Opening his eyes, Akihiko who didn't get a wink of sleep smashed his alarm clock. Today was a very special day, it was the start of the tournament.
Akihiko didn't get any sleep because of the pure excitement he had for playing. Akihiko then proceeded to go to the bathroom for a very cold bath.
'Hopefully, this will wake me up.' Akihiko thought as he slowly entered the tub.
Minutes later, Akihiko rushed out of there as he changed into his uniform. What he wore was his school's warm up suit. The final color scheme consisted of it being a mix of white and purple.
Akihiko then proceeded to eat his breakfast as he began to set out for the tournament.
"Have a good one, young master!" Charles said as he waved goodbye at Akihiko
"Un" Akihiko nodded
Akihiko then got out of the car as he saw the bus that his team was going to ride. He first went to the gym for a short briefing.
On the way there, he was met by his other teammate as Mike said
"Hey hey, it look's like you didn't even get a wink of sleep."
Mike saw Akihiko's small eyebags as he proceeded to tease him for a bit.
"Yup, I'm very excited so I didn't manage to sleep." Akihiko replied with a wry smile on his face.
As the two walked they also ran into Nash and Jason. The two had a similar state to Akihiko as Mike said
"You guys too?"
The two then replied blandly
The four went into the gym as they waited for Alexandra's announcement.
Seconds later....
Everyone in Akihiko's team was finally here as William walked up to Akihiko and greeted him
"What's up?"
Akihiko then replied
"Good, how about you?"
William then got into a deep thinking state as he replied in the most focused voice ever
Akihiko had a tick mark on his face as he heard his friend's reply. But he then heard Alexandra's voice so he started to listen.
"Alright everyone, today is officially the start of the tournament. Raise up your heads and see what you're representing. Blackstone Academy represents power, show the opposition what you're capable of. We're aiming for the championship. Lastly, don't forget to have fun"
Everyone then replied
"Yes Coach!"
"Now line up and get to the bus, the captain will be in front." Alexandra said
Everyone on the team then went behind Akihiko as they formed a straight line. Beside Akihiko was Alexandra as Alexandra proceeded to talk to him.
"Look Aki, the dean expects great results so don't disappoint. As the captain and the ace of team, do your best. But don't underestimate your opponents. Also, try to conserve your stamina. I doubt anyone in the first rounds can make you go all out."
Akihiko listened to Alexandra's reminders as they headed out for the bus. The middle school's grounds were filled with luxury busses as each student overlooked their school's athletes. The ones with the most popularity were the basketball team as they practically plagued the bus meant for them.
Some carried banners cheering for the team.
"Do your best!" the students cheered for the athletes.
Seeing the line approaching, everyone moved out of the way as Akihiko and the others went inside the bus. Akihiko was seated in the front, beside him was Alexandra. The interior of the bus was very well decorated as there was a table in front of every seat. Some were arranged to have two seats directed at each other, a table was in the middle of them.
For normal people, they would be overwhelmed at what was contained in the bus, but for the rich kids at Blackstone Academy...
They were already used to this kind of luxury.
Minutes later...
The bus finally started to move.
Akihiko who was in the window seat admired the view. Alexandra took off her glasses as she relaxed on her seat. Akihiko didn't want to disturb her so he didn't start a conversation. Overall, the atmosphere in the front of the bus was very serene and calm.
Meanwhile in the back of the bus...
Screams of despair were heard as Jason who was holding William in place, was being tickled by Mike. Henry and Nash laughed as the other guys looked at them with speechless expressions.
"Please Sto-p-p!"
"I beg you!"
"Aki, Help!"
William's cries were heard as Mike proceeded to tickle him harder.
Seconds later, William slumped to the seat as he breathed heavily
*Huff* *Huff* *Huff*
Henry who was seated beside Nash then said,
"What would you guys like to watch on the television?"
"Shrek" Jason replied
"The bee movie" Nash and Mike said
The relationship between everyone on the team was harmonious. Throughout the months they spent together, they were able to sort out their differences. Henry then saw William who was still not replying so he asked
"How about you William?"
"Shrek" William replied, still tired at what happened to him.
"Since it's 2-2, let's watch something Akihiko recommended to me."
They were intrigued since Akihiko was japanese so this was going to be something entirely different
"He recommended me an anime called Boku no Pico. Heck, he even gave me a USB for it."
Henry threw the USB at Mike, who catched it easily as he plugged it in the TV. Little did they know, Akihiko was messing with them.
Meanwhile in the front of the bus...
Akihiko leaned to the window as he admired the view. But suddenly he felt something hit his shoulders. He then turned his head to his left as he saw Alexandra's head on his shoulder. She was sleeping peacefully as Akihiko looked at her.
Akihiko had a small smile on his face as he muttered
"Well, this seems like a good time to get some shut eye."
Akihiko began to close his eyes as he drifted away to sleep.
Unconciously, Akihiko leaned towards Alexandra.