
The Adaptation

The woman puts the plate on the portable table next to the bed. I stare at the plate of meat and a soup like boiled meat broth, drooling. The woman moves the table towards me to let me eat. Then she steps back and smiles at me.

"Madam, I have brought you your food and you should also drink the medicine on the side of the tray. It will help with the pain in your bones."

But how did this woman know that my bones ached? How was that possible? Was it obvious from my appearance that I had bone pain? Okay, okay... Maybe she's a doctor and that's why she can tell. Maybe I shouldn't see ulterior motives in everything. "I won't eat, thank you." I say and take my eyes off the tray and look at the window. Actually, I am very curious about the outside, but I don't even know where I am. The woman says; "Yes, madam. I'll be back to get the tray in a while," and leaves the room.

She leaves the room and it's as if she's sure that I'm going to eat all the food on that plate on the way out. And so it happens... As soon as the woman leaves, I jump on the plate. I start eating the food with an appetite. God knows how many days I've been hungry. This food was so good that you could have put more on it! What stingy people these were... When I finish the plate, I put it on the tray and wait. The woman who brought the food comes back to the room after a while to take the plate. This time she is with one of the women I saw earlier, Olivia. The blonde woman takes the plate and leaves, but leaves the medicine and the glass of water I need to drink it on the table. Olivia reaches for my IV and gently removes it from my arm, being careful of the needle. Olivia takes a cotton ball in her hand and naively presses it to the spot where the needle exits my skin.

"You haven't taken your medicine?" he asks curiously, looking at me. "Please take it, it will help with the pain in your bones."

I take the pill and pop it in my mouth, then quickly drink a glass of water, but even though I swallow the pill, the bad taste in my mouth makes me grimace.

The pill must be an effective medicine because the pain in my bones goes away almost instantly. Oh my God! Olivia rips the cotton off my arm, throws it into the medical waste bin next to me and drags the table in front of me with one hand. She can drag the table with one hand with no difficulty at all? How are they so strong? I turn my head to the door at the sound of a loud noise outside, a man's voice, and it's harsh. As Olivia rushes out of the room, I frown, not understanding what's happened. I think it's a relative of a patient, and she's brought the whole hospital to its feet.

"Sir, could you please step outside, I don't think Luna is ready to see you..." comes Olivia's voice from behind the door. I wonder who Luna is, Olivia continues to speak persuasively.

"Luna hasn't adapted yet. She needs to rest, she can't be of any use to you or the clan right now. Luna is no good to herself!"

A few other women start to speak in support of Olivia and I lose interest in the situation unnecessarily. Instead, I start to examine the room.

A little to my left I see another door, and since the door Olivia just came out of leads outside, I guess this second door must be the bathroom door. I slowly get up from my seat, I'd better go to the restroom. I support myself with my hands on the bed and stand up. I slowly open the door and look inside, as I guessed, this is the bathroom. I close the door behind me and rest my hands on the sink. I try to calm down and rest by breathing in and out a little bit. Finally I come right in front of the mirror and I get the second shock of my life.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" My hands go up in the air like I'm going crazy and I'm thrown back a step or two.

"Oh my God!" I exclaim as I look at my image in the mirror. My hair is white! My hair, my eyebrows, my eyelashes are all white!

I had auburn hair, but now it was a brilliant white!