
The king of the vampires.

A war between Vampires, humans dragons, and werewolves began. No one knew about them until a few weeks ago when everything started. It was a fantasy, just a folklore. But became real. And worst of all. I got dragged into it.

wps1234 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Mysterious magic circles.

''I don't know if I'm totally right, but, I think I saw this boy earlier, While I was fighting with Michael. I think he was going to the school,'' Mark said to them.

''I remember his scared eyes looking at me terrified,'' he said while he laughed.

''But did he get hurt?'' Samia asked him.

''No, he didn't. Do you really like him, don't you?'' Mark asked her.

Too many powerful werewolves out there and she falls in love with a human.

''Dad, he is cute, and I never felt that feeling for another guy like I felt when I saw him, I'm sure he felt the same thing.'' She said to her dad.

''But I'm not sure he is a human. I don't know but I felt something strange about him.'' Mark said.

Samia and her father looked at him surprised at what he said.

''What do you mean?'' Oliver asked him.

''I don't know, maybe this is a thing in my mind but. I felt something strange when I saw him.''Mark said.

''But I didn't feel anything,'' Samia said to Mark.

''like I said, maybe this is a thing in my mind, and he is really a human, I'm not sure, I just felt something strange when I saw him,'' Mark said to her.

''Could he be one of us? A werewolf?'' Oliver asked him.

''Who knows? maybe?''Mark answered the King.

''I see, I want to meet this boy as soon as possible and see who truly he is,'' Oliver said.

''Did you see how was the school uniform?'' Oliver asked him.

''Finally,'' Steven said while getting out of the school.

''Your first day of school and are you like this?'' Tania asked him.

''I never liked to study, but if I stopped my parents would kill me,'' Steven said to them.

''And with a reason,'' Tania said.

They headed home cautioned about the possible dangers in the streets, they saw a fight just happening in front of them and they couldn't be careless about it.


Two men were talking.

''Are you sure?'' The man asked.

''Of course, I am.'' I fought with him, he was strong, but a fucking man started to shoot us with a bazooka. we fell down and I got hurt, if the man hadn't shot him a few more times I would for sure die.'' Michael answered.

Michael was 50 years old man, he had a slender body, brown eyes, black gray hair. for about 1.80 high.

''So we need to give this information to the king of the dragons. This man it's dangerous.'' The man said to Michael.

''Yeah! he is,'' But, I didn't use all my power, next time I will teach him something. Michael said with a serious face while looking at her injured arm. 

''Finally home,'' Lara said when she arrived.

Steven was relieved to arrive at home safely. 

''I need a bath,'' Cecilia said to them.

''The same as me,'' Tania answered her.

''I think I will also take a bath. I'm hungry, after that, I will eat something and drink some blood.'' David said.

Steven looked at him he was already used to seeing them drinking blood every day.

Tania entered the bathroom and took off her clothes. But she saw something strange in her thigh.

''What the heck is this?'' She said while looking at that.

It was like a magic circle. It was a golden color. She quickly took her bath to tell the other about it.

after done Tania quickly put her clothes on and went straight to Lara's room. She knocked it.

Lara opened it. 

So Tania said; ''I need to talk to you about a thing.''

''Of course, come in,'' Lara said to her allowing her to enter her room.

While David was taking a bath.

Steven was waiting outside in the bed while David was taking a bath. There was two bed now because they brought another bed to David's sleep. So he didn't need to sleep in the same bed as Steven anymore.

''What is this?'' David wondered himself while looking at that magic circle in the mirror. But David's magic circle was on his right chest.

Cecilia also had seen the same circle but it had a silver color, it was on her rib. She also looked for someone to talk about it.

''Look at this,'' David said to Steven when he got out of the bathroom.

Steven looked at that circle and said: ''What is this?''

So David answered; ''I have no idea.''

''That's strange, maybe Lara must know something,'' Steven said to him.

''You can be right, I will go there to see if she knows something about it,'' Steven said to Steven.

"So, I need to change my clothes,"' David said to Steven looking at Steven with a face to him leave.

''Sorry,'' Steven said while he headed to the bathroom.

David could still look like a man but not everything, if you know what I mean.

''After putting his clothes on,'' David also headed to Lara's room.

I wonder if I also have one of that circle Steven wondered himself while taking off his clothes.

When he took his pants off he saw a circle on his Thigh. yellow like tania's circle.

he took off his t-shirt and he saw another circle on his chest like David's circle and he had another on his rib, like Cecilia's one.

he also could see another one on his left rib, now he had a circle on both ribs.

He also could see another one on his left thigh.

''What the hell is this he said while looking at it.''

He also saw for glace another one on his back. he looked carefully to see if he wasn't tripping but really had another one there.

There were already six circles on his body. Then he found one more near his crotch. Now there were about seven magic circles on his body.

The unique thought in his mind was. What the heck is going on?

He quickly put on his clothes and ran to the Lara's room.

So he euphoric knocked on the door and Cecilia opened it.

When Lara saw Steven she said: Let me guess, a magic circle appeared somewhere on his body.

Steven looked at her with a scared and widened eyes and said: ''You have no idea.''