

MATURE CONTENT Six months after my parents died in a ferry crash, i was found by the village inspectors and taken to my mother sister "Aunty clementine Harris". She and her family were not nice to me, up till now they call me a cursed child, a child who killed her parents like it was my fault death rejected me. Bearing all hardship with the Harris who are suppose to be like a second family to me, i strive on working as a seamstress and keeping my love affair with master Harrison Lytton a secret, it did'nt last for long. The spring festival gave me the shock of my life, master harrison will never be mine, not in life, not even in death. Worst, i saw a blue eye vampire and he killed master harrison right in front on me. This is my story. THE KING LOST LOVE

Big_Ruthie · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Three days after the village festival and after being put on edge of how master harrison has gone missing, the news of his death spread in and out of spring village like wild fire, not in the way heaven had expected it.

Words travel round that master harrison was stabbed multiple times on his chest. People begin to fear for their lives and made sure not to walk alone on quiet areas, nobles increasing their Securities because they believe mastet harrison was kidnapped then was thrown at the market fountain after being killed.

Heaven mind has being in turmoil since the morning of the announcement. How can master harrison be stabbed when she saw a blue eye vampire suck him dry of his blood. definitely, that vampire is trying to frame her and her fear was on a great mission to go tell everything to the village head inspector if lucy have'nt stopped her. 

She could'nt think straight, everynow and then something keeps telling her she'll be caught soon, that vampire won't let her off the hook that easily. She should'nt have gone home that night because then she would'nt have known master harrison was planning on getting married to margaret, she would'nt have tried to ignore him and he would'nt have died.

All night heaven thought about the possibility of master harrison's death not happening if she had listened to him. Her life is a complete mess.

*** *** *** 

The next day is more intense. A female shoe print was found at the area of master harrison's death, the village head ordered for every female to be screened of their shoes to find out the real culprit.

The whole village is been surrounded by the village Securities, searching each carriage and each person walking on the street for an identical shoe print.

"Am scared lucy, they're going to find my shoes and point me as the killer of master harrison" heaven holds tightly onto the shoes she wore that night, the mud still sticking dry on the shoes. It's only a matter of time before they get to search the orphanage.

Lucy dragged her into the bathroom telling her of the new discovery on master harrison's death. She then remembers the shoes she tossed under the bed on the festival night and quickly went to grab them before someone else gets to it. The fountain ground was unusually wet that night, so her shoe print must have been moulded on the groung due to her running.

Lucy pities her friend, first the universe took her to the hands of beasts and now this. She was there when master harrison's body was being taken to the councel office, before he was covered she made sure to look at his neck to see four dark spots of the fangs heaven was talking about, strangely, there was no sign of blood on his coat even with the visible marks of a knife stab. 

She did'nt think twice to know that blue eye vampire is trying to frame her friend, no one will believe heaven that a vampire killed master harrison even if they point out the bite marks. Master harrison is a well knowned man in and outside spring village, one of the richest farmer in the kingdom of alexia, heaven won't be listened to even if she voice out.

"Go to work and act normal heaven while i make sure your shoes won't be discovered" lucy takes the shoes from heaven "get your things ready, we leave spring village when i come back this evening" lucy said.

"No,no lucy, please don't endanger yourself because of me. We both know everyone walking or taking the carriage is being searched by the village Securities, please don't do this lucy" heaven cries.

"What are friends for heaven?. You saved my life once so it is time i return the favour, trust me and get ready"

"Lucy" heaven calls out utterly speechless.

The two friends hug eachother finding solace in each arms.

What would have being her fate if she did'nt have a friend like lucy, something her family will never do for her. She has'nt gone home for four days now but none of them care to come check up on her at the shop.

Like lucy told her to, she acted normal but not for long. Being alone in the shop, heaven absent mindedly sat on the sewing machine inflicting holes on the poor dress given to her for amendment.

Hours gone and she was still there, she did'nt realize someone was in the shop. Her mind is all occupied with lucy out there cleaning up her mess for her, with the rate of the Securities only the heavens can help lucy out of being caught with her shoes.




Heaven jolts out of her thoughts and the first thing she did is raising the dress to see countless of holes on it "of all dresses why does it have to be madam cordelia's?"

"Heaven" the voice calls out again.

She drops down the dress to see no other person than her cousin margaret fuming hot in front of her. Like always margaret comes out presentable to anyone, she's neatly dressed in a flowery fan front bodice with capped close-fitting long sleeves and a cartridge pleated, three flounced skirt, making her shiny skin pronouncable.

A dress that heaven will work tirelessly for three days before buying if she was'nt a seamstress.

The white flowery net gloves fitting her hands with the cute hat on her head. Most times heaven admits she feels ashamed of herself standing next to margaret, she's nothing compared to margaret and can't afford things she have, most of which margaret purchase with her own savings.

All those admirations and feeling down on herself are gone, margaret don't deserve them because underneath her ravishing beauty lies a devious heart.

"Margaret what are you doing h-----"

"I know you killed master harrison" margaret said out in rage, her fists clenched tightly like its ready to bounce on heaven's face anytime soon.

"W-what?" Heaven found herself stuttering, going stiff and shock at what margaret said. She looks outside the transparent wall of the shop to see if someone might have heard margaret or if there were Securities walking by.

"Can you listen to yourself margaret?. You stand right in front of me and accuse me of killing a person, why?, because he was planning on getting married to you?" Heaven asked still in shock.

"Shut that sniggering mouth of yours heaven, i saw the shoe print and i knew it was yours. I gave it to you remember?"

When master harrison's death was announced, she had a hunch heaven was the culprit, she killed master harrison to get back at her and her hunch was correct, when she saw the shoe print found at the scene of master harrison's death. Her cousin is guile.

"You vile being, i'll make sure to expose you to everyone, you took master harrison away from me so i will make sure to send you off to him where he can give you a second death, i wi--"

"go ahead margaret, tell everyone i killed master harrison and provide them with the proof because that is how they'll believe you" heaven scoffs "vile?, all my life i've suffered countless of mistreatment from you and your family, you have the guts to call me vile" heaven was on the verge of tearing up remembering all the bad things the harris has done to her.

She and margaret were very close, unlike her sister zadie whose bad attitude towards her were opened from day one, margaret was a wolf in sheep clothing, stealing from her and throwing blames at her if she gets into trouble with her parents so they can leave off the hook.

Those family starve her a whole day because she was too weak to do the house chores, not once has she felt welcomed or comfortable living with the harris,yet margaret called her vile, so rich coming from her.

"Don't get ahead of yourself heaven, i can easily tell the inspectors you were angry with master harrison because he was going to marry me, because he choose me over you"

With how silent heaven is margaret felt so happy having the last word. She will stop at nothing to get heaven out of the earth.

"I forgot how stupid you are. Tell them master harrison and i had a romantic relationship before you stole him from me, i know you too well margaret and i know you won't want your name to be draggred in the mud because of your stupidity. I did'nt kill master harrison"

More than anything margaret loves to keep a good name. People will surely talk about master harrison's extra affair but he's dead and his won't last forever, margaret is alive and won't find a man to marry her, her life will be ruined.

Margaret stood speechless, feeling so stupid on how she almost ruined her life, she bites her inner lips feeling defeated. It angers her more than anything that master harrison still have feelings for her cousin, she did everthing she could to make him love her by doing everything he wants but all that got washed down the drain.

He's dead and possibly still think of heaven wherever he is. She'll have to come up with a plan and evidence to get back at heaven.

"I will be back, and this time with proof that you killed him" margaret said in gritted teeth and storms out of the shop.

Heaven takes a deep breathe immediately margaret left the shop, that was close. Margaret can dig up as many proof as she wants, she's leaving spring village anyway.