send hate comments I'm new at this description stuff Read the book and if I dont have description write some in the comments and I'll think about it

WolfMan18 · Fantasy
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The Black Wolf

Jason's POV

17 years old

I was in gym class with my best friend William. Willam has long straight black hair, wearing a black button up top with black ripped jeans and he's 5'8ft. The teacher, Miss Harley, came into the gym and saw me on my mat. She came over and patted me, "When will you shift back Jace, I miss your human side, but I dont mind your wolf side?". 

My fur color is full black with black eyes. Miss Harley has been my teacher ever  since I was young and she was my babysitter, when I was 1 till about 6. Now I either live with Willams father, with Miss Harley or at home. When I'm home, William will come over and give me company.

Everyone, even Miss Harley knows about what happened but she likes knowing when I am going to shift back to human.

I then mind linked William.

(J - Jason)

(W - William)

J - *Tell her, okay but I'm not and I can't because of the scars and trauma.*

W - *Okay.*

Willam then spoke "This is what Jace said okay but I'm not and I can't because of the scars and trauma". Miss Harley said "Okay, algood, take your time hun", she walked to the front of the bleachers, "Get your P.E (Physical Education) gear on and meet me back here and sit down", she yelled.

Willam walked off to the changing rooms and came back a few minutes later in a singlet and shorts and sat next to me. She said, "Wanna play soccer or tennis?.", She then looked at me, "Jace, don't think about getting the ball this time" she said in a joking way. I decided to be cheeky and I ran to the soccer ball and grabbed it, Miss Harley yelled in a joking way "get back here, Jace", she chased after me.

I ran around with her behind me. She shifted and chased after me, I dropped the ball on the spot where it was and she ran into me and lied on me then shifted back to human. Don't worry, she's light and I'm strong. She yelled out "Choose a ball, if one gets more votes that's we are doing and if it's even either Jace or Will, Will pick the ball

W - *What one?, haha, you getting held down*

J - *Soccer ball?, oh shut it, I'll get you when I get home.*

W - *Okay, good luck*

William walked over to the soccer ball and picked it up and gave it to Miss Harley. She then yelled out, "let's go to the field", the ones that said tennis were mainly girls and a couple guys groaned. I walked to the field with William, Miss Harley kicked the ball and we could shift if we wanted to.

Willam shifted into his golden furred wolf with purple eyes and ran after the ball, he then nudged the ball to me, I nudged the ball back to him. He nudged it to one of the classmates that didn't shift, the classmate ran it to the soccer nets. I lied down on the hill that was next to the place that the class was at, after a couple rounds William came over and lied next to me.

One of the sluts Michelle came over in her ginger colored wolf and lied between me and William. Me and William growled at her and I got up and left for school. I heard someone behind me, I turned around and growled and realised it was Willam. I turned around and continued walking, then I mind linked him.

J - *Sorry, I don't want females because they are a pain and I thought she was following me.*

W - *Algood, just letting you know she is following us, more likely you.*

J - *Run to my hidden house in the forest. As soon as we stop the link, I'm boosting it, do you have my gear?.*

W - *Okay, see you at the house, yeah I do, it's in the back.*

J - *Okay, just head there.*

W - *Okay"

I ended the link and we ran off to his Black Isuzu Dmax ute that opens the doors automatically when he sticks his paws on the sensors. You can't see it, but the ones that have seen him do it, know about it and where it is.

He jumped in and brought my "shadow" gear bag and grabbed it in his mouth, jumped out then pushed a button that's on the door which makes it close. We then ran to the school entrance and went through the dog doors. The principal Derek had to add them in because you had to be in human form in school unless you got permission from the teachers or something happened, but my reason is because I can't well I can shift, it's because of what happened when I was younger and scars.

Before we got to the bathroom doors, William then shifted back to human form. We were about to go into the bathrooms but Michelle decided to block us. Michelle said to me "Why you leaving me, Babe", "HE DOESN'T WANT YOU, HE DOSEN'T LOVE YOU AND HE WILL NEVER WANT YOU, SO FUCK OFF AND LEAVE US ALONE", William told her. He went in front of me, pushed her out the way, we went through the door as he opened it for me and headed to the biggest room. William opened the bag, "I'll turn around", Willam said. I shifted back to human and stuck my mask on that covers my scars, stuck dark tinted sunglasses on and stuck my hoodie up.

I said in a deep raspy voice, "I'm done, you didn't have to turn around by the way, I'm fine with you knowing and seeing. You've seen them before". He turned around and said "I know, I just wanna give you privacy", I opened the doors and went out in the hallway. 

One person came up behind me and ripped my mask and hoodie off, they immediately went quiet. People looked at me and kept saying, "He's ugly", "He needs better clothes.", "He must be poor". I growled loud then Willam did, he then yelled out "SHUT THE FUCK UP GUYS, SO WHAT IF HE HAS BAD CLOTHES, SO WHAT IF HES UGLY. KEEP YOUR FUCKED UP COMMENTS TO YOURSELF. HE'S BEEN THROUGH SHIT AND CAME OUT STRONG, SO SHUT THE HELL UP''. They went quiet. 

I ran off and then Willam followed closely behind, we got to the forest tree line. We both sped off and ran for an hour, when we got there I saw my rundown broken mansion. I went through the front door and headed upstairs, when I got halfway William yelled out.

W - "I'll cook us dinner"

J - "Oh yeah. I'll come down in a bit"

W - "Algood, take your time".

I continued walking up the stairs and headed to my room, I sat on my bed. Willam came up and came into my room.

W - "Dinners ready, hey, what's wrong."

J - "I'm fine, I'm not going human form anymore. That hurt, they bullied me for what I looked like."

W - *hugs me*. "I won't bully you ever and I won't hate you."

J - *hugs back* "Thanks, let's go get dinner, let's put them on a kill list."

W - "Your welcome, yep let's go, yep let's do it. Show them who's King, make them submit to you. If you want me to. I'll be submissive to you."

J - "Hehe, will do, no no no, you ain't submissive to me, you can be King as well."

W - "You sure, okay, I will, if you are happy with it."

J - "I am happy with it."

We both got up and went downstairs and headed to the kitchen island and saw a lot of different variations of meat, eggs and 2 min noodles.

6 minutes later

We finished dinner, did the dishes and then we headed to the couch and turned T.V on. I took my top off and lied near the edge, William does the same and lies beside me in between me and the couch. Then he sticks his hand on my chest and moves his finger over my scars, then out of nowhere he kisses me. He shot up and ran to the room that locks from the inside, I ran after him.

J - "Bro, come out."

W - *crying Voice*. "Noo, you probably hate me."

J - "If you don't come out within 3 seconds, I will bang the door down."

W - *Crying Voice*. "Noo."

I decided to not count but bash the door down or do this teleport, when I teleport, I think of the location and when I get there you can't see me until I do a hand gesture. When I did the hand gesture, he freaked out. I used my   cheetah speed and caught him, I pinned him down.

He was wriggling, hitting, punching,  even biting me and yelling at me for me to let him go. I didn't, instead I held him and comforted him.