

This is the world where magicians are respected.. and the weak people ar doomed. Arjun Kumar our main protagonist is dsired to become the great magician but later finds that he has no "magic core" at all. Arjun didn't fell disappointed. He trains in Willpower the lengthy and time consuming way. But his fate changes when he meets a poweful Dragon named 'Magneel' who is kind to Humans and gives his power to Arjun and trains him. Join the adventures of Arjun and Magmeel who together joins in an adventures along with the interesting new characters who will be introduced in the future.

VKSS1602 · Eastern
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1002 Chs


When Arjun read the entire content, he was full of emotions. Even after five minutes, he couldn't control his emotions at all. He thought that he was in some kind of illusion when he read the content. But no matter how much he tried, he knew that it was definitely not a dream. Whenever Arjun remembered all the contents he read, only one thought came to his mind.


Arjun felt as if he had hit the biggest jackpot of all time! Even though he was wary of the warning section, he was confident for controlling them. Is there a way to make Scrooge donate his money? There is no way. Is there a way to make Arjun stay away from dangers if he is going to gain an higher power? It is impossible.

Where there is a danger, there lies opportunity. Both danger asnd rewards coexist. Higher the danger, higher the reward's value. In the warning section, it was written that if he failed to control the Sins and Virtues, then his mind would be occupied by the cardinal Sins and Virtues.

But it doesn't mean that it was impossible. Arjun was confident in controlling his desires very well. He wasn't afraid of it.

In the Seven Cardinal Virtue, Arjun started to give a meticulous thoughts. Chastity would help Arjun from breaking free from any illusions. Temperance has the ability to make Arjun calm down from making any Impulse decisions. Charity would help him increase his Soul Depth in exchange for sharing knowledge. Diligence would help him to find a way out of the hopeless situation. Even though he didn't know how, Arjun has some ideas regarding this virtue. Patience would help him increase his Will Depth. He didn't know how it helps him increase his Will Depth. But he was sure that he can figure it out someday.

But none of the above five are as insane as the next two. Virtue of Kindness would actually produce Divine Essence! All he needed is to attract others faith within his ability. Then the Divine Essence would form automatically.

What exactly that means? He can form an organisation like the Church of different sovereigns from now itself if he wanted to. But he was sure that he won't. Creating Church is not his style. He knew how to put this ability to good use.

But the Virtue of Humility is definitely heaven defying ability. It can convert any Negative Divine Essence into Positive Divine Essence! If the Sovereign knew that Arjun could convert the Negative Divine Essence into Positive Divine Essence, then he would be silently abducted and turned into their free labour. After all, his Virtue of Humility is like a duck that can lay golden eggs! The Sovereigns would do whatever they could to get him.

This ability should not be exposed at any cost!

Arjun made up his decision. He didn't know what exactly the Divine Essence is. But he will definity uncover it's mystery. On top of that, he had to help gather Divine Essence for all his family as well. After all, he had to help them grow strong. This was his responsibility.

After thinking about the Cardinal Virtues, Arjun then looked at the Cardinal Sins and their individual abilities. Sin of Pride would actually double his power for five minutes. That means, right now, he could fight against the initial stage of the third awakening stage experts. But when he activated the Sin of Pride, he can jump levels and fight against furthur stronger enemies for five minutes! This was truly ridiculous.

Gluttony has the power to Devour things. It can even Devour Poisons and any harmful substances. This is an useful ability.

Right now he needed the ability of Wrath more than anything else. In their committee, their military strength has dropped to 20% of it's original power. At this time, with the help of Sin of Wrath, he could temporarily increase all his soldier's Strength, Stamina and Power two folds! Even though it has the duration of five minutes, even though his allies would be weak state after five seven days duration, if it is used wisely, then Arjun was sure that it will pull them out of some desparate situation.

The Sin of Envy is kind of funny ability. It will make all his enemies to fight against their own allies. This is definitely very useful ability in a large scale war, where it can decrease the strength of his opponents by a large margin.

The Sin of Greed is another funny ability. It can help Arjun steal other's personal things. These personal things might be some family treasures, cultivation manual, or even the Spirit Stones as well. Arjun was sure that it will help him to increase his future Pavilion's wealth.

And the Sin of Sloth would put all his enemies to sleep. This is another useful ability in the upcoming war for sure.

Arjun gave it a serious thinking. He won't be careless in these kind of situations. After thinking for a while, he understood some things. The Cardinal Virtues would mainly useful in personal development. While the Cardinal Sins' usefulness lied in the middle of the war. And both of their usefulness is going to show huge impact.

Especially he liked the Virtue of Kindness and the Virtue of Humility. They maninly dealt with the Divine Essence. Thia will be a huge harvest for his future.

But all the abilities of the Cardinal Sins are very useful for him. Especially when his committee is forced to participate in a large scale continuous wars. If their small committee could defeat a City, then another big city would find them. Even if they managed to defeat that enemy, they had to face another giant enemy's army. Their City's military strength was dropped by 80% in an instant. So, no matter what, huge amount of people would try to capture their city.

At that time, his Cardinal Sins' abilities would definitely help him. There is no doubt about it. And he would personally lead army in the future. And in order to be prepared, he need to understand all the Virtues and Sins very thoroughly.

After thoroughly understanding the concept of Cardinal Virtues and Cardinal Sins, Arjun felt that his hard work for his attempt to open the door of his Mind Palace was definitely came into fruition. He definitely rated this Origin Art highly.

Arjun took a deep breath. He calmed himself down from his excitement. Only after calming himself down, he started to think about the next step. And next step was very easy.

He flipped the Manual's next page and looked at the procedure to master this Origin Art.