
The King of Ghosts (Danny Phantom SI)

A young man finds himself in the body of Danny Phantom. He doesn't know how, he doesn't know why, and honestly he doesn't care. All he wants to do is live his new life to the fullest, and being a Hero is apart of that. But will he be able to handle the pressure when more gets thrown his way? Will he break? Or will everyone else? SI! Danny / Danny x Dani x Ember x Sam (SlowBurn)

XenonDark · TV
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13 Chs

Chapter 4: (Finale) Just 5 Minutes

The girl grabs my hand and begins dragging me out of the alley. The power physics here is really starting to confuse me. So now I can touch her? Why couldn't I before? I'm starting to think ghosts just make no fucking sense. As I contemplate this cartoon world and the laws that govern it, we make it to the edge of the street.

There's no crosswalk and we stop, which I find completely normal at first. But after looking back and forth a couple of times and not a single car passing, we were still standing there. I look down to see her staring at the street. She must be waiting for me to lead her across.

So I glance left and right one last time before I lead this time and take a step into the street. I feel her hand pass right through me. I take a look back to see her staring. Not taking her eyes off of the street. Her shivering starts back up and tears begin to slide down her cheeks. I notice that her it's not just the shaking this time. Her chest is rising up and down rapidly. Is she having a panic attack?

"Hey. Hey look at me. Look at me." I demand while taking a knee. Once again I try to place my hands on her shoulder but just like last time, I went right through her. She refuses to look at me and after a couple tries of waving my hand in front of her, I curse in frustration.

I take a deep breath and focus. I've been practicing with my powers a lot since the possession, and one of the progress points I've made is the focus required to activate my intangibility on specific parts of my body without needing to do it in bursts. At this point it's not second nature but it comes to me with much less fight. This time, I go to grab her shoulders, and let out a breath of relief when I feel the contact.

"Breath. You have to calm down and breathe." I say while giving her a little shake, which seems to be enough to have her finally match my sight. "You're name. What's your name?" I ask while trying to stay of focus. Her mouth moves up and down as she tries to speak.

"I don't know. I don't know my name." she responds. The realization seems to make her mental state worse. "I can't remember. Why can't I remember? I'm scared. I'm so scared. This is wrong. This is wrong!" she screams. And something else catches my attention. In the center of her chest, some purple appeared on her green form. Small and slow but noticeably spreading. What in the hell is that?

"It's okay!" I yell while forcing myself to focus. I can worry about all the weird shit later. Right now, there are more important things. I force the girl into my arms and squeeze. "I know, it's scary, but it'll be okay. My name is Danny. I'll help you remember your name. And if we can't, we'll give you a new one. Whatever happens, I'll help you. I promise."

And that's where we stay. For a full minute, maybe even two, I hold the dead girl in my arms as her sobs subside. Only when they are completely gone do I grab her hand and stand. There's something about the street that triggered her. But right now isn't the time to ask her about it.

"Now why don't we head to the park and have some fun kiddo?" I ask and I see her body tense. I give her little hand a squeeze of Reassurance. "Don't worry, while I'm here, nothing bad will happen. Trust me." I state. And while I can see that she's still scared, she lets me lead her across the street. Once we reach the sidewalk, it's like a switch flipped inside the brat, and she's all smiles.

"Hey mister, I get it, I'm adorable. But you promised not to be a creep. Couldn't even last 30 seconds huh?" the little shit says while looking out hands with a single eyebrow raised. You can't be serious. The moment she isn't freaking out she turns back into a menace?

"Whatever kid, you want to play on the swings?" I say while letting go. She doesn't even respect me enough to give me an answer. She runs to the swings before sitting down on one. I wait there for her to start swinging but she just sits there staring at me with an expectant look in her eyes. I roll my eyes before walking behind and begin to push.

"Weeeeee! C'mon old man, higher!" she laughs out while my eye begins to twitch again. Is there something wrong with her eyes?! I'm 14 dammit, I shouldn't have to already be going through this! Injustice is what it is! This is what I get for trying to be nice. Maybe I should turn into a villain!

"Oh you want higher kid? I'll give you higher!" I shout while repositioning a bit. Previously I was just one handing it, y'know for safety, like a bitch. We wouldn't want her to get hurt after all. But then I realized, the little asshole can float! In fact she doesn't have legs, she has a wispy ghost tail. What is she going to do? Fall?

"Whoooo! I'm sorry for calling you an old man before, I didn't realize you were a grandma. Put down your cane and use your back!" she yells with a smile. Which causes me to growl and start put all of my strength into it. Now I know what you're thinking. And yes I know, the goading wasn't even good, but I never said I was mature!

With one particular hard push, I use all of my strength and fling her ass. Unfortunately while she was at her apex, her butt left the seat and my eyes widen. She goes flying in a perfect arc and crosses the entire park.


I would be more worried, but her annoying, "Wheeeeeeeee!" didn't help me take the situation seriously. Nor did her giggles as she slowly floated down and back over. "Wow that was fun. You're stronger than you look Mister."

"Would you stop it with the 'Mister' already. I told you, my name is Danny." I tell my name again. After her meltdown, it seems she's had a complete reset. But that word is starting to grate on me.

"Oh yeah...Danny." she repeats as if tasting it on her tongue. "I guess I forgot. Teehee!"

"Don't 'Teehee' me brat!" I yell back. I can see that she was going to say something sassy in response, I mean, at this point it's her M.O., but before she could another kid pops up from behind me.

"Who are you talking to?" the boy asks innocently with big eyes. He's carrying a blanket over his shoulder that's dragging across the ground and wearing bright orange overalls. So they can't see her, like I thought. "It it a imaginary friend? I had one of those when I was kid." he then says with a smirk.

Okay, what the fuck is wrong with the children in this world?! Why are all of them little shits!? I make a shoo motion with my hands. "Get. Get. I have no time for another one. I already have my hands full with one."

"Haha he sounds grouchy but he's really a teddy bear. You can come play with us if you want!" the girl invites the boy. But instead of a response, the boy simply sticks his tongue out at me and runs to play with the other kids around. I sigh as I notice the dejected look on the girls face.

"Hey, don't worry about him. 3 is a crowd anyway. Let's use the seesaw next!" I say while pointing to the other end of the park. It was more empty on the other side. At first, a conflicted look came across her face, but after shaking her head she looked up with a smile and a nod.

And that's how we spent the night.

Honestly, all of my grumbling aside, it was a bit fun. I could tell the girl really needed a friend. Yeah she's a bit bossy and has absolutely no respect for her elders, but there's just something about children laughing that puts a person in a good mood. Y'know, unless you're a heartless monster.

I end up actually losing track of time and before I knew it, a quick check showed it to be 2AM. I look down at the kid within my arms who ended up falling asleep. During the time I've been playing with her, I completely forgot about the reason I decided to come out here. But I guess I shouldn't be disappointed about crime NOT happening.

I know I should wake her up, but she looks so peaceful. And my eyes, they feel so heavy. I mean, it wouldn't be so bad if I just closed them for a bit right. Just to let them rest, I'm in the middle of a park, even if this town is relatively safe on the mundane criminal scale, it's still a bad idea.

That's why I'm only resting them. That and feels good. So nice. Honestly, who even needs beds. This is the most comfortable I've ever been. Not enough to sleep of course. Because that would be dumb, and my will is strong enough to stop myself from making such a stupid mistake.

....Yes. When I get too close to the edge, I will stand and wake her up....just don't want to bother her right now. I'm not a monster....Alright. I guess I am a bit more sleep than I thought. I should leave and get home. Maybe even bring the brat with as well. Does she ahave anywhere to go?

....In 5 minutes...I'll get up in 5 more minutes........No questions asked............









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