
The King of Beast Trainers

A brand new masterpiece by the author of "Unscientific Beast Taming"!!! The best fantasy novels in China in 2023! The invasion of creatures from different time and space gave birth to the "Beast Master" profession, and the protagonist was selected by a mysterious "black card", indicating that he has the qualification of a Beast Master and can contract to control pets to fight for himself! "Who could become the undisputed King of Beast Trainers in the brand-new Beast Training Era?" Royal Beast+Online Gaming+Spiritual Energy Recovery+Secret Realm

Sounding Stream · Urban
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356 Chs

Chapter 138 Dramatic Development (Seeking guaranteed monthly tickets at the beginning of the month)_1

Translator: 549690339


"Cooking Intent, Sword Intent, Gun Intent... they are all interconnected!"

"Don't stop me; I'm switching majors. History was a blind choice anyway, and now that I think about it, there's no future in studying history. Better to learn cooking; if I can't become a Beast Trainer, I can at least go back home and open a restaurant."

"Sis, if you meet a chef who's a Beast Trainer, marry him right away. That's so much potential."

"If Sister Gun Intent switches her major, what's she going to do, grill skewers with a gun? The kind where you don't need fire, just skewer the extraordinary beings in the wild, and they cook themselves."


No one had expected that Lu Ran would run a commercial during the freshmen contest. This move caught everyone off guard and made them double over in surprise.

At this moment, Summer's chest heaved, still shocked by Mr. Husky's Blizzard Sword Intent, and she didn't immediately respond to Lu Ran.