

This is the world where magicians are respected.. and the weak people ar doomed. Arjun Kumar our main protagonist is dsired to become the great magician but later finds that he has no "magic core" at all. Arjun didn't fell disappointed. He trains in Willpower the lengthy and time consuming way. But his fate changes when he meets a poweful Dragon named 'Magneel' who is kind to Humans and gives his power to Arjun and trains him. Join the adventures of Arjun and Magmeel who together joins in an adventures along with the interesting new characters who will be introduced in the future.

VKSS1602 · Eastern
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1002 Chs


When Jimmy said "show begin" , both Marley and Yin's bodies trembled in fear. Sweat beads formed on their faces out of fear.

"Rick! Alwyn as well!" , Arjun said, " Come here!"

As Arjun asked, both Alwyn and Rick came forward and stood beside Arjun.

Arjun said, " Apart from me, it was you two who suffered the most because of these people. So I will give them to both of you. How do you want to deal with them?"

Rick looked at Yin and released a mass amount of killing intent, " I want him dead!"

"Of course! They will die." , Arjun said, " But what kind of pain they will feel if we give them a quick death? I want them to understand what it means to mess up with other's lives before they die."

"I don't know boss!" , Alwyn said, " If you have anything in your mind, then please proceed. But I want to see him suffer an unimaginable pain. They should beg us to kill. They should feel that death is far better than the pain we give them."

Tears started to fall down from the eyes of Marley and Yin when they heard that.

"I won't let you even touch me." , Marley shouted. As the effects of gravity was neutralised, even though they can't use their powers, they could move their bodies freely now. They immediately took out a small thumbnail sized bottles from their pocket.

When they were about to drink the serum in the bottle, their bodies suddenly froze. Rick immediately snatched the bottles from their frozen hands and took a smell.

"Damn! It's a poison!" , Rick shouted.

"You want to commit suicide?" ,Arjun looked at frozen people like a statue and said, " But didn't I tell you? Right now, you people are just mere mortals, while all seven of us are immortals! How do you think that the attempts of a mortal could work in front of immortals like us?"

Both Marley and Yin gritted their teeth when they heard what Arjun said. Their last hope, which happens to be death was now gone.

Arjun took out a bottle from his spatial ring. He said, " Come on! You people like to make others drink juices right? Today I will make you drink some juice! Rick! Do it!"

Arjun threw the bottle in the direction where Rick was standing. Rick caught the bottle and opened it's cork. He then walked towards Yin.

Yin who looked at Rick who happens to be walking towards him, tried to run from the scene. But his body was frozen. He couldn't even move his hair. He started to wonder in his heart— Is this what they call despair?

Even though Yin wanted to avoid it, he felt an invisible force opened his mouth forcefully without any effort. As soon as he opened his mouth, Rick poured the juice in Yin's mouth. At the same time, on Arjun's orders, Alwyn poured a bottle of juice in Marley's mouth.

Immediately both of them felt as if their bones are weakening rapidly. Their hands were going numb. Their bodies were giving them a feeling as it was on fire. Their bodies turned red in colour. Smokes were coming out from their bodies.

"What did you make us drink?" , Marley demanded.

"It's bone corrosion serum that I came up with." , Arjun replied, " You are feeling your bones are weakening right? It was as if your bones are getting old right? Well that's how exactly it should feel. Because bones corrosion serum will slowly melt your bones into water. There won't be even any residue left!"

Rick and others were stunned when they heard Arjun's explanation. They imagined what it would be like if they were in Yin or Marley's place. The imagination itself frightened them. Needless to say, the people who are facing it.

Immediately Marley and Yin fell on the ground. They felt as if a huge amount of vapour developed within their bodies. This vapour is nothing but their vaporised bones. Without bones in their bodies, they had no support to even to lift a finger. The despair in their hearts grew.

"Kill me!" , Yin begged in calamity. He regretted his previous actions even more. If he knew something like this would happen, he wouldn't even come to Life Realm. He would have stayed in the God Realm. As for the consequences? Who cares about it? The consequences of disobeying the orders is death! Yin felt that death is far better than this despair.

"Kill you?" , Arjun smiled, " No. No. No. You have to build up your courage. Because this is just a beginning. There is much more to come!"

Both Marley and Yin felt as if their heart froze. If this insanity is just the beginning, then what about the next torture. Marley felt that he shouldn't have come to Life Realm. Even cruelty in the God Realm never beats what Arjun is doing with them.

Arjun took out some pills from his spatial ring. He said, " These are sense destroyer pills! The speciality of these pills are that it will destroy all five major senses in a human! I think I want to see how exactly you would react to this!"

Marley's complexion changed. He started to curse Arjun in his heart. But the words never came out from his mouth. Yin was in a huge trauma. He has already given up on any hope that he had.

Arjun forcefully put a pill in both Marley and Yin's mouth. Immediately they felt a weird feeling surging through their bodies. As time passed, they felt as if the weird feeling kept on rising.

First they felt as if their sense for smell has fallen. Earlier they felt disgusting for smelling their own blood. But now that feeling has gone forever. They knew that their sense of smell has fallen.

Later they felt as if their tongue go numb. Earlier when Rick poured juice in their mouth, they still had the taste of the juice in their mouth. But now it's completely gone.

Later they felt as if their eyes go blurry. The blurry vision kept on rising as time passed. Then slowly they felt as if the atmosphere has changed. The sky was darkening very quickly. As time passed all they could see is blankness.

Later they felt as if they couldn't sense anything. They felt as if their bodies doesn't belong to them. In fact, they felt as if they don't even have any bodies of their own. Because now they lost their sense of touch.

Finally they felt as if their hearing has dimmed down. Earlier they heard bird's chirp sound. But now they don't hear anything. It was as if they were in an empty room which was sealed from any light or air from entering.

Even though they couldn't feel it, they knew what exactly happened to them. All their sensors have been destroyed forever.