
The king nd her wife

Eva_Writes · Fantasy
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8 Chs


Aamiliya Bennett (Main fl)

Studying medicine in the top University of the city

Family: Jennifer Bennett (stepmom)

Rosy Bennett (stepsister)

Robert (Rosy's boyfriend)

Àlways get bullied by her stepmom nd stepsister, Robert always trying to seduse her even infront of Rosy.

Nature— Clam nd sweet always kind nd good at studies nd got the highest mark in high school nd got scholarship to study in the top University.

Stephen Edison (Main ml)

CEO of Edison group the biggest company in the country nd the he is the Richest man of the country

Richard (Assistant)

Casey (Buttler)

Andrew (Best friend)

William (2nd best friend)

Àlways the top buisness man of the country nd had control over all the political power in the country

Nature— Cold, ruthless nd bossy perfect in everything but Always been single. But wants everyone nd everything to be perfect. Always keeping distance from girls.