

And then they go to the supermarket to buy a food and stack up some to the fridge. Jupiter buys so much food because he wants to rule the possibility that they can get stuck somewhere, dungeon or secret realm. Jupiter wants to stock up so much food that it can last them, at least 300 years.

But that's not all before they go out to the heavenly mountain scroll, Jupiter killed so many beasts in there and it is in his space space, then Jupiter brings it in the food that they did buy in the space ring. And Ling is curious about the food they brought, and Ling questions Jupiter, "why did you stock up so much food?"

And Jupiter replies, saying "you know when you want a food you can get it faster," and Ling replies to Jupiter "you have so much hidden food, more than what I have!!!" and Ling laughs "hahaha what!? I know why your hidden food is so little because it is already in your stomach hahaha."

And star laughing at him too, "hahaha you are fat hahaha," then Ling annoyed by them "this is not fat! this is muscle!" and then they go back to the house of Jupiter and celebrate till late night. Then a sudden dungeon crack appeared in the middle of the courtyard.

And when came a morning, star saw it and immediately ran toward Jupiter's room and woke up Jupiter while saying "there is a dungeon in the courtyard! There is a dungeon in the courtyard!!" and Jupiter shocked about what he heard.

He ran to the courtyard and he saw it, but he didn't panic instead he calmed down and assessed why did a dungeon suddenly open in their courtyard. And Ling rushed to where Jupiter and star are, and said "why did a dungeon appeared here?!"

Jupiter said to Ling "I don't know but we need to take care of it before it becomes serious," and Ling replied "okay, but we need to prepare ourselves before we go in that dungeon." Then Jupiter said "then prepare what you must prepare and I prepare what I need and meet here around noon."

And it's already noon, Jupiter already in front of the dungeon with star. And star spoke to Jupiter, saying "are you not bringing me too?" Jupiter replied "no, it's dangerous; you need to stay here, and you know, you need to guard the house so that no one's gonna steal, okay?"

Star nodded his head and said "okay brother I'm gonna protect our home and here Coco! With me," and Jupiter smiled and said "what a good kid." Ling appeared "let's go I'm ready to go in the dungeon!" then they started to walk toward the dungeon.

Then they are already inside the dungeon and Ling said "this dungeon is full of monsters, and Jupiter be careful there are a lot of monsters here." Jupiter replied "what are you saying?" Jupiter encountered already a monster and killed it. Ling was shocked by what he saw and said "never mind, do what you want."

Then they start to explore the dungeon, and when they are in the middle of the dungeon, there is suddenly a swarm of monsters running toward them. Jupiter and Ling saw that, and Ling said "let's run Jupiter!" Jupiter replied, "why do you need to run?"

And Jupiter prepared to attack with his technique and said to Ling "step aside Ling," then Jupiter finished preparing the technique and shouted "second form of the fist of destruction, rain of meteor fist," then a lot of meteor-looking fists appeared, hitting the monsters and leaving them not to leave alive.

The surrounding is also got destroyed by Jupiter's fist techniques. Ling said "your fist techniques are awesome!! Who taught you that?" and Jupiter replied "it's a secret. Hays, I can't control my power yet, I can't lower my power anymore... I want to just kill them not to destroy the surrounding."

Jupiter sighed, and Ling was shocked about what he heard and asked Jupiter "that's not your full power?! How strong are you now?" and Jupiter replied to Ling "hmm.. I do seal my power so that it can match the same as yours, but I'm still stronger than you even though I sealed my power at the same level as yours."

Ling gets mad at Jupiter "why did you seal your power and match my power? How strong are you Jupiter?" Jupiter replied "probably stronger than anyone in this world, that is someone told me and said to seal my power before I go out of training and meet you."

And Ling gave up asking questions to Jupiter, getting confident that they can clear the dungeon faster. Jupiter saw shining stuff when he killed the monsters, so he picked them up. Among them, he picked up a sword, having a feeling that the sword is for him, and he was looking for a sword anyway.

So Jupiter decided that this sword is his from now on. Ling helped them pick up the treasure for Jupiter, and Ling saw a technique, turtle breathing technique, and said to Jupiter, "can you give me this? Plss, plsss, I want this. If you give this to me, I will help you pick up the treasure until we go out of this dungeon plsss..." while hugging Jupiter's legs.

Jupiter replied, "okay okay, I will give it to you, so stop hugging my legs!! And you will pick up the treasure from now on!" and Ling agreed to Jupiter, and they continued their journey in the dungeon.

And they see already the dungeon boss, Ling excited about it because it's the first time to fight a dungeon boss. Ling said to Jupiter "let me fight it with me first before you kill it because I know that you would kill him instantly so pls let me go first okay?."

Jupiter smirked and said "go ahead I will look at the back so that you can fight it with your heart content, and when you need help just shout and ask for my help." then they entered the dungeon boss. They saw it, a huge fish with a body of a human.

Ling shouted "die, you monster" and attacked it with his might, but the monster did not get serious injury; instead, he got a bruise all over his body. Ling shouted, "Jupiter it's your turn!!!" And Jupiter punched it with his current power, then the huge fish with the human body received that punch in his body.

The boss monster didn't move, Ling asked questions to Jupiter why that thing not moving? And Jupiter answered because it's already dead, its organs shattered already. "What? That monster is already dead and you just punched it!?!?! What in the world is happening here?" Jupiter just laughed "hahaha."