


Shyan_Mazumder · Sci-fi
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24 Chs


## Rephrased Story

**On May 16th, 100 A.W.E.**

**The Day Before the Event**

White is sitting in a café with Ren, and they are engaged in conversation.

**White:** "Nineteen hundred years ago, I was told I had only a hundred years to live, but I suppose my luck was great. I survived and became the world's biggest weapons creator."

**Ren:** "That is why you stayed away from me. You are a fool."

**White:** "I know, and I am sorry."

**At the Company's Headquarters:**

**S:** "The project has made us capable of anything. Our power and abilities have increased infinitely."

**Light:** "Yes, we need to explore our powers."

**A:** "Yeah, well, enjoy. I have to go meet my wife, or she is going to kill me."

**Red:** "Well, that's technically impossible."

**Blue:** "How are we going to distribute the nanites or the project?"

**Light:** "Buy everyone, of course. We just buy the leaders of every country or send Red."

**At the Air Force Base:**

A approaches a woman wearing a military jacket, hugs her from behind, and kisses her on the cheeks.

**A:** "I am sorry. I am late."

**Emily:** "You're late again."

**A:** "Yeah, I am sorry."

**Emily:** "Did it work?"

**A:** "Yes, it did."

**Emily:** "I am happy for you."

**Back at the Company's Headquarters:**

**S:** "Elenor, from now on, you're free. I have saved you. You're going to live a full life."

**Elenor:** "Sir."

**S:** "You're fired."

**Elenor:** "Yes, sir."

**That Night at Black's Tower:**

A party is underway.

**Blue:** "Why on earth is he throwing a party?"

**White:** "I have no clue whatsoever."

**A:** "What is he doing?"

S is on the second floor of the bar near the balcony.

**S:** "Everyone, party! Drinks on me! Eat, drink, and have fun!"

**Red:** "I love what he is saying, but what happened to him?"

S is wasted, and Red and White help him walk.

**Red:** "How is he wasted without drinking a single drop of alcohol?"

**A:** "I really don't want to ask, but what happened to him?"

**S:** "I did it. I saved someone."

S falls to the street, laughing, as a single tear rolls down his face.

**S:** "I saved the person I loved."


**On May 17th, 100 A.W.E.**

**The Day of the Event That Marked History**

S goes to his friend's memorial fountain, holding the captain's name tag.

**S:** "I kept my promise. I fulfilled my promise."

S is about to throw away the name tag but decides to keep it.

**S:** "I guess I'll keep it."

**At Black's Tower:**

**Sen:** "The world leaders are posing a problem."

**S:** "Just send Red. He will handle it."

A hand comes from behind S and hugs him.

**Elenor:** "Guess who?"

**S:** "What the hell are you doing here? I fired you."

**Elenor:** "Well, I don't accept that because I am free to do whatever I like because you love me."

**S:** "What are you talking about?"

Elenor kisses him.

**Elenor:** "I love you."

**At A's Tower:**

Someone comes to inform him of something.

**Jack:** "Sir, someone attacked White."

**A:** "White won't die; don't worry."

**Jack:** "The woman who was with White was shot in the head and is now dead."

A's face becomes serious.

**A:** "What did you say? Immediately call S, Red, and everyone now!"

**Two Hours Before the Event:**

White is walking down a street with Ren, who is smiling blissfully. Ren turns around.

**Ren:** "I love yo—"

A shot rings out from a rifle, striking Ren in the head.

White stands in shock, rushing to Ren's lifeless body and holding her. Enraged, White goes on a rampage, using his power, the King of the White Moon. Heavy rain begins to fall.

Red arrives to stop White.

**Red:** "White, stop! I don't want to hurt you."

White attacks at a speed that creates cracks in reality.

Red, unwillingly using his power, the strongest power in existence, the King of the Red Night, soaks his blade in blood. His crimson blade strikes White, sending him flying thousands of miles away in the blink of an eye. The entire world turns red. White swings his katana at Red, who catches it with his bare hands, but White slices the crimson blade, turning the world as plain as white and as red as blood. White disappears in the blink of an eye.

White appears at an ocean port. S arrives there.

**White:** "Do you remember when you said you couldn't swim? I said I'd always pull you through. I am sorry."

S and White fight, and S's blade is cut in half. Black pierces through White's heart, tears falling down his face.

**White:** "Thank you, my only friend."

White's body turns to ash and flows through S's body. The white katana stands firmly.

Red, Light, Blue, and A arrive.

**Light:** "Where is White?"

S opens his hands and lets the ash go.

S goes to White's house, for the first time takes a drink, and sits on the open balcony watching the sunset. Tears flow from his eyes. Blood tears stream down his face. Elenor, Red, and A arrive. Elenor and Red sit beside him while A stands and watches. S puts his head on Elenor's shoulder and continues to cry. Red and A watch silently, knowing there is nothing that can be said to comprehend his pain.


**On May 18th, 100 A.W.E.**

**The Day After the Event**

At White's funeral, his will is revealed, stating that all his money will go to charity and all his shares and property will go to S. With this, S now holds 40% of the company shares. White leaves S a letter, but S takes the letter home and starts drinking. Red follows him and sees he has burned the letter.

**Red:** "You didn't drink. Ever."

**S:** "I never had anything to forget. But what does it matter now? I can't get drunk thanks to the project."

S laughs as tears fill his eyes.

**In the Company's Conference Room:**

Blue enters the conference room and sees that S has slaughtered all the world leaders.

**Blue:** "Why did you kill them?"

**S:** "They were in the way. Now we have given everyone the project and saved everyone."

**At the Company's Tower:**

**Red:** "You are going a little overboard."

**A:** "I agree. Just take some time off."

**S:** "I am completely fine. If anything, I finally get what I am. I am the King of Kings. I have worn a mask trying to hide from that fact, but I understand now that no matter how much I try to hide, I will always be a monster."

**Light:** "You have to stop, or else?"

**S:** "Or what?"

**Blue:** "We will kill you."

**S:** "Ha! If you kill me, make sure you don't miss, or I will kill you."

**At 5 PM at A's House:**

Light walks in and sees Emily, A's wife.

**Emily:** "Who are you?"

Light uses his power. The most powerful power, the constellations, illuminates the sky, connecting through light. The power of everything in existence, even the King of Kings' power, can be wielded by Light. Light strikes Emily down.

**At S's Tower:**

Blue has killed everyone in the tower, including Sen, and everyone who knew S's name has been slaughtered. Everyone S had ever saved is dead. Blue fights Elenor outside of the tower and puts his sword through her heart. Red arrives but it is too late.

A goes to his house to find Emily near death.

**Emily:** "I am sorry to ask this of you, but I don't want to die like this. So please, kill me."

**A:** "Okay."

A cries.

**Emily:** "Thank you, and goodbye."

A kills Emily.

Red arrives to see S holding Elenor's dead body, and Red screams in anger.

S goes to meet Blue at the seaport.

**S:** "Tell me you didn't do it. Please tell me you didn't do it."

**Blue:** "I did."

S and Blue fight, moving so fast that they crack reality. Blue uses his power, going faster than anyone ever could. Blue throws S's black sword away and slices his eyes, but S's eyes turn white as he fights with White's katana. S nearly kills Blue and beats him to the ground but leaves him and turns around. Blue stabs him in the back.

**S:** "I have paid my debt of friendship."

S falls into the sea. As S's body sinks deeper, his life flashes before his eyes. Ashes escape from his body and reform. A voice echoes in his head.

**White:** "I kept my promise."

S emerges from the sea and sees A waiting for him.

**A calls Light.**

**A:** "Light, why did you do this?"

**Light:** "He was going insane. If he had been left as he was, he could have brought calamity. But I am surprised you're alive. You're stronger and more powerful than I thought; you really earned my recognition. Now Red will hunt me and Blue down to the ends of the world to avenge his best friend. So, goodbye."

**A:** "Don't worry about him; there is someone else you should be worried about."

**Light:** "Who is that?"

**A:** "The King of Kings."