
Flower Field

As to be expected some people resisted the change that was incurred on Divola, many Demons still believed that they are superior to any other race and many were still untitled to the Slaves they had, some even went as far as to try and kill them before they were saved by Ryo and His servants, the most ignorant group however were the Slave traders that demanded to be refunded for their lost slave and business, of course that worked in Ryo's favor, as every time someone comes to demand his refund, he just got his soldiers to arrest them, without having to actually search for them

Arshand [Things are going well my King, Some minorities are going against the change but no matter what we will upheld our honor and serve Babylon with pride]

Said Arshand the new governor of Divola as he bowed for his King

Ryo [Hmm, You bounced back quickly]

Arshand [The fact that you haven't Killed some of the former slave owners even though that you're an Elf yourself, showed me that you are compassionate King]

Ryo [Compassionate? hmmm, no that's the wrong term … "Reasonable" would be the correct one, I am well aware of your people's brainwashing and believes, that's why I came to change it, as my advisor once said "Change comes about time, Change is Not Instantaneous" however I don't tolerate villains, all of the former trade slavers that "Trained" their slaves shall be executed, and so will the former slave owners the abused their slaves or tried to kill them when I demanded them]

Arshand [I shall see that through myself my King, As the Brother of the former King, I feel shameful for never advocating against the slave laws]

Arshand Bowed one last time before leaving Ryo and his company, Ryo then turned to look at his servants

Ryo [Waver, you oversee the next stage of Divola's evolution, Aeron follow Lord El-Melloi and make sure to learn as much as possible, you will be the King of Divola after the temporary government is removed]

Aeron [King? But Brother, I want to serve as your bodyguard, if not then your General]

Ryo [Huh ? after all this and you still think "I" need Bodyguards ? besides I never said you're not my general anymore, Divola is just another part of Babylon that needs to be protected, as it already has became a part of "me"]

Aeron [I see… then I will learn as much as I can from Lord El-Melloi]

Ryo [Alright Everyone, Vimana Will be reaching Luna Blu Very soon, So let's go back on it, Oh I forgot ! We had a guest!]

Alter [Guest ?]

Ryo [Yeah, A girl from the Diamond company tried to assassinate me]

Ryo was watching the balcony with Rin as they stared at the field of flowers below, it was a place that when you see it, you couldn't express how you feel about it, the silent proved that as both Rin and Ryo stared at the countless flowers with varied colors below into greatness

Rin [This is the most beautiful place I have ever seen in my entire life]

Ryo [It is isn't?]

Rin [Thank you]

Ryo [Hnn ? for what ?]

Rin [If not for you I would have been in a clock tower now trying to learn magic from old creeps and being grilled for my lineage, so I wanted to thank you from getting me out of that world]

Ryo [Is that so ? then I hope my world gives you the most happiness you could ever hope so]

Rin [Being by your side is already the most happy I can ever hope to be… … … ehhhhhhhhhhhh… … … *Blushes Hard as steam comes out of her head* I didn't, I don't mean it like that ! Shut up ! Stop smiling you big Idiot!]

Ryo had a big smile after hearing Rin's slip of words as he said while looking at the flowers

Ryo [Rin, You are beautiful]

Rin [WA-WA-WA-WA What the hell ! Don't say that when you have that warm smile on your face, it makes it so serious!]

Ryo [But I am serious]

Ryo [even so…]

Ryo laughed after hearing Rin's flustered way of speech before he went back to watching the flower field, Rin did the same and kept being embarrassed as every few seconds she would glimpse at Ryo and then look at the flower field

Rin "Guh, Why did he have to be such a pretty boy! He looks so nice and always knows how to break my walls! Ehhhh Rin you're getting weak! Unlike his other woman he will have to work hard for you! But he is so cool! NO! Huh He clearly loves me! So he has to work hard to get you Rin, You are a special girl! *sigh* who am I kidding? I love him so much!"

Rin [Hey Ryo]

Ryo [Hmm? what is it Rin?]

Rin [Thank you]

Ryo [Again? for what?]

Rin [For being you, for saving my life, and making me one of the happiest girls in the world]

Ryo [is that so?]

Rin [Yeah]

The two kept on watching the flower field for a long time before going back to Vimana's insides

Kara [This annoying]

Eva [*sigh* Seth go and tell mist to come out of her room, our guest will arrive in few hours, if she isn't greeting them probably than we might cause a misunderstanding]

Seth [She says that the world will end very soon and we should all hide! Before and I quote "The Great Dragon Goddess of Destruction Comes for us all"]

Kara [Dragon Goddess? huh? is she serious? there hasn't been a Dragon above the rank of a King since the last four thousand years, a Dragon King is already Equal to a God-Hero in strength]

Eva [She always acts weirdly, but she has never holed herself up in her room, ever, so whatever nonsense she speaks of must be important *sigh* I just wish we didn't have guests very soon, well whatever, she wants that King to be her mate, so she will come out when he comes]