
The God Of Cards

I opened my eyes up to the galaxy as I stood on nothing like it was solid ground. The cosmos really was something else when your like this. So many stars and so many thing unknown.

"Well hello there," The sound of a elderly gentlemen said as he approached.

"Welcome to my domain. You might not know this but you died young man." He said waving his hand showing a scene were my body laid dead under a...

"Wait, I died to a falling piano." I almost screamed but it turned into a laugh. I was actually laughing about my own death.

"Afraid so. But as always people who die get to live another life if they choose. But of course that'd depends on the god." The old man said looking at me head to toe.

"What I couldn't afford anything nice to wear. I don't even remember dying really." I said looking at myself in sweat pants and blue hoodie.

"Well that wont matter much longer. I am here to take you to my domain if you would like." He said as the space seemed to wrap itself in turning into a old fancy house with comfortable couches and cups of tea on a silver tray.

"Please do take a seat." He said while he poured himself a cup of tea.

"Okay." I said as I sat down onto the victorian styled couch.

"Okay to business now shall we. You see I am the god of cards, my worlds focuses on magic and spells in so said cards." He said while he took a sip of tea.

"So you mean magic and hero's are all real in your world." I said pouring myself a glass of tea like this was normal.

"Magic yes. Hero's are a different story. You see in my world these cards grow in strength as their owners do. The magic the person has is used with the cards to cast spells and create even whole armies if their strong enough." He said as I looked around a little.

"So why is it that I'm getting this so said next life." I said thinking about how people had died since the beginning of time itself so wouldn't they have memories of their past lives.

"Well you can always choose to go to heaven and spend eternity doing whatever or you can try again with a little more favor from god." He said grinning the smallest bit.

"Okay then so how will I come to this world and learn everything." I ask him directly thinking of any loose ends that could effect me in this new life.

"Will you will be born into a noble family of low regard so you don't have to live a life of working everyday again like your last one. The you won't really enter until your six years of age and during that time I will give you some information of the world." He said taking another sip of tea.

"Wait why six years." I asked quickly.

"Well do you want to go through the embarrassment of being a baby again. Plus you can still watch the boy grow." He said calmly like this happened everyday of his life.

"Okay but why a family of low regard." I ask.

"Well that's a little more complex but I will try to simplify it. You see this family was once a strong one eighty years ago, but when their king died they tried to seize the throne." He said and I didn't like where this was going.

"Well they failed to capture it and every other noble dedicated their power to crushing the family until they gave up all their land and power. Now this family has a small castle near the border of dragons dale the next store empire. The family has become weak and a sickness in the mind of emotion has effected them. So the reason your going there is because for one, Their history will be important one day. Two is that the border has many bandits and rogues from the armies and you will learn to fight by fighting them." He said before stopping to look at the door.

"Something wrong I asked." As he stared at the door.

"Nothing at all something just caught my attention someplace else." He said warily.

"Anyways I will not grant you anything overpowered or help you in your battles. You will trail your own path without my help. But I will want to talk from time to time. Also some other gods might take interest you so be careful." As he said those finale words I seemed to fall asleep and watched the years roll by.

My father named Hellsing who held no title anymore left home all the time almost never staying for more than a night and leaving for weeks. My mother however spent her time teaching me or rather the body I was watching from afar. Then of course there was my older sister who was only two years older who always seemed to be doing something random. But last and not least was my older brother, the worst of them all by far. He was five years older but because his blood was not pure in the family and mine was I would be first in line.

Twice had he tried to kill me, but god really wasn't kidding when he said other gods would take a interest in me. He has placed a snake in my bed when I was five one night but a card appeared and turned into a small demon. The demon killed the snake and even cleaned the mess up before returning to its card form and disappearing.

Just as I was about to turn six the very night before the someone came walking into the space I was watching from.

"Tonight you must choose a soul card." She said as she stepped before me.

"I already chosen." I said in Return.

During my time here I had learned many things about this world. Soul cards were what made the person so said. They where they first card they would get and it was implanted into their very soul. The card would be a kind of guardian as its power would only increase if its holder did. The card would protect you and there were many to choose from. furthermore the card was you in way as it was what would define many of your aspects. But I had chosen what I was told by three other gods was useless but still kept it.

"You now that card will only bring you pain." She said looking at me.

"Not everything has to be pain you know. Some things are just miss understood. And if death herself came do you think she represented only evil and death. As death is not always evil but sometimes a kindness. I said as I looked at the card that floated before me now.

Name- Fallen angel of hell.

Power level- 10/~

God Favor-None

Effects and story.

A being so evil even hell threw her out. She is forsaken by all gods and demons. Grants her owner the robe of life and the sword of death. She can only be summoned when the owner has lost fifty percent of his life. His life can alway be returned to him by the sword of death and the robe of life together.

"You know something. I think this life will be very fun." I say as a pool of light washes over me and I see the world through the boys eyes. But it's not his. These my are my hands and my legs. I have much to do indeed.


The cover is my own as I have made it. If you want a cover for a book on this site for free comment and I will work on one for you if you would like one.