
Chapter 2 Beauty's invitation

All day long, Zhang Yanjiang was staring at the textbook, seemingly studying seriously, but in fact, he did not know what he was thinking."Finally school is over, everybody fuck, fuck those motherfuckers!" As soon as school was over, Zhang Yanjiang heard someone behind the classroomYelling."Big Mouth Yang, hurry up, don't pit us again today." The fat man stood up excitedly and threw his book on the table"She said."Oh, Joe, you are the great God, you want to lead us!" A sister smiled to Georg, a gentle way."Don't be afraid, I take the transmission, support you at any time, everyone hear it, who the fuck pit again, give me out of the battle team!"Joe brother waved his big hand and said majestically.Zhang Yanjiang finished his books and was about to leave, but was held back by Li Yong, Li Yong was scared by Qiao brother's words, and said: "Zhang Yanjiang,Why don't you help me? I'm afraid Joe will beat me up."Hearing Li Yong's words, he was momentarily stunned, in his memory, no one knew that he would play the League of Legends!Was about to explain, Zhi LAN suddenly said: "Zhang Yanjiang will not play games, you don't bring bad Zhang Yanjiang!""Zhi LAN goddess, you have been so protective Zhang Yanjiang all day, is not interesting to him ah." Li Yong ambiguous said.Zhi LAN bowed his head, put textbooks into the desk, his mouth said: "Nonsense.""What is the bad Zhang Yanjiang, now the League of Legends is a national game, hundreds of millions of fans are looking for Wolf warriors, that is our hero!" A sister jealous to Zhi LAN said, Zhi LAN beauty, family, results, everything is better than her, which makes a sister jealous crazy.Zhi LAN heard the slander in the words, but as everyone boudoir, she just looked back at a glance, got up and left the classroom.Joe is one of the admirers of Zhi LAN, feel Zhi LAN favoritism Zhang Yanjiang, the excellent Zhang Yanjiang is unhappy, at this time more dissatisfied, sarcastic: "a nerd, can play what league of Legends, play super Mary on the line!"Zhang Yanjiang did not speak, Li Yong face slightly embarrassed, patted Zhang Yanjiang on the shoulder, said: "Zhang Yanjiang, you go home, Joe brother on this temper, don't mind."Joe elder brother native name Qiao Song, is one of several gangster leaders in the school, the family power is huge, Li Yong can not trouble, Zhang Yanjiang more can not trouble.Li Yong said this is purposeful, that is, let Zhang Yanjiang dont make trouble, good results cant be a meal, strength, is the most fundamental thing.Zhang Yanjiang is the class and the whole school are famous three good students, his face is always hanging a polite warm smile, he is like an ordinary ordinary boy.However, at this time, Zhang Yanjiang's aura has taken place three hundred and sixty degrees of amazing change, indifference, deep bone marrow indifference, he looked back at Qiaosong a glance, the eyes like snakes, let Qiaosong could not help but play a chill."Shit, you're not convinced?" Qiao Song seemed to be angry at his unexplained weakness and glared at Zhang Yanjiang with a louder voice."Zhang Yanjiang, don't make trouble..." Fat man pulled Zhang Yanjiang's feet, and then smiled to Qiao Song: "Qiao brother, what fire, go, brother several wank!"Li Yong echoed a few words, smiling and encouraging Qiaosong, a few people soon left the classroom, leaving, Li Yong and fat people gave Zhang Yanjiang a wink, let him not to speak.Zhang Yanjiang's eyes make Li Yong and Fat man feel cold, they always feel that Zhang Yanjiang is not right today, this is really the Zhang Yanjiang they know?Zhang Yanjiang did not send a word, watching Li Yong several people leave, Li Yong and fat man's protection let his heart gush a warm stream, but what is this, for a man, what is the difference with cowardice!Zhang Yanjiang thought of here, and thought of Zhi LAN butterfly figure and piano as pleasant voice, inexplicable in the heart of a colic.Power, everything is power...'Beautiful! At this time, in a corner of the classroom, a classmate was holding an Iphone, which was also playing the video of Wolf Warrior versus faker...Leaving the school, Zhang Yanjiang walked home alone, he used to be alone, like a lone Wolf in the Arctic wilderness.As I was walking, I suddenly heard someone calling me."Want to play a game, handsome?" Speaking is a young girl, young girl only 17 or 18 years old, white skin, red lips attractive, wearing a red lace low dress, black miniskirt, is a lovely girl little beauty.Looking up, he found himself standing under a huge game poster, with a row of big words on the screen: "Emperor Network Club Hero League Competition!"The poster, which is large and supported on an iron frame, depicts the adventurer ez Ezarel with the words, "It's time to show real technology!"Zhang Yanjiang's heart slightly moved, hesitated for a moment, but shook his head: "Sorry, I want to go home."The girl beauty looked at the words and heard that he would play the League of Legends, and the voice begged: "Handsome boy, help me, ah, we have a teammate who can't come tonight, you can't help a down?""No, I have to get home on time." He still shook his head.The girl gritted her teeth and said, "Well, if we take the championship, the bonus points you half!""How much bonus?""Ten thousand!

The huge bonus let his face suddenly calm down, he seldom plays games, his real strength is not known, he has excellent academic performance, even if he went to the Internet cafe, others also think he is looking up information on the Internet, which also let him hide all the people!However, Zhang Yanjiang's terrible game talent can not hide from a person, his mother Zeng Xiuying!Zhang Yanjiang's father died very early, how the father died he knows, play the game gambling dead!And Zhang Yanjiang's father is the king of esports, Zhang Long!After a mysterious solo battle, Zhang Long lost all his family wealth and committed suicide by jumping from a building. After Zhang Long committed suicide, his wife and children disappeared without knowing where to go, disappearing into the field of vision of the media and being gradually forgotten by the world.Although Zhang Yanjiang's game talent is more terrible than his father, Zeng Xiuying strictly forbade him to play games, which is why he has been afraid to open the game.However, seeing that the next semester is coming, the huge tuition fees make this single parent family bear great pressure, and today Zhang Yanjiang is under too much pressure, at this time, he made a decision against his mother's will."Yes, let's go."Zhang

Yanjiang smiled at the girl.The girl beauty is delighted, the heart concluded that the other side is a league of legends veteran, hurriedly lead the way in front, one side: "What is your name, I call Lu Xiaofang, Ai Feng team vice captain.""Zhang Yanjiang."Zhang Yanjiang replied."What position are you good at, you still need a support in the team."Lu Xiaofang's implication is that he wants to play support."Just support, any position is fine."Zhang Yanjiang smiled.Lu Xiaofang froze for a moment, originally thought the other side was very strong, but listen to this sentence is not right, what position can be?Big gods are from a position to play, no good position, that is not in the hole buried teammates?The latter suddenly lost some confidence, in case of finding a bronze slag, today's game is over, she will be washed by the other three teammates."What segment are you in?"Lu Xiaofang asked cautiously."No sections..."Zhang Yanjiang word almost put the latter gas fainted."You...youYou..."Lu Xiaofang slender fingers poke Zhang Yanjiang, half a day did not hold out a word."Xiao Fang, has little snow come yet?"At this time, a mature female voice came from not far away.Speaking, Zhang Yanjiang has gone to the Internet cafe inside, the king network club area is very large, there are more than two thousand square meters, Internet cafes crowded, noisy, I am afraid that there are more than one thousand people to participate in the competition, the center of the Internet cafe has also built a small stage, standing above a cheongsam host, accompanied by a five-person referee group,The Internet cafe has been specially divided off the competition area, the full 100 participating teams are seated.Lu Xiaofang looked sad, said: "Snow can not come tonight, find a passer-by, pit everyone don't blame me!"Zhang Yanjiang looked towards the speaker and found that this team was actually the legendary detachment of women!Except for the team member who did not come, the other several people are all beautiful girls, more funny is that several girls dressed exactly the same, shoulder-length hair, red lace low-cut dress, black minisskirts, attractive legs are exposed to the air.Zhang Yanjiang looked at three beauties at the same time, beauty is also looking at Zhang Yanjiang."Yo, is a handsome boy, do not know the level of what?"A beautiful woman with red frames glanced at him and quipped."I hope so."Next to him, another beautiful woman looked at him and said."Stop talking and sit down. The game is about to begin."The center of the three people, a steady posture, serious face of the beauty said.Lu Xiaofang brought Zhang Yanjiang to an empty position, Zhang Yanjiang's position at the very edge, next to Lu Xiaofang."Let me introduce you, this is our Ai Feng team leader, Zhou Qian, medium unit, strength platinum five."Lu Xiaofang first pointed to the steady beauty of Zhang Yanjiang introduced,"This is He Yuqing, gold one,order."Lu Xiaofang also introduced the beauty with red glasses frame."And she, golden three, playing wild, Yuan Qiao."Finally, Lu Xiaofang introduced the beautiful woman who was not optimistic about Zhang Yanjiang.Lu Xiaofang just said, glasses beauty said: "Hurry to introduce him.""His name is Zhang Yanjiang, and he's good at...MMHHHMMM...support."Lu Xiaofang hesitated, slightly embarrassed."What segment?"Yuan Qiao goes straight to the point."Segment?...It's gold!"Lu Xiaofang did not wait for Zhang Yanjiang to speak, and then took Zhang Yanjiang to sit down and whispered, "Don't tell them you are bronze!"I am the adc of the squadron, don't be afraid, just stand behind me and follow my command, understand?"Zhang Yanjiang laughed at Lu Xiaofang, secret way of the latter is afraid of his drag, just deliberately say the words.Zhang Yanjiang nodded politely and gave a sound."Players, guests, welcome to the Emperor Network club, tonight, we will present you an exciting League of Legends competition, the rules of the game everyone understand, I will not say more, dear summoners, it is time to show the real technology!"Cheongsam beauty in the center of the stage with coquey voice said, the voice is very persuasive, the audience applause."Here are the qualifiers, one set to win!Please pay attention to the competitors, it is one round!"The host soon announced the start of the game.On this side, Zhang Yanjiang has also entered the game interface, the regular game is to enter the special suit, the hero and rune page are the highest configuration, he used a very fast speed with four sets of runes."Zhang Yanjiang, is the rune belt ready?It's about to begin."Zhou Qian, the captain, reminded him on the side."All right."Lu Xiaofang looked at the latter, secretly surprised, so fast?Why don't you see his card?"Ai Feng team, are you ready?"Not far away, a referee man asked Zhou Qian.'That's enough!"Okay, your opponents are the Promise Team, and now the game begins!"The referee gave the order."Keng!"A crisp sword sound sounded, and the game interface transferred to the interface of choosing heroes.It's two captains taking turns disabling heroes.Zhou Qian's face is serious, this high-end game, the disabled hero link is extremely critical, once the opponent's best hero is banned, it will destroy a strong hero of the opponent in advance, earn a big bargain, you know, a skilled hero can lead the team to victory!Zhou Qian first disables the hero and bans the Lee sin.The Promise Clan is also taking great care to ban the KatarinaThen, Zhou Qian banned the Shyvana and the Rengar, and the opponent banned the zed and the Twisted Fate.Zhang Yanjiang just took a look at it, and already had a clear judgment that Ai Feng is not the opponent of the promise!The captain of the promise ban is Katarina, zed, and Twisted Fate, one is a group war of terror killer, one is a crispy nightmare, and one is a support ability of terror card master, from this point it can be seen that the promise team of players are very strong, otherwise it will not ban group war heroes and support heroes!And Ai Feng here ban is playing wild, strong play wild Lee sin, developmental play wild Rengar and Shyvana, Zhang Yanjiang can see, Ai Feng afraid of gank!This just shows that Ai Feng's strength is very weak!"Zhang Yanjiang, it's your turn to choose the hero!"Lu Xiaofang's voice rang in Zhang Yanjiang's ear.Zhang Yanjiang looked, the five heroes of the opponent have been selected, respectively, are the Ahri, Rivan, Alistar and Vayne.And the Eifeng clan chose the LeBlanc, the Renekton, the Fiddlesticks, and a MissFortune.Now he's the only one left."The other side is Alistar and vn, Zhang Yanjiang, I need a hero to protect me, I do not move."Lu Xiaofang looked to Zhang Yanjiang for help.Zhang Yanjiang thought about it and hit the Vayne."No, no, it's too brittle!"He hit the Leona again."No, no, you don't move, you will be killed by vn."Helpless, he chose Braum, and there is displacement and meat, this line of it!"No, no, my hand is too short to use."Zhang Yanjiang was rejected again and again, and his temper came, and he said angrily, "What kind of support do you want, or you can choose it!""I..."Lu Xiaofang blushed and could not speak."You just let him choose."Captain Zhou Qian also can not see, in her view, Zhang Yanjiang's choice is right, the Janna's protection ability ranks first, the Leona'scontrol with the outbreak of the Miss Fortune is enough to seconds off vn, Braum set control, meat, output one, is also a very good hero.At this time Zhang Yanjiang is also too lazy to say more, the mouse refers to the first position in the hero list, there is a silver question mark Peugeot, random selection!Seeing this scene, the faces of Zhou Qian and Lu Xiaofang all changed.And he just clicked on it.With a sound of "Zheng", the hero is determined, the game countdown!Seeing the random hero, the four girls suddenly turned livid.Zhang Yanjiang's random is Fiora!