

This is the world where magicians are respected.. and the weak people ar doomed. Arjun Kumar our main protagonist is dsired to become the great magician but later finds that he has no "magic core" at all. Arjun didn't fell disappointed. He trains in Willpower the lengthy and time consuming way. But his fate changes when he meets a poweful Dragon named 'Magneel' who is kind to Humans and gives his power to Arjun and trains him. Join the adventures of Arjun and Magmeel who together joins in an adventures along with the interesting new characters who will be introduced in the future.

VKSS1602 · Eastern
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1002 Chs


Arjun said, "But as Rick said, we can't rule out the possibility that all this just the coincidence unless we found any proof. We don't have any rights to say that someone is intentionally doing this to us."

"But if there exists someone who does this to us, then it is only one person." ,Arjun said, "Young Master Luke!"

"That's right!" ,Gnan said, "But the question is, how exactly Is he doing it?"

"He executed the plan as soon as we entered the forest." ,Alwyn said, "Did he know that this is where preliminaries was going to be held?"

"No. This is the matter related to the emperor." ,Sitaram said, "They won't dare to do it. And all this is only possible if this was the plan executed by the Young Master Luke."

"That's right." ,Arjun said, "We should know that I offended not only Young Master Luke. I actually offended all the rich people in the city. So this might be the deed of a rich person in the city. Or this might be the combined doing of all the rich people in the city. After all, if Young Master Luke loses this bet, then it will ultimately bring shame to all the rich families in the city."

"Hmm." ,Sitaram said, "Let us inspect any person trying to do something crazy tomorrow. If there is truly any person whom we could held responsible for everything, then we will do something about it."

"That's right!" ,Arjun said, "Let's do it that way. It would be better if we all united. But there will be no change in our initial plan. That is, divine and conquer!"

Arjun concluded and ended the mental connection. The first day was over. Despite the results, he is not going to be stingy enough to take rest. Six months is a very long period of time. He will have plenty of time to cover up for his first day loss.

As Arjun was taking rest, in the Solar City's busy square, a huge mystical board was displayed. The crowd was busy as they were busy watching the rankings system.

1 - Silverwing Clan (1)

2 - Trott Clan (1)

3 - Sabretooth Clan (1)

4 - Almighty Team (1)

5 - Golden Crow Team (1)

6 - Sabretooth Clan (3)

7 - Almighty Team (2)

8 - Silverwing Clan (2)

9 - Keth Clan (1)

10-Trott clan (2)

Above are the names of the teams and their rankings. The number in the brackets ie (1) or (2) was the name of the team with repeated names. For example, A big clan like the Silverwing Clan has entered the preliminaries with multiple teams. In order to let the world learn about their power, they entered the competition with the name of their clans while adding (2) or (3) beside the name. It was in order to maintain the teams in order.

Even though there are multiple teams, the final commander always remains the same. For example, for the Trott Family, there might be multiple teams participating in the competition, but Young Master Luke will always remain the final commander.

A team will never listen to the command of other team. But these clans were different. They will always fight for the glory of their clan's Young Master!

Even though taking orders from other team leader is a dirty play, in front of the clan's benefit and glory, who gives a damn about playing dirty, right?

After the rankings were displayed, the citizens were involved in a flurry of discussions. Even though they were discussing, they didn't pay much attention to it. Because this was the same result that was repeated on every hundred years competition. The only difference is that the top three always remain fixed.

Silverwing Clan, Trott Clan and Sabretooth Clans were three ancient clans that possess the Tier-1 political power. And all the previous preliminaries, the number one spot was grabbed by either one of them. No other clan or competitor has ever got the chance to occupy any one of the top three spot.

The Almighty Team and Golden Crow Team were the Tier-2 powers. They are also a part of the major powers. But there was nothing they could do to surpass the Tier-1 power. And Neil who always follows Young Master Luke is part of the Golden Crow Clan. Even though Neil was part of the Tier-2 clan, he still follows Young Master Luke.

Jovan who tried to befriend Jimmy and was part of the administration of the Solar City, was the descendant of the Almighty Clan. But just like Neil, Jovan never gave a damn about his clan. In his view, who asked Almighty Clan to be the Tier-2 power? He always wanted to raise his political power. And this is the reason why he joined the city Lords administration office. He acted loyal towards the City Lord.

And the Keth Clan that grabbed the ninth spot on the first day is the Tier-3 clan. Their leader in this preliminaries was Young Master Kenneth. And Farah is Kenneth's little sister. But due to the mess created by the Young Master Luke internally, Farah was put in a situation where she had to leave her clan and struggle to get rid of the pursuit from Young Master Luke all by herself.

And of course, the top spot was grabbed by none other than the Silverwing Clan. Silverwing Clan is the clan which the Young Master Wright is part of. As the best Lifestyle Master in the city from the younger generations, Young Master Wright has grabbed the first place on the first day in the preliminaries.

As of now, the first 10 sports were occupied by these six clans. Silverwing Clan, Trott Clan, Sabretooth Clan, Almighty Clan has two teams that grabbed the top ten. Keth and Golden Crow Team has only one team that occupied the top spot on the first day of the preliminaries.

As the Solar City was busy chatting about the first day's results of the preliminaries, the contestants of the competition were busy in hunting down the monsters. It was in order to improve their rankings in the preliminaries. In this process, they started to spend their stamina and energy only for this.

Because of what they were doing, Arjun's team's ranking started to fall rapidly. Their team barely managed to enter the 19000th rank list. But now it has fallen completely to 23000.

It wasn't because Arjun was in any poor luck state. It was because Arjun and his teammates stopped hunting the monsters for the day. They knew that they still had a lot of time. It was unnecessary to strain themselves unnecessarily.

They took complete rest and only woke up after nine hours sleep. Arjun contacted through mind connections and said, "Alright! Let's start the day's hunting!"