
The king of everything

After humanity overcame the crisis of the Rifts thanks from the three kings, they became complacent with their powers. But what they didn't know was that the worst was still to come. And that they would be saved from someone they knew less. _________________________________________________ This is my first ever written story, so don't be too mean with me (but I will still read the comments and reviews to get better at this). Also, warning, english isn't my first lenguage.

LonelyAstronaut17 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 1+2: The apocalypse and the aftermath

Earth, the planet where humanity lives, were waiting for it's new year 2030.

Families were preparing their dinner and presents to give to each other, people were partying on the streets and the companies were counting the bills they made on the christmas sales, but overall people were happy and excited abot the new year that was bout to come. The TV's were on, the people were waiting for the countdown to reach 0, to reach the new year...

If they had known what was going to happen, they wouldn't have been so excited for this new year.

As the countdown reached 0 all the people started cheering, without knowing what appeared on their planet.

``Rifts´´, breaches on space that connected to broken worlds very different to earth. Some have better technology, some have magical energy, and some old knowledge that shouldn't be seen by mortals. But the worst part was... There were still living beings on it, and there were only monsters, monsters who could escape their rifts into earth. Making nests and eating people for nourishment. There where all kinds of monsters, some were like normal animals but others were truly terrifing beings, having mystical powers that even the weapons from the military couldn't defeat.

People tried to defend themselfs, being able to only kill the weaker monsters, but for the stronger monsters they could only become their food. humanity was being destroyed and they could do nothing.

But it didn't end there yet, the energy brought from the rifts was affecting the earth itself, plants were starting to mutate becoming lifelier and stronger, animals became bigger and more dangerous. Earth was evolving, adapting to this new energy and changing it's terrain, and as earth kept evolving new terrain was being born and it's old terrain was being destroyed. Citys were being destroyed, mountains grew, ravins appeared from the ground, and forests appeared everywhere.

As for humanity, five years have passed since the start and they were only losing hope as new rifts were appearing, and the older ones disappearing bringing forth new monsters. It continued like that for more years, and when humanity was on the brink of destructuion, ``They´´ appeared, three humans with mystical powers, ``THE THREE KINGS´´.

The king of magic: The first king, the first human to ever wield magical energy from the rifts, capable of creating devestating attacks with the natural elements, manifesting barriers big enough to protect multiple citys at once against the strongest creatures and produce healing auras saving people even from the most dangerous sickneses and wounds.

The king of power: The second king, the first human who evolved with the planet obtaining a unique ability hidden in him, resistance, a power that made him withstand more damage, and while it sounded simple he still used it to its limits protecting the people, and as he kept using it, his power evolved continiusly until it reached it's maximun, invincibility, a body that could resist any kind of damage and fists that could destroy anything on its path to protect the people and mankind.

The king of the system: The third king, a madman who obtained a strange power that made him stronger as long as he killed, as the first one to obtain the system he was able to get a mythical ``class´´, THE CHOSEN ONE, augmenting his EXP obtainment by 10X and making him capable to use multiple powers from different classes.

As these kings appeared, humanity gained hope and power to keep on living. Thanks to the three kings working together, humanity was able to make the first safe city on this dangerous world, and as time passed it kept growing and growing, and more people were able to awaken one of the three powers. Some people awoke the talent of mana, some an unique ability and others the power to level up by the system.

After humanity became stable again years later they decided to explore the rifts, to know more about them and stop them. And as they explored more about the rifts, they got to know more about different worlds, their knowledge and mystical science. But the most important thing they found out, was about the rift itself. Inside every rift, there is the ``core´´, a parasite that used a part of an alredy destroyed world and used it to atract ``prey´´ to mantain itself, opening portals to other worlds.

When humanity found out about it they didn't know what to do except one thing, kill it. And as they killed the first parasite, they found out it wasn't that complicated.

The parasite usally hides itself as an important object that belonged to that world or in a especial room. The problem was surviving long enough from the monsters that were still inside, until the parasite was found.

After the kings destroyed the parasite, they got out of the rift to see the changes. They waited... and waited......and waited some more.................. and nothing happened. The rift didn't even disappear like the other ones that were still active, it was just there. But what they found was that, the monsters could no longer get out of the rift.

After this event, the three kings discussed about it and decided to use the cleared rifts to test some experiments and explore the structures of that world. As they experimented they found out that it wasn't so different from earth after the parasite was killed, so they decided to use those rifts to increase the citys and the crops for the people after securing it from the monsters that were inside.

The three kings decided to separate their own rifts for themselves and their people.

The first king decided to use his rifts to test his magical engineering and science to pass his knowledge to the mana awakeners. Creating the sorcerers school.

The second king used his rifts to train the ability awakeners and make an army to protect humanity. Creating the knights temple.

And the third king used his rifts to make ``dungeons´´ with monsters for his people to gain EXP. Creating the grinding dungeons.

And as the years passed the people increased in strenght and finally after 200 years, humanity was able to obtain back 60% of earth, with the 40% being places that are impossible for humanity to live on, be it because of a great cuantity of monsters or the state that land is on.

And the three powers were the base of humanity...except for one person.

Somone who will awaken a power different from the other three, but by no far weaker.

This is the start of the future fourth king, THE KING OF EVERYTHING.

Somone who was-


-not paying -


-attention to class.



As our protagonist got awoken calmly from his sleep, he got a simple question from the old teacher.

"Why were you sleeping on history class?"


"Why were you sleeping on history class?"

Asked the old teacher.


Our protagonist dind't know what to answer, as his brain was still waking up and drol was falling of his mouth. Meanwhile, the teacher was starting to get a ``bit´´ angry.

"Aster, answer me now."

He said with an aura that could scare even the manliest man. Aster felt a chill go down his back, as he fastly got up and said "SORRY!! Lately I can't sleep that well and I was getting a bit tired, so I decided to take a nap..."

The teacher was standing there staring at him, menacingly.

" You've been sleeping 30 minutes exactly, I was waiting for you to wake up by yourself, you are alredy 16 years old, you should take responsibility of the consequences for not listening"

"But to actually start snoring and disturb the class, that was unacceptable"

As the teacher was talking, the class was giggling.

'ugh, please stop'

Aster was feeling shameful, but it was his fault so he couldn't do anything.

"now sit down and don't sleep"

*ehem* "Let's continue the class"

As astel sat down again, he had to force his brain for another hour to don't fall asleep.

"thats enough for today"

As the teacher said that, everyone started to leave the class with their bacpacks, as Aster was grabbing his backpack someone got close to him by the side.

"So, having problems sleeping, right?"

As Aster looked to his side, he saw his friend.

"yo Zale, how are you? Having a good day?"

"Don't change the subject Aster, I know you've been playing all night."


"I know it because your soccial account says it, idiot"

"oops, forgot to turn it off" said aster with a little smile.

*sigh* "Anyway, you should really pay attention to classes, you should know that it will be very usefull in the future"

"yeah yeah, right now we are doing pretty well as far as I know"

"...but you should still be carefull" Zale said with a preoccupied face.

"I know I knoooow my dear friend, and we should start going home, everyone is alredy gone here"

*sigh* "yeah you are right"

"also, you should stop sighing so much, I heard that every time someone sighs they lose a year of life" Aster said with a mockingly preoccupied face to Zale.

"if that were true then I would have been dead years ago, and it would have been absolutely your fault"

After Zale grabbed his things, he went away with Aster. After some walking they reached the train station.

"train A is alredy here, see you tomorrow Aster"

"train D is not here yet so i'll have to wait, see ya tomorrow Zale"

While Aster was saying goodbye Zale was alredy getting on train A, and he went away.

*sigh* 'And now I'm alone, when will that train get here?'

As Aster was waiting for his train, he was listening to the public TV of the train station. And as he waited train D finally appeared.

As Aster hopped onto the train he passed his identity card over the escaner.

"thank you for using rift trains, the fastest way to go to your home inside a rift"

A mechanical voice sounded while passing the card. *yawn* 'Man, I can't wait to take a nap at home'

As he got on an empty seat he observed the view outside of the train. Large buildings, vehicles with mana motors and sometimes even flying people.

'Flying people.... mmmh, what power would I get once I awaken? Well I still have 2 more years'

As time pased on the train he was still thinking 'the three kings found out that people with or over 18 years old were able to easily awaken any of the three powers, they just had to stay on a room injected with that kind of energy'

'of course, depending on the results of some experiments they made they would know what affinity one had with those three energys, so it would mean 1/3 probability to get the power they want'

'And what do I want? Being a sorcerer sounds cool, being able to use mythical spells and energy auras, but I would have to study a lot of theory and that sounds boring'

'a special ability? I could get an ability that could make me kill myself on use and having to live without using it or a power that changed how I usually am.'

'and the system it's so time comsuming, having to kill monsters all day, but I could also choose a cool class like spatial mage or weapon master.... only if I also get lucky with it'

'meh, even if I think about it I can't choose, only the beautiful lady luck will tell my fate'

As he was thinking, he noticed that he reached his destination. As he got off the train, he started walking towards Rift C, the place where his home was.

As he was walking towards the security entrance, he noticed something in the alleyway between two buildings. Because he didn't have anything to do, he went to see what it was.

And ass he got closer, he found out something..... "A RIFT???!!!"


As he observed the 'Rift?' he found out that... it's strangely small? It's very different from the other rifts he saw in books and photos.

'ok, first of all, rifts in citys are uncommon but it still happens, what i gotta do is warn the authoritys about this'

As he said that, he started running towards the security from the entrance Rift C. As he reached the security post, he said calmly "SIR SIR SIR I SAW A RIFT A RIFT COME HERE FAST!!!!"

Fastly the midly old officer stood up and said with a hoarse voice "where did you find it"

"COME FOLLOW ME!!!" Aster said with a calm voice as he was running to the alleyway where the rift was.

As they reached the alleyway they found... nothing.



They were both silent.

"kid, you can't make jokes with Rifts, they are serious matter" said the officer with a cold look.

"bu-but I really saw it..."

The officer looked at the young boy and said "I will tell the higher ups to at least search energy fluctuations around here, now go home, kid"

*sigh* "ok sir..."

As Aster sighed he turned around and went home. 'Man, what the hell was that? I really saw a rift, but it was so different from the other ones'

*siiiiiiiiiigh* "I'll just go home" as he said that, he started speeding up to get home faster.

"heh, I will really die young if I keep sighing like that"