
The King of Azeroth's Rangers

My name is Charliman Selon, yes, you got it right, that's the Selon you're thinking of, and Aqualotharma is my little brother. Whatever you do, don't call me "Big Bro," or I guarantee you'll find yourself three-quarters dead. As a responsible time traveler, I have to tell you, I... "Charliman, what are you mumbling about? Today is the day when my little brother inherits the position of Ranger General. If you don't want Sylvanas and Vereesa to shoot arrows up your nostrils, you better move faster." "Alright, my dear Aleria, I'm coming." As the two walked away hand in hand, an inconspicuous figure appeared in the same spot. "Big brother, I wish you a pleasant time in the arena." I am Charliman Selon. I've led our people in the Orcish Wars, fought against the Old Gods and the two idiots, and even battled the Burning Legion. I've contributed to Azeroth, and I've got salt in my veins. Discord: https://discord.gg/xDeXg3jB

Nachtregen · Fantasy
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66 Chs


The plan had been proceeding remarkably well. The trolls had not noticed the absence of mages within the High Elf camp, and they found themselves besieged by an unending stream of traps set by the rangers.

The tar traps on the ground, carefully laid in advance, turned their entire charge into a challenging endeavor. In their efforts to avoid slipping, the trolls had to slow down, taking cautious steps while also constantly using wooden shields to fend off arrows coming from a distance.

One moment of inattention, and they could find themselves ensnared in the triggering traps set by the rangers in the trees above, turning the trolls into living targets.

Facing these fixed targets, the rangers wouldn't miss a shot. Once ensnared, it meant losing any hope of survival.

Just as the trolls were about to break free from the tar traps, the explosive traps planted by the rangers were triggered.

What happens when you add fire to oil? Just look at those trolls writhing in agony to understand.

At this moment, these trolls might hate their rapid regenerative capabilities, for while they suffered from burns, they were simultaneously engaged in self-healing.

However, the tar produced in the circular mountains of Gnomeregan, as the goblins claimed, was difficult to extinguish once it caught fire. The trolls could only writhe in agony on the ground, praying for a swift death to end their torment.

Yes, the goblins. These green-skinned merchants, who were willing to sell anything, expanded their business into the incredibly prosperous Quel'Thalas. In their eyes, the Elven kingdom was a place teeming with riches. They would open new trade routes with the High Elves, no matter the cost.

Although goblins were notorious for their unreliable engineering products, the High Elves were not gullible. Most of the time, they only purchased various raw materials from the goblins.

Tar was one such material. It could form a synergistic effect with explosive traps and had immediately captured the favor of the rangers upon introduction, even to the point of replacing the frost traps commonly used by the rangers.

However, the purchase of the raw materials was restricted by the frequency of usage of these tar traps, and the goblins didn't come cheap.

If it hadn't been for Charles, the savvy veteran who insisted on the purchase, Liressa would not have willingly allowed the goblins to make a hefty profit from her.

Having just escaped the inferno, the trolls had now fallen into a trap of frost, but it relieved those who had suffered severe burns.

Although it was challenging to proceed, they could at least use the ice on the ground to extinguish the flames on their bodies. Some trolls with flames still burning on them disregarded the arrows raining from above and rolled forward toward the frost trap area.

High-ranking warrior Harlaz was clearly irritated by the various traps set by the High Elves. He stood in the frost trap area, bellowing furiously.

"Cowardly pointy-eared creatures! Come and face us head-on if you dare!"

Understanding Harlaz's taunts, Skalan disdainfully shrugged.

"Foolish trolls. Even after thousands of years, they're still the same. Utilizing every advantage at their disposal is the hallmark of the rangers."

Charles also found the trolls' stupidity somewhat amusing. "Commander Skalan, are all trolls such single-minded creatures?"

"Single... what? Never mind, I probably understand what you mean."

Skalan didn't comprehend the term "single-celled" coming from Charles, who hailed from Earth. But he then gestured solemnly, warning, "Don't underestimate them too much. Although brainless warriors are the majority among the trolls, they also have wise individuals like witch doctors, sorcerers, and their dangerous leader... Zul'jin!"

Speaking of Zul'jin, Skalan's expression grew exceptionally grave.

"During the Troll Wars, this fellow was quite a handful. He had engaged in combat multiple times with the two previous High Elf generals, achieving advanced heroic-level strength, perhaps even surpassing the current General Liressa."

"And compared to common trolls, he also possesses outstanding strategic insight and cunning. Ten years ago, he devised the plan to ambush General Liressa and participated in it personally."

"Doesn't that mean he's at least a few thousand years old?"

"Indeed, Zul'jin is an old and cunning fellow. Be extremely cautious if you ever encounter him in the future."

Regarding the lifespan of trolls, there had been varied claims in the previous world, with some stating that they were as long-lived as the various Elven races. Others argued that trolls had an average lifespan of 100-200 years.

But since arriving in the real Azeroth, Charles had his doubts cleared.

In reality, both sides were correct. The natural lifespan of trolls was indeed considerably lengthy, even comparable to un-blessed High Elves, stretching for several thousand years. However, due to the brutal customs and harsh living conditions of the trolls, except for their upper echelons, most trolls had rather short lives.

Even if they weren't starved to death, they would die in fights within their tribes, sometimes even ending up as meals for their own kin. Common troll civilians might even be offered as sacrifices to their favored loa gods.

However, the troll leadership was an entirely different story. Leaders like Zul'jin, Jin'do, and Zandalar trolls' chieftain, Zul, had ages ranging from hundreds to thousands of years. These old and cunning leaders were the only reason the troll tribes didn't go extinct.

Charles's mentor, Liressa, was now a high-ranking intermediate hero. While she wouldn't be entirely outmatched if facing Zul'jin, it would be nearly impossible to defeat him in single combat—unless she used her artifacts.

However, in a full-scale army confrontation, the right choice was to use every available asset to outmaneuver and overwhelm Zul'jin. Charles realized this, and he also recognized that his partner, Skalan, held a similar view.

Finally, having broken through the trap area with great difficulty, Harlaz let out a triumphant bellow and prepared to continue his charge. Yet, he was intercepted by a scout-like troll who had appeared at his side just moments ago, which hinted at...

As expected, after hearing the scout's words, Harlaz looked toward the Farstrider camp not too far away with reluctance. Then, he yelled at his subordinates to accelerate their departure from the battlefield.

"Bad news! It seems Sylvanas and her team have been discovered. Charles, you take your men and follow them, but don't press too hard. Be wary of an ambush. I'll take care of things here at the camp!"

"Understood, Skalan. Please, also be careful of a troll counterattack. I'm heading out!"

Given the urgency of the situation, there was no time for further discussion. They quickly divided their responsibilities and made the necessary preparations.

At the same moment, in front of the Sunwell Temple, Liressa furrowed her brow as she watched the sudden retreat of the trolls.

"Could something unexpected have occurred?"