
Diagon Alley

"Welcome to Diagon Alley " said Deve to Sam when they arrived.

They went inside and bought all their necessary stuff except wand and pet .

They entered Ollivanders

" Hello Mr. Potter it seems like only yesterday your parents took their first wands. And who might you be Mr. " said Mr. Ollivander

" I am Samriddh Singh "

"Alright . So Mr. Singh you first."

Sam stepped forward

"Which hand do you use?"

"Right hand"

Mr. Ollivander took the measurements and came with a wand and Sam's wand was chosed at once.

When it was Deve's turn they tried hundreds of wands but failed. While Mr. Ollivander was bringing another wand

Deve gave a look around on the store and his eyes caught a wand . He was able to see that wand even thoughit was inside a box and was feeling a strange connection with it. He raised his hands a bit and used his magic and brought it nearer to him and opened the lid and took out the wand and felt a sudden and said " Ash wood , 9 and a half inches , Dragon heartstring , Brave , flexible and powerful. "

"This wand was made by my ancestor who opened Ollivanders. It was said that it is a wand which only a God , the biggest and most powerful God would be able to obtain it's complete mastery and tell about the ingredients of this wand which no one knew of ." said Mr. Ollivander he had saw all which happened here a few moments before due to the noises which were made .

"Alright so how much in total do I owe you Mr. Ollivander"

"77 galleons"

Although it was a very high price for two wands but he himself was feeling the extra ordinaress in the wand so without saying anything he paid him and left.

Deve bought a strong Great Grey Owl whom he named Owlert and Sam bought a Snowy Owl which he named Herculus.

After returning home , for the rest of the month before school Sam lived with Deve and they both studied and completed the couse books and extra books they bought.

It's a make up chapter for the last one and next chapter will start on the day they will board Hogwarts express. And I have brought a work for you to suggest the name of the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor.

King_of_novelscreators' thoughts