
The king nd her wife

Eva_Writes · Fantasy
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8 Chs

*Shocking Morning*

It was early summer when I woke up nd I was feeling a bit dizzy and my whole body was full of pain. My dress were all torn nd I can't understand what actually happened to me. Somehow I managed to stand nd tried to get myself clean when I turned around I was totally shocked there was a man sitting on the chair nd I can't let my eyes out of him. He was extremely handsome nd he was wearing a black suit that perfectly matches his look that suits must cost more than a million. I was just admiring him nd his clothes. Suddenly he came up nd said are you done watching me nd bite the corner of my ear I was totally flushed nd then I just pull myself backward nd shouted "who the hell are you nd what are you doing at my house"

He chuckled nd I can't understand what is actually happening there nd I asked him again would you tell why are you here at my house. He then came close to me nd slowly kissed my lips nd I was flushed nd he said calmly "miss I think first you should look around clearly actually you are at my home". then I turned around saw that actually I was not at my house then I cried loudly "Am I being kidnapped, are you a kidnapper or a human traficer" he just smiled nd said little princess it's nothing like that yesterday you has been drugged by someone in cafe nd they were trying to take advantage so I helped you but because of drug you can't hold it we made up last night I was totally shocked that how could I lost my virginity to a man whom I have met before.