
The king's woman (he is ruthles king,she is a sleeping tiger)

Oluba_Elizabeth · Teen
Not enough ratings
30 Chs





© Empress story land ❣️

Episode 1&2

In a small house,a girl stood with her hoodie covering her face and her head,she looked little and fragile.

Queen Maya looked at the pot bellied man and his family with disgust,if it wasn't for the fact that she wanted the girl and had to be patient,she would have ordered their arrest.

" My queen ,to what do we own this visit"

" I want her"

Queen Maya replied coldly and straight forwardly with her answer.

The Lys looked at each other stunned.

" We can't give her for free"

Mr Lys looked at her greedily.

" Well it depends on what you have to offer"

" How much"

Queen Maya replied,they looked at each other greed evident in their eyes,and she sneered.

"3 million will do your highness"

She smirked

" As expected of lowly peasants like them"

" I will make it 5 million"

She signaled to one of the guards ,who came forward with a briefcase filled with money and gave it to them

" So much money"

They thought and bowed, happily, quickly pushing her towards the queen.

" She is all yours now"

They retreated to the house, leaving her to her fate,queen Maya eyed them angrily and turned her gaze towards her.

" Let's go"

She didn't make a sound and followed,when they got out of the house towards the awaiting car,she turned back.

" Look up little one"

She nodded her head with refusal,queen Maya removed her hoodie taking her off guard and frozed in shock.

" Those bastards"

The girl right eyes was swollen, different types of wounds and cut on her face,then she looked down and noticed her swollen legs and arms.

Queen Maya trembled with fury,it was obvious the girl had been beaten before she arrived, closing her eyes,she opened them and stared down at the pale girl.

" We are going to the hospital"

The girl looked frightened and shook her head,queen Maya was confused and tried to touch her which only agitated her mood.

"Quick,stop her"

She turned to run,but suddenly blacked out and fell,she hadn't had anything to eat for the past three days only water and with the beating received that morning she was already weak,thus fainted.

"Quick,take her to the car and drive to the hospital"

"Yes my queen"

One of the guards carried her to the car,and the queen slide into the backseat, holding her to her chest,and the cars speed out of the street.

__________KING EDWARD PALACE ________

King Edward was having dinner with his wife Lydia and by his left side sat lux is eldest son and Bella sat beside her mother.

The door opened with a bang, and the servants voice rang out.

Everyone tensed up and looked towards the direction of the voice and saw Enzo coming in with a frown on his face.

"Enzo dear won't you come and eat"

Queen Lydia called out, looking at him but one cold glare from him shut up her next words, looking at them,he sneered then walked towards the last seat far away from them and sat down.

King Edward looked at him sadly.

" Enzo what would you like to eat"

Queen Lydia asked again trying to start a conversation.

" Don't you dare call my name"

Queen Lydia flinched and lux glanced at him.

" Enzo Don't be like that,mom only met well"

" Your mom,not mine,and I didn't ask for her help anyways"

Lux hitted his hand on the table.

" Enzo don't you dare insult our mom"

" Mom"

Queen Lydia was nervous as Enzo cold gaze stared at her.

" She,"

He scoff

" She can't never be my mom,she isn't worth it and my mom is dead,should I start to remember you guys what that means,hmmm

Lux trembled under Enzo gaze and looked down.

King Edward signed.

" Ok that's enough"

He signaled a maid to dish Enzo's food,the table was soon quite as lux settled but it didn't last long.

" Dad how about the upcoming bride's competition"

" Oh I almost forgot,you are all going"


They turned to look towards the direction and saw Enzo tossed the spoon on the table, standing up and made towards the stair.

" Enzo where are you going"

" None of your business"

They watch as he left,and Bella glared at lux.

" You and your foolish mouth,did you have to mention that"

" But...

" You know his past,he lost his mom and two girlfriends, different times but all on his birthday,are you helping or adding to the problem "

Lux and Bella were stil arguing when they heard Enzo footsteps and him making a call.

" Alright Jacob sent the car over"

He disconnected the call, putting his phone in his pocket,he had changed from his suit to a casual wear, wearing a black trouser and white shirt with white sneakers.

He looked handsome that lux envied him.

He didn't look at them and made for the door.

" Enzo,I dare you to leave this room"

King Edward yelled looking at him emotionally.


" What do want now king Edward "

Everyone choked up ,he was really.....

" Don't forget the bride...

" I heard"

Enzo replied backing him.

King Edward signed in relief and the rest both Enzo next words cut them down.

" But that doesn't mean I still acknowledge you as my father"

" Enzo...

Queen Lydia called.

" I already told you never to call my name with that tainted lips of yours "

Enzo fired angrily turning fully to looked at them,his gaze menacing and they all frozed in their seat.

"You killing my mom wasn't enough, taking my two girlfriends from me wasn't enough"

He scoffed

" Now you dare to curry favour with me,who do you think you are fooling"

Queen Lydia clenched her fist,even after that bitch death,she still torment her with this sin of hers.....

" Are you perhaps cursing my mom inyour mind Lydia"

Lydia looked flustered,Enzo looked at her in disdain then looked at Edward coldly.

" You ceased to be my father, sixteen years ago"

" Enzo am sorry"

" Sorry,"

Enzo laughed darkly.

" Can sorry bring them back,can it take away all the pains you have given me"

King Edward bowed his head in shame and able to look at him.

" That's what I thought"

" Good, pretend as if I don't exist,you always did anyways, including the both of you"

He turned his gaze towards lux and Bella.

" Anyone of you who gets in my way, knows the consequences and you also know how ruthless I can be"

Bella and lux trembled with fear,and didn't dare to look up, especially lux, and queen Lydia who looked guilty.

Enzo exit the house and king Edward signed, staring at the direction he went.

"This was all his fault '

The peaceful dinner became gloomy,as everyone had lost their appetite and were lost in thoughts...

<<<<<<<<<To be continued.< p>

What secret is king Edward hiding 🤔

Who enjoyed Enzo bashing everyone 😜

One word for the Lys family 😒

Encourage with likes and comments ❣️🌹

Love you ❣️💗