
Force empowerment

"I'll go back to the dormitory now" Glyne said

"Why don't you just do more tasks?" Charlotte then asked

"Im just tired but starting tomorrow until the academy hasn't start we will do tasks" Glyne then left

As Glyne was walking towards the royal building someone called to him from behind, so he immediately turn behind to see the man that he fought at the training grounds

"What do you want?" Glyne asked frowning

"What's with that look, you don't need to be angry to me im not here to annoy you or anything, im just here so i can offer you something" he said

"What is it?"

"Do you want to join a hunting mission? It pays well"

Glyne was immediately intrigued by the word pays, knowing that he will need some money in some time

"I would like to but is this approved by the academy?" Glyne asked in case it wasn't allowed

"Of course it's approved, in here it's easy for the high authorities to know activities that hasn't been approved"

"Then I'll join after all of short on money"

When Glyne agreed to join the man smiles knowing that the mission will be easy with Glyne

"Oh i forgot to introduce myself, im Riam"

"Im Glyne"

After introducing their selfs Glyne head back to his dormitory again and Riam went to his dormitory too

When Glyne arrive back to his dormitory he started doing his mana expansion and he did this for the entire day.

The next day, Charlotte knocked to Glyne's room and Glyne immediately answers telling her that he will soon go out to do tasks with her

And a few minutes later Glyne opened his room's door and when Charlotte saw him she was a bit shocked

Glyne's body now have muscles and Charlotte also felt that his aura have become different so she asked him "what happened to you? You're so different now"

"It's nothing i just did some extreme training"

"Oh alright then let's go to the performance building"

Little to what Charlotte knew Glyne actually casted a forbidden spell called 'force empowerment' a spell that made someone's body to undergo a huge power change but at the cost of getting tortured by the magic that's forcing his change and on top of that if he wasn't able to endure it the change will stop and disappear

When they arrive at the performance building Charlotte immediately took a task without even questioning Glyne but he wasn't concerned or anything

"The task this time is hunting a thunder bird, this is gonna be quite challenging since it's a flying monsters" Charlotte said

Glyne didn't say anything, making Charlotte confuse to his attitude now so she asked him if there's a problem "do you have a problem?" She said in a worried tone

"Nothing really i just wasn't able to sleep for long only an hour" Glyne said in a low voice completely out of energy

Charlotte immediately asked him why did he only slept for an hour, she also tried to convince Glyne to go back at the dormitory but all she get was a single sentence "don't worry about it"

"What do you mean?! You can collapse at any moment now go back at the dormitory we will just do the task tomorrow" Charlotte said

Glyne pondered for a while before deciding to go back to the dormitory all because Charlotte keep saying that he needs to rest

When Glyne arrive at the dormitory he immediately went to sleep for the entire day.

The next day, Glyne was back to his normal state so he told Charlotte that he can now do task like he usually do so he tried to persuade Charlotte into doing tasks and when Charlotte heard it she immediately accepted it

Charlotte and Glyne then goes to the performance building to get a task and when they arrive at performance the receptionist greets them before asking if they will take a task

Charlotte nodded and when the receptionist saw it she clicks the device for them to choose a task and after a few moments they have decided to have the task 'Crystals golems subjugation' because it has been causing problems in the altrane academy whenever students tried to explore the area more

"This will be our chance to explore a bit you know" Charlotte said

"Yeah you're right, i also want to know more about the surrounding here" Glyne agreed

After that they immediately went towards the place where the Crystal golems often appears, the Gargalon forest, a place where caves are everywhere making it a proper place for monsters to reside

A few minutes later they easily arrive at the Gargalon forest because of Glyne's wind boost magic

"Be careful Glyne, monsters in this area are a lot so getting attacked by other monsters from behind can often happen" Charlotte warned


Glyne was unfazed by the warning only taking it as a increase difficulty that's not a problem for him, they then went deeper into the forest to find Crystal golems but after half an hour they only found other monsters

"This is gonna be longer than i thought" Charlotte said

"Yeah you're right and it's also quite annoying to fight every minute"

"Well at least the monsters are not that strong"

An hour later they finally found a Crystal golem giving them relief that their task can be done much quicker

"Let's go now" Charlotte said before rushing towards the Crystal golem

"Stone chains" Glyne immediately casted earth magic when Charlotte came running straight to the Crystal golem

Stones around the Crystal golem started shaping into chains and when the crystal golem noticed this it suddenly saw Charlotte

The Crystal golem raised it's fist to try to punch Charlotte but the stone chains now came straight to it's fists and legs immobilizing it from moving

"Three gleaming slash" Charlotte leap towards the Crystal golem and used her technique, cutting the crystal golem's arms

"How's that!" Charlotte said infuriating the Crystal golem

The golem became enrage and tried to destroy the stone chains using brute force and when Charlotte notice this she tried attacking it again but Crystal golem was able to destroy the stone chains before Charlotte can attack

The Crystal golem then tries to kick Charlotte and when Charlotte saw it she immediately dodge it but she was scratched

"I can't believe it still have this much strength even after getting it's arms slice" Charlotte said in her thoughts

While Charlotte is in her thoughts the crystal golem attacks her again but this time Glyne blocked the attack using his magic

"Charlotte stop being lost in your thoughts and attack the golem" Glyne shouted making Charlotte realize that she is still at a battle