
the King of banished lands

Porus, a young man from Earth, finds himself in the body of the prince of the Banished Lands,and becomes the King of this land.what is his birth secret? will he becomes a good King ? what will happen when he finds out everything is related to him.

Shummy_Shummy · Sci-fi
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60 Chs

New Year Gifts - 2

Looking at the small books and thin pages, they got excited. They had never seen such fine paper before. John looked at them and said, "These papers are made with eucalyptus trees that grandpa was farming." Upon hearing this, they were all shocked. Everyone looked at each other's faces. Jade asked for a book and pen from Justin, but Justin rejected, saying they would be wasted.

Elsa came forward and opened the medium-sized wooden box. Inside, there were 10 glass jars, 10 wine glasses, 10 water glasses, and 5 glass containers. Looking at them, everyone was astonished. They had never seen such beautiful art before. Elsa took a glass container with a lid in her hands and looked at John.

John understands and said, "These containers are used to store food items. These glasses are used to drink water, and these beautiful glasses are used to drink wine." The small glass jars are for storing salt, chili powder, and other spices. All of these items are made in our glass factory. They are made with sand and white crystal ore.

Elsa fell in love with them. She had never seen such wonderful containers and glasses. And there was only one big box left. Everyone looked at John. John said, shaking his head, "I don't know. This was a surprise for me too. It was made by His Highness secretly, so we never saw it. But I'm sure they will be beautiful.

Henry and Justin opened the box, and there were 90 bottles neatly arranged in rows. There were three colors on the side of the box, and there was a letter. Henry started reading the letter. The red-colored bottle is bitter at the start and sweet at the end. Your entire body will feel the essence of this wine. I called it Red Thunder. The blue wine is sour at first, then bitter, and finally sweet. Your whole body will heat up. I called it Bitter Blue Sky. As for the purple one, this is my hero and my favorite.The feeling after drinking was godly .I call it divine purple. Enjoy yourself happy new year.

Johnson want to tasted king porus favorite he took purple bottle and opened cork and took wine glass from Elisa and poured wine into the glass it was already late entire palace was covered in the smell .everyone felt they were in paradise Johnson took a sip of it and he was completely silent .it was really a godly feeling how can he describe it this is magical.

Looking at Johnson's expression, everyone poured wine into their glasses and drank. And every once in a while, they wondered why it was his highness Porus' favorite. It was divine.

Justin's eyes were covered in tears throughout his entire life. This is the happiest moment. They felt very honored with these gifts. This gave them a new reason to be happy. They decided they would also celebrate every new year.

Justin looked at John and said, "When will we be able to enter your kingdom?" John smiled and replied, "Phase 1 has been completed, and phase 2 development will begin next month. You will be able to enter this year." Hearing this, everyone became happy

Johnson said to Justin, "King Porus showed his sincerity. We should also show our sincerity. Prepare wishes for him." John looked at his father and said, "Father, His Highness never thinks like that. Never compare him with others. He never expects anything from others.

It's not compulsory, but it is our way of showing sincerity. So, don't say anything. He took a jade box and gave it to John, saying it is a seed that our ancestors gave us to protect. He, King Porus, will be its new protector.

Ok, Father. I'll leave for West Sun Nation to give Grandpa his gifts after John left.

On 24 Dec ,John reached the West Sun Kingdom, where Merlin was chatting with his friends, who were also small kings. They came here to stop Merlin from withdrawing from the Divine Empire.

Merlin's grandson and everyone came from the Divine Academy to stop him from withdrawing. Merlin has 3 sons and one daughter. The 3 sons have two children each, only Elsa has 5 children. All of his grandsons, granddaughter, and old friends are in the hall. At that time, a soldier came into the hall.

My lord, Sir John has come to see you. Once John's name was mentioned, everyone fell silent. They heard that John had been missing for two years.

They all have good relationships, so they cared about John. They also searched for him. Merlin's grandsons also cared about John.

John walked straight in front of Merlin, looking at him. Merlin thought something had happened. John was now the envoy of his kingdom, so he had to uphold his king's prestige.

He looked at Merlin and said, "King Merlin, our King Porus wishes you a happy new year, along with all your family members. He hopes that this new year will bring our relations to greater heights. We celebrate this new year to bid farewell to the past and welcome the present. So, our king wishes the same for each and every one of you. We celebrate the new year by sending gifts and wishes to our relatives and friends, and thus, His Highness sends you new year gifts.

After saying that James had placed all the gifts on the floor, Merlin felt happy about the king's behavior of sending gifts and his well wishes. He came forward and opened the packets one by one. John explained everything and everyone felt amazed. Looking at the gifts, it was then time to open the notebook packets. As they looked at the books and pens, Merlin's grandsons and everyone else came and admired the notebooks and pens. They were amazed as they had never seen such fine and thin paper books. After that, Merlin opened an intermediate wooden box.And he was shocked to see glass containers, glasses, and wine glasses. John explained about them. Now it was time to open the big box. Everyone was surprised by the gifts, so they were eager to watch the gifts inside the big box.