
The King Alpha : The Last Wolf

One day, Xiao Nai, a young man from among humans, accidentally entered the Bellisima forest area. Just because of a silly challenge from a friend as a result of him losing the girl he loves. Who would have thought, his arrival at the peak of the red full night made Xiao Nai meet Li Qin by accident, and made them both fall in love with each other? Forge a complicated love affair between humans and werewolves, and let Ziao Long know all of these things. Li Qin is not an ordinary human figure in general. She has lived for a thousand years and lives in an etherno located in the middle of the Bellisima forbidden forest. No one knows the location of the eterno, because the forest has never been seen by the naked human eye though. Except, in the midst of red full moon, at every peak of a red full moon, Li Qin and all the forms that were similar to her always appeared and transformed into a complete werewolf. They try to follow the new rules, given by their supreme leader, Ziao Long—who is Li Qin's eldest brother, who also happens to be by bloodline and destiny to become Li Qin's eternal husband. Inbreeding of the highest bloodline in the werewolf chain was an extremely obligatory thing. So that both of them have become a mate that has been determined by fate even since they were born in this world. In fact, Xiao Nai has a very terrible secret. The figure of the Alpha king had flowed from within his blood without Xiao Nai noticing. At that moment, Li Qin had two choices, to stay with Ziao Long and undergo the matchmaking ritual that was destined for her as the wife of her own brother, or choose to leave the group and try to live like a human with Xiao Nai. Will Li Qin be able to choose the right choice for her life?

PrincesAuntum · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


Nathan winced in pain, as the wooden branch above him broke and injured his arm. The woman in front of her seemed to be screaming hysterically, until Nathan accidentally grabbed something on her body. Yes, the woman turned out to be… naked.

Nathan could only swallow his saliva with difficulty, seeing the frightened expression on the woman's face, her hand was still on the woman's injured arm, until Nathan's fresh blood dripped perfectly on the wound. Unknowingly, because of the dark, cloudy atmosphere suddenly covering the full moon that was as red as blood, the wound on the woman's arm disappeared. Her sapphire blue eyes turned bright red and the woman's teeth began to grow fangs so vividly. His hands gripped the ground tightly, as if he wanted to pluck every root from the large trees that were there. But the woman knew one thing, she couldn't possibly prey on the figure that was nearby. An oath to her that he will never break is to find out who saved a life and how to repay him. With anyone, even if not in the group though.

"Miss, are you all right?" The question again made the woman gasp, the fine hairs that had begun to thicken now filled her smooth, clean skin. The woman slowly moved away, so that Nathan could not reach her, until then several flashes of black shadows began to make a noise. The shrill howl, which continued to roar so vividly, made Nathan and the woman look around the forest. Nathan… is being hunted right now.

Until finally there were two wolves standing right behind Nathan, and this made Nathan shocked and scared. Nathan looked scared to death, his pupils narrowed perfectly. two wolves with dark black fur, with fiery red eyes, their fangs looked very terrible, and the two wolves looked at Nathan perfectly. The moan from the wolf, made Nathan's hairs crawl perfectly, even Nathan didn't seem to know what he could do now. Because death, as if in front of his eyes, is so real.

"M…Miss, can you run? It seems, it looks like we will… die," Nathan whispered. Cold sweat continued to pour from the pores of his body, his legs were now starting to become weak and powerless. Nathan fell, he immediately tried to run as hard as he could to the woman who was nearby. Seeing how frightened Nathan was experiencing this, being chased by two packs of fiery red-eyed wolves, the woman immediately approached Nathan and then suddenly.


A punch managed to make Nathan fall, then the woman quickly took a position to distract from the two fiery red-eyed wolves. Until finally, the woman got her true form in its entirety, namely… a very real wolf form.


The howl deafened the entire city which was now deserted, tearing the silence that had been created due to extreme fear. A female werewolf was running through the forest then disappeared behind a vortex of glowing blue light, followed by two other wolves and they disappeared completely. After entering the vortex, the three werewolves returned to their human forms, beautiful and handsome figures that were unimaginable. Until finally, the woman who was being chased by the two wolves who turned out to be the two handsome young men, was blocked until she couldn't go anywhere.

"Tell us, Maria. Why did you save our potential prey!"

The jolt managed to make the sapphire blue eyed young girl back away, the two figures of the fiery red eyed man continued to advance towards Maria as if they were both challenging. Maria covered her face with her arms, because she was afraid that those fiery red eyes would hurt her from time to time, until finally there was another figure standing right in front of Maria and then unseen.


The howl managed to make the two youths who were trying to bully Maria immediately back away in fright, their fiery red eyes instantly muffled completely. The blond haired man who was protecting Maria was now looking at the two young men fiercely, his fangs sticking out so sharp and so terrifying.

"Do you know who you are trying to scare off this!" snapped the man. His body was burly, which was currently covered with thick hair, his face was already covered with fur with a tail that kept moving in an extremely terrifying manner. Sharp nails as if ready to pounce on anyone who wants to hurt the figure behind him, so the two young men had no other choice but to kneel in front of the man with extreme fear.

In fact, the gap is still the same. In fact, the auras of the two youths were nothing. The ruler, the pure-blooded werewolf with the highest caste, in fact there was nothing that could challenge that fact, so that for other werewolves, let alone his bluff, just by mentioning his name their guts immediately shrunk perfectly.

"Forgive us, Mister Eterno! We never thought and dared to disturb Miss Eterno! You know, what we did was just to make Miss Eterno understand that what she did was wrong!" said the young man who had been kneeling.

Yes, Ares Eterno, the supreme ruler of the eternal forest of Eterno, is the ruler with the highest ranks of werewolves. He lives only with his beloved little sister, because his parents were killed by a werewolf hunter thousands of centuries ago. And now, there was no supreme descendant of the Eterno family or of even a pureblood werewolf, apart from him and also Maria. The only descendant and the last descendant that thousands of other werewolves hope to survive. They are highly regarded as the hangers of hope from thousands of other werewolves, they are the last hope of other werewolves. Because with Ares and Maria alive, thousands of times the werewolf nation is hunted, the werewolf nation will continue to grow mercilessly. However, if Ares and Maria died, it would be a sign that the lineage of the werewolf nation had ended and thus the apocalypse for them was in sight, because extinction had become their real destiny.

"Miss Eterno just now saved the humans who were our prey, sir. You know, that now is the red full night, where tonight is our time to look for prey so that our strength can increase drastically with their blood. Then, Miss Eterno… Miss Eterno has ruined our plans, and we have to wait for another five full moons before we can carry out the ritual!"