

This is the world where magicians are respected.. and the weak people ar doomed. Arjun Kumar our main protagonist is dsired to become the great magician but later finds that he has no "magic core" at all. Arjun didn't fell disappointed. He trains in Willpower the lengthy and time consuming way. But his fate changes when he meets a poweful Dragon named 'Magneel' who is kind to Humans and gives his power to Arjun and trains him. Join the adventures of Arjun and Magmeel who together joins in an adventures along with the interesting new characters who will be introduced in the future.

VKSS1602 · Eastern
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1002 Chs


Arjun was surprised. Why exactly all his powers were getting restless after seeing this one drop of liquid which has Aurora Light swirling within it? He didn't know. But he didn't underestimate it as well.

Arjun knew that this Aurora Light is definitely not some simple one drop of liquid. The pressure and aura coming out of it was multiple times more powerful than even the Divine Essence! Since all his abilities are getting restless when they saw this, then Arjun was sure that the effects it has on his powers were not so simple.

Arjun asked, "Void Qi! What is this one drop of liquid? And how is it useful?"

Arjun asked the Void Qi. He didn't know the answer. But it doesn't mean that his Void Qi doesn't know as well. Since he has his own encyclopaedia, he will definitely use it when the time comes. And today couldn't be any better.

[Replying to host]

[This one drop of liquid is called as Primordial Essence]

[Using Primordial Essence one could break the rules of cultivation without any side effects]

Primordial Essence!

Arjun was astonished. Earlier he had his suspicions. But now his suspicions were confirmed. When he thought that both Void Qi and Origin Energy were originated from the same source, he wasn't sure about it. After all, he didn't have enough information. And his conjecture might be wrong.

But this one drop of liquid is known as Primordial Essence! It is created from that Aurora Light. And that Aurora Light was created when he merged his Void Qi and Origin Energy. The answer is self explanatory. Only if his Void Qi and Origin Energy has the same source, then merging both the energies will take him to the source itself.

But what he didn't know is it's use mentioned by his Void Qi.

[Using Primordial Essence one could break the rules of cultivation without any side effects]

What does it mean by when it mentioned that one could break the rules of cultivation without any side effects? What exactly was that supposed to mean?

Arjun didn't know. He said, "Void Qi! Give me a detailed explanation about the uses of the Primordial Essence!"

[Replying to host]

[Using Primordial Essence one could break the rules of cultivation without any side effects]

[For example, One has to completely master all 10 Dao of natural elements before reaching the Sovereign]

[But when one used the Primordial Essence, then that person can break the rules of cultivation without any side effects and upgrade one of his powers to sovereign level]

[Using this method one can not only upgrade one of the host's powers to the level of a sovereign even before reaching the completion rate of 100% for all ten Greater Dao, but using this Law energy, one can also fight a Sovereign on equal terms!]

[Even though the host can upgrade one of the powers to the level of a sovereign, it doesn't consider as the host reached the level of the Sovereign of Laws!]

[The prerequisites for host reaching the Sovereign of Laws is still completing the usual requirements and completely mastering the all ten Greater Dao to completion rate of 100%]

[Only then the Host's Void Qi will have officially considered as reached the Sovereign of Laws]

[The major disadvantage for upgrading any Dao to the level of a sovereign is it's Void Qi's consumption rate is massive]

The series of information made Arjun completely restless. For a moment, he felt that he read it completely wrong. Using Primordial Essence one can upgrade their Dao to the Law of Sovereignty without any side effects!

Arjun completely neglected it's disadvantages. Obviously if he upgraded any of his Dao to the Sovereign level, then he had to accept the consumption rate. It is the sovereignty of laws we are talking about. It is obvious that it's consumption rate will be high. Arjun accepted this disadvantage.

He asked, "Void Qi! Is there any disadvantage or side effects while creating another drop of Primordial Essence?"

Arjun knew that there exist no free lunch in this world. Even though he accidentally created the Primordial Essence, he want to know whether he had to pay any cost for creating another one.

[The prerequisites for creating Primordial Essence is to lose some part of Void Qi permanently]

Arjun nodded his head. This cost is somehow acceptable. If a cultivator spent some portion of his power, then after meditation, he can recover it. But if Arjun has to create another drop of Primordial Essence, then he has to lose that portion of Void Qi and Origin Energy permanently.

Arjun looked at the description from Void Qi. It said that it had to lose only one Void Qi permanently. But it didn't mention anything about permanently losing the Origin Energy. It was obviously because of the enmity between Void Qi and Origin Energy that his Void Qi didn't tell him about the consumption of Origin Energy here.

Arjun didn't bother too much about it. He looked at the uses of the Primordial Essence. He already decided which Dao he is going to raise it to the Level of a Sovereign. It will obviously be something that can help him in the battle.

Safety will always be Arjun's primary objective. So he will upgrade one of his Dao to the level of a sovereign which will help him in the war. Arjun already decided which Dao he is going to upgrade to the level of a sovereign. And it is obviously his Greater Dao of Fire!

But Arjun didn't immediately upgrade his Greater Dao of Fire to the level of a sovereign. He has two reasons for it. First one is that Arjun's Greater Dao of Fire is at the completion rate of 64%. First he needs to use the Divine Essence to take it's completion rate to 100%.

His Virtue of Humility is busy with it's refining process of the Divine Essence given to him by the Sovereign of Deception. So all he had to do is to wait patiently for some couple of hours to raise his completion rate to 100%.

And the second reason is an important and worrisome one. Even though he could upgrade his Greater Dao of Fire to the Law of Sovereign level, he couldn't do it immediately. Because he doesn't have enough physical strength. His physique is very weak to contain his Void Qi itself. Needless to say, it will definitely fail to endure the law power. So he had to find a way to enhance his physique.

But the question still remained how to increase his physique. Even though his physique has reached the Immortal stage, it is still not enough.

Arjun sighed. He took out a storage bottle and carefully stored the Primordial Essence in it. He then didn't stored that bottle in his Spatial Ring. He stored it in his conscience for security purposes.