
The King of Creation is Born

One day Henry finds himself in a new world With Goddesses? What will Henry do in this new world and what will this world have in store for him.

PENGUINI · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The Duel to The Death Pt. 1

My duel with Daryl was minutes away and I could sense a feeling of unease from the coliseum. I felt the hairs stand up on the back of my neck and I knew something was gonna happen. I knew he was going to cheat but that shouldn't make much of a difference. So why do I feel this sense of unrest.

"Henry, my boy I would like to talk with you" Odin said to me after popping up in my head.

"Do you have any idea of what is going on because I can't help but have this feeling that something will go wrong today"

"I do have some idea. From what I know the person who contacted Daryl gave him a seriously powerful enhancement drug but the after effects are grave. After taking this enhancement the user loses their mind and they turn into a mindless husk.

I don't think Daryl knows about the effects so be weary today, I also feel that he won't be your only problem today" Odin then left after our talk and I was ready for the battle.

"If shit goes wrong today then I will kill him if I have to"

I left my locker room and I stored my wedding ring in my interdimensional pouch. I walked through the empty halls and I saw Mia, and Hibana waiting for me at the end of the corridor. I walked over to them before going on the stage.

"Good luck today. No matter the outcome we will be on your side and we will protect you"

"Thank you, but shouldn't I be the one protecting you" I responded jokingly while patting them both on the head.

"This will be over soon and I will be careful so wait for me. Also make sure we have enough money for tonight"

"Why do we need money for tonight"

"Why? Because we will be partying tonight, I will win and after winning I will also be getting married so we gotta throw a big party"

A loud gong was struck and that was my que to get on the stage. I kissed both Mia and Hibana and I left the inside of the coliseum. As soon as I appeared on the stage I was immediately struck by the chanting of the crowd. I looked around and saw Maria and the King in their booth and Maria was looking down on me.

I made a slight bow with a smile on my face and Maria started to get flushed. In the crowd there were hundreds if not thousands of spectators of all races coming to watch this duel. What a show I would give them mopping the floor with Daryl's hair. I could picture the faces of the crowd after the unknown newcomer embarrasses a noble. I was hyped and ready for the fight and I was sitting in my corner.

Daryl finally came out and he received cheers and some boos from the crowd and he looked awful. He was pale and he looked sickly. As he entered the ring I asked

"You sure you want to do this. I will thrash you. You know this right?"

Daryl didn't respond and I could see the anger in his eyes and there was also something else in his eyes. We both waited on our sides and the announcer said

"Let the duel commence"

Off rip I immediately rushed in to hit him with power alone. He dodged and I was surprised how light on his feet he was. I knew that it was time to take it up a notch so I backed off a little and I then went on the defensive. I wanted to get a scale of his power so I could learn the power of this drug.

As I was slowly circling him something changed. I felt a slight drop in temperature and in a blink he was right in front of me swinging his axe. I quickly parried sending his axe into the ground which caused a crack in the arena.

"Shit he is faster than I expected. That drug really does work"

I knew if I kept this up he would be able to land a blow eventually. I decided now was the time to go on the offensive so I blitzed forwards using my Shadow Blade slicing at his chest. I knew that aiming for his chest wouldn't hit but it would distract him. As he went to block his chest I appeared behind him striking him with the Light Lance.

"How did he get behind him just now? He was attacking in the front but he just teleported behind him?" Maria asked Hibana in confusion

"Henry used Shadow Walk and Mirage. These moves combined made it seem as if Henry was in front of him but that was just his Mirage. The Shadow Walk allowed him to silently get behind him while being invisible. I am impressed because those are pretty advanced moves and he just started using magic yesterday" Hibana replied.

"You mean to tell me that he is a beginner at magic? If this is true then imagine what he could become in the future" The King replied.

I knew my blow landed and I could tell the crowd and Daryl was shocked. Or atleast what is left of Daryl. Daryl appeared to be unconscious so I went up to him and I confirmed that he was unconscious.

"Ladies and gentlemen your winner is Hen…"

And suddenly the sky went dark. A cloud appeared in the sky covering the arena in darkness. Daryl began to convulse and then his skin turned purple and his limbs grew.

"What the fuck is happing right now"

"Henry, Daryl is turning into a Devil, he must have been given a drug that gave him powers at the cost of turning him into a Devil" Odin explained quickly.

"So that means that mysterious man is working for the Devils. After I defeat this one we will track that man down and slaughter him" I remarked angrily.

"Guards prepare the protection array" The king yelled. The guards around the arena worked together to use a spell that created walls of mana that wouldn't let anything in nor out.

"Father, what are you doing.. Henry is in there by himself.. HE WILL DIE" cried Maria to her father but he did not waver. I ran over to the barrier while the Devil was still reviving itself and immobile and I met with Mia and Hibana.

"Be careful.. Please don't die we need you. The world needs you" Mia and Hibana stammered while tears streamed down their faces.

I pressed my head against the barrier and so did they.

"Don't worry about me. Make sure everyone is kept safe and that nothing attacks the king or Maria. There might be terrorists in the area. I will have to deal with him"

"But he is a Devil and you have just started to learn magic. There is no chance you could win.."

"Like I said don't worry about me. Just do what I said, I will be out soon and I will have killed my first devil. If I am going to save the world I need to challenge myself with my life on the line" I said and I then started to walk away from the barrier and towards the devil.

"WE MUST Help him father please" Maria cried.

"Don't worry, He will survive and if he doesn't I will kill him myself" Mia said

"All we can do is watch and pray that he survives, we can not let that Devil out under any condition"

I stopped at the edge of the coliseum and I cracked my neck. I took off my shirt and jacket exposing my body and showing my Nordic tattoos to the sky. I remembered while I was up at night reading that viking believed that tattoos could grant them powers.

The devil pointed towards Mia and Hibana and then back to me. This enraged me.

"I am the son of Thor and the Grandson of Odin 'I clenched my fists' "I will not let a lowly Devil scare me" I told the Devil while slowly approaching. Suddenly the sky went dark, lighting scattering the sky and thunder booming.


Lighting struck the ground next to me.

"What is going on?" Maria asked

"Henry is finally using his bloodline abilities" Mia and Hibana whispered to each other.

"Henry is using some sort of magic," Mia says to Maria.

Odin was looking down from the heavens on his throne looking down with an excited smile forming on his face.

But Odin wasn't the only one. Zeus, Poseidon, and more were looking down in anticipation of what would follow. Anubis came into Odin's throne room and said

"Is this the boy you have been talking about"

"Yes this is my grandson"

"So is he also the one that…." lighting drowned out the sound of their conversation and continued to rain down next to Henry.

I could feel my power welling and my tattoos were glowing. But I also felt another tattoo but this one was on my back. I couldn't see it but I could feel it. Lightning pouring down from the heavens surrounding me and filling me with power as the rain continued endlessly and fell hard.

"Henry, this is your bloodline ability. It is called Rage of Thunder and it activates your ability to summon storms and lightning which strengthen you. The heavier the rain the weaker your enemy will get and the stronger you will get. The stronger you get the wider the range and the stronger the lightning showers will get. It can also heal your allies once you learn to control it well. And sometimes it can activate itself when you are enraged." Odin explained to me before disappearing again.

I looked at my forearms and my hands and I could feel the heat and energy welling in them. I looked back up and at the Devil.

With all the Gods watching from above, they would witness the beginning of The Great Successor or the King of Creation or the King of Kings.

I looked at the Devil with lightning crashing down and rain beating down on my head. Though I did not know Devils I knew people and senses. I could feel the sense of fear coming from this Devil. With the crowd still looking in awe I called down lighting and held the bolt in my hand. The lightning surging around me crackling and striking the ground destroying the earth beneath it.

"It's time for round two, even though I was already winning" I said jokingly with a grin on my face. I knew that this would be fun.

More on the way.


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