

This is the world where magicians are respected.. and the weak people ar doomed. Arjun Kumar our main protagonist is dsired to become the great magician but later finds that he has no "magic core" at all. Arjun didn't fell disappointed. He trains in Willpower the lengthy and time consuming way. But his fate changes when he meets a poweful Dragon named 'Magneel' who is kind to Humans and gives his power to Arjun and trains him. Join the adventures of Arjun and Magmeel who together joins in an adventures along with the interesting new characters who will be introduced in the future.

VKSS1602 · Eastern
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1002 Chs


Pride looks down on every existence with contempt. No one is better than me. I am arrogant. Everyone should bow down to me. Everyone should worship me. Because I am the Pride.

But even Pride felt that Arjun has a point. What is the source of Pride's arrogance? What exactly was his origin? His source and his origin has always been from Arjun. If there is no Arjun, then there is no Pride. Pride exist as long as Arjun exist. This is an undeniable truth.

Pride's arrogance simmered down in front of Arjun. He was no longer as arrogant as before. Even though he surrendered, Pride is still the Pride. He never say it out from his mouth. Because he is Pride.

How could Arjun not understand this simple thing? He knew that Pride has surrendered. And in order to not make things difficult for him, Arjun said, "I know that you have surrendered. But your pride is not allowing you to say it out through your mouth. I can understand. There is no need for you to say that you have surrendered from your mouth. If you are truly surrendered then please go back to your place! I will consider it as your submission."

Pride didn't say anything. He simply disappeared. And what could be the best proof than this, to say that Pride has submitted?

Arjun took a long breath. Dominating them was truly a troublesome thing. But he finally managed to do it.

At that time Arjun felt as if that Violet Energy swirling beneath the door of the Mind Palace became more stable. Previously it showed some hostility towards Arjun's mental fortitude. But now it became more and more submissive.

At that time, some part of the Violet Energy exited from his Mind Palace and circulated all around his body.

He didn't know what the hell was going on. Right now, he was so exhausted that, he couldn't care to take a look at it. At this moment he was completely exhausted. And all he wanted nothing but a complete rest.

Only now he looked at his nine candidates. He could sense the power of Immortal coming from their bodies.

"It looks like all of you have reached the Immortal Origin Stage." ,Arjun smiled and said, "It's good to see this."

"We did." ,Sitaram said, "We reached Immortal Origin Stage five years ago."

Sitaram continued, "Forget about us. Could you tell me what's all this about?"

Arjun sighed. He then explained everything about the Mind Palace in great detail. After hearing all this, they were rendered speechless. They never thought that such as secret lied behind the Mental Energy. For them Mental Energy is the concept of the combination of Mental State and Mental Strength. But this secret was really a mind blowing thing for them.

Arjun was showing the signs of exhaustion. Sitaram noticed it and said, "Are you alright?"

"Definitely no!" ,Arjun sighed and said weakened voice, "I am completely exhausted. I need some rest."

"We reached the Immortal Realm in the cultivation." ,Rick asked, "Could this be considered as the end of our stay here?"

"Yes." ,Arjun smiled and said, "Let's go back to the real world. Our stay here has completely ended."

Arjun guided everyone back to the real world. After coming out, they looked at the time. And to their surprise, they were at the very same place as they were, when they entered Arjun's Conscience.

For them five thousand and five years passed in the void space. But in the real world, it was not even amounted to one second. Even though Arjun told them about this strange occurrence, experiencing it personally gave them surreal feeling.

"Alright everyone!" ,Sitaram said, "Go to your rooms and take rest. And as per the request made by Arjun, don't reveal our sacred to anyone. It should be a confidential thing even among our friends and family members."

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. They indeed promised that they won't reveal his secrets to anyone. They won't reveal it even to their friends and families. And they are certainly not going to break it. Especially after learning the secret of the Void! They knew that these things are need to be kept confidential. So they won't share their experience in the void space with anyone.

They all said their "good nights" and left for their rooms. All of them were exhausted. They needed a complete rest. Because they knew that the next day would be a new beginning of their lives. They have to be prepared.


Even though five thousand years passed in the void space, in the real world it was just the second day of their committee.

Arjun and all nine of his candidates woke up. For them this new day was truly an amazing different day than usual. They made a huge harvest. There raised their fingers and ignited a strange silver colour water type liquid. Others may not know what was it, but they knew what exactly it was. It was none other than the Chaos Qi!

Arjun has the Void Qi which was colourless. But the Chaos Qi was in silver colour. And this Chaos Qi is the proof that from today onwards, their lives are going to walk on completely different path.

Of course! The one who reaped the biggest harvest was still Arjun himself! He thought that he would be like a rotten chicken who had nothing but to stay like that until those nine of them were done with their training in the Void Space.

But the descend of the Spiritual Essence of the Heaven has given him a different and unique opportunity. He enhanced all his Lifestyle skills to Transcendence Level! He also learned a bunch of Unique Dao Techniques.

But none of them are anything better than his succeeding in establishing a communication with his Void Qi! It was much important than anything else. If he put a little extra efforts, he was confident that even in the real world someday he could learn everything to the Transcendence Level. But establishing a communication with his Void Qi was his primary objective. He even learned ten techniques from his <<Nature's Law Void Art>> cultivation manual which increased his combat abilities.

Even though none of his efforts in the Void Space improved his Cultivation, he wasn't worried at all. He was happy that at this early stage, he built a solid foundation. In the future, his knowledge would be far ahead than any of his peers. This gap won't be widened no matter how much anyone tries.

Of course! His achievements in the Mind Palace was an unexpected harvest. Even though it messed up his brain, the gains were absolutely terrifying.

With all his harvest, he had an absolute confidence in the upcoming wars against any of his opponents!

With a new day, he woke up. After tidying up everything, he walked towards the chamber of Committee!