

This is the world where magicians are respected.. and the weak people ar doomed. Arjun Kumar our main protagonist is dsired to become the great magician but later finds that he has no "magic core" at all. Arjun didn't fell disappointed. He trains in Willpower the lengthy and time consuming way. But his fate changes when he meets a poweful Dragon named 'Magneel' who is kind to Humans and gives his power to Arjun and trains him. Join the adventures of Arjun and Magmeel who together joins in an adventures along with the interesting new characters who will be introduced in the future.

VKSS1602 · Eastern
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1002 Chs


But the question is, why are they in this world? And why were they not dead even when they were so close? After all, the Void said that both Arjun and Jimmy should not be together. The Chaos and Astral Energy within them will collide and explode them causing their destruction beneath repair.

They had too many questions. But they didn't know where to find the answers. They looked at the surrounding. They tried their best in order to understand even a slightest thing about this world. But every time, they failed. They don't know at damn thing about this world.

This world is very strange. Each and everything in this world is completely foreign to them. They couldn't see anything but they Arora lights everywhere. They don't even know where to start their investigation about this world. Each and everything in this world defies the common sense.

But the only thing that existed which made common sense for them is that, their existed a giant tree here. This giant tree was monstrously huge! All Arjun go to CS the wooden part of the tree. As for the head of the tree, it was completely pointless. They were like a small and in front of a giant elephant. They couldn't get the true height of this Tree.

But Arjun never underestimated this tree. The energy coming out of this tree was infinite times cuter than they had ever sensed before. The purest energy he hd ever sensed so far was when he was in the Void Realm.

But the energy near this giant tree was much purer than the energy in the Void Realm! What the hell?

Arjun didn't understand. His foundation was rock solid. But he felt that his foundation was becoming even more purer just because he stood here. Arjun especially felt as if his physique is getting stronger at an alarming rate. The power he contained now was harmonising with his physical body.

Both of them were shocked. They felt as if they were in dream. But they knew that it is not at all a dream. And their thoughts were proved to be right the next moment as they heard the voice from the giant tree!

"Welcome! It was me who brought you two here!" ,The Giant Tree said.

Arjun felt as if his heart itself was getting more calm just from hearing that voice. Just from that voice, both of them felt as if the word done within their mind was simmering down. It was as if, they found the peace of their lifetime.

"Senior! May I know who you are?" ,Arjun composed himself and asked, "And why did you bring us here?"

"Hahahaha!" ,The Giant Tree smiled and said, "You want to know who I am? Then you should know who you are first."

"Who I am?" ,Arjun was surprised. What is there for him to know about himself? He asked, "I don't understand what senior meant?"

Arjun had a premonition that the supreme existence whom he predicted might be this giant tree. After all, this tree knew about his and his avatar's existence. And that is the reason why both of them were bought here by this giant tree.

But he immediately threw that thought aside. If this supreme existence truly wanted to meet him, then the Void would have been done something.

"Do you know who you are?" ,The Giant Tree asked. There was a hint of a smile despite Arjun couldn't see it.

"I am Arjun. And this is my avatar who was in the Astral World for five years." ,Arjun replied honestly. He knew that hiding things like this in front of this person is pointless. So he replied honestly.

"That's right. You are indeed Arjun. But there is something you don't know about yourself. If you want to know, then I will help you." ,The Giant Tree said.

Arjun was stunned. The thing which he don't know about himself? But who could understand about him better than himself? Arjun didn't know what exactly this giant tree meant. But for some unknown reason, he felt as if this giant tree knew about him better than he knew about himself. But I couldn't describe it.

Argent thought for a moment. What exactly he didn't know about himself? Even if he don't know, then how exactly this giant tree know? And most importantly, why exactly this joint tree is helping him in order to let him know about himself?

Arjun then had a thought. What if this tree has some malicious intent? But Arjun casted that thought aside. If this tree had the malicious intent, then he would have been dead a long time ago. There is no need for it to play any tricks against him.

"Don't think that I have send negative impression on you. I am not against you. I am just giving you your choice. And this thing will be beneficial for you. Of course, if you don't want to know about yourself, then I will send you back to your home. But don't regret it in the future." ,The giant tree said casually.

Arjun was speechless. This triggered read his thoughts. He had to be careful when he is dealing with this tree.

But Arjun was still in a dilemma. What you should do now? If they say something you don't know about himself, then he really want to know. But at the same time he don't want to believe this tree blindly.

"Whatever happens will happen!" ,Arjun thought within his heart. He then looked at the giant Tree and said, "I am ready. I want to know myself. I request senior to help me."

"Good. You will know that you have made a wise choice very soon. Get ready!" ,The Giant Tree said.

Immediately a huge amount of Luminous Energy erupted from the Giant Tree and it flew towards Arjun. Even before Arjun could understand what happened, the Luminous Energy had already penetrated his body.

At that time, Arjun felt as if a massive mountain was crushing his head apart. Too many scenes appeared in his head. It was as if, he was watching a television series. These scenes were in order and it held plenty of meaning. These scenes were memories.

The headache disappeared. Arjun once again opened his eyes. But this time he doesn't have any fear towards this giant tree. Instead, there was a smile on his face.

"Welcome back!" ,The Giant Tree said, "My dear!"

Arjun didn't reply for a long time. He then raised his head and looked at the Giant Tree. He then said, "Old Geezer!"