
The king's woman (he is ruthles king,she is a sleeping tiger)

Oluba_Elizabeth · Teen
Not enough ratings
30 Chs




🌹🌹 Woman 🌹🌹

© Empress story land ❣️

Episode 50&51

"How's she"

" she's good now"

Josh replied and Mr Abel signed in relief looking at the sleeping Rita....

Josh excused himself from the room and as soon as he closed the door and turn around he saw the brothers looking at him,he flinched slightly but soon composed himself...

" what!!!

" nothing "

James replied and both brothers looked away ,walking towards their room,josh stared at them blankly and signed heavily before moving his feet back to his duty post....

<<<<RICKY AUTOMOBILES~The board room ..< p>

Enzo stared coldy at the shareholders in front of him without blinking even his assistant Jacob was trembling with fright..

" who made their boss so unhappy".....

What exactly was going on.....

" so are you telling me they want to withdrew their investment the LL company.

Enzo voice was menacing that they all shivered...

" yes.....b..b..OSs"

Enzo chuckled darkly and ordered without batting his eyes....

"Terminate the contract,also withdrew from any of their future investment"

" y...yes boss"

They were all stunned but who dare go against him..but one of the shareholders asked ....in confusion...

" but the investment is worth 3 billion ....

Enzo smirked viciously slapped hard on the table,the sound making them flinched.

" do I lack money,does the company lack the funds,it seems you don't want your job anymore "

The man who spoked,looked down flustered...

" are we clear on this '

" y...yes sir"

" good,u want the report by tomorrow,no mistakes , meeting adjourned....

Enzo left and Jacob quickly trailed behind him,as soon as he left the shareholders all signed in relief,as they escape a storm...

" sir, where are you going from here"

" take me to Mr Abel's mansion "

Enzo ordered coldly....

" yes sir"

The workers were all sitting and standing on their toes,as the boss was in a foul mood,and everyone tried to clear off his path so as not to face his wrath....


" what did you say"

Leo yelled furiously;

" he did what"

Leo was more than furious,he was hopping mad,how dare he ,how could he.....with annoyance he disconnected the call...

Leo was still cursing at Enzo when ,his phone rang again and he was annoyed, without looking at the screen he yelled....

" What!!!!

" son,"

" am so sorry dad"

" sorry,can sorry clean up the mess you made,can it all because of your silly obsession with some girl,you disrupt my plan ,now all thanks to you we will have to speed up the processing,you and that idiotic sister of yours are of no use!

The prime minister scolded him coldly and before Leo could reply,the call disconnected,it took all his rationality not to smash the phone on the wall....

He clenched his fist and frowned ,his gaze soon turned sinister,since he couldn't have Rita,then no one could...

<<<<MR ABEL HOUSE....< p>

Enzo arrived the house his gaze menacing and his aura murderous,even the guards flinched....

Lupita and Brian who were in the sitting room,sighted him and stood up to welcome him...

" Mr Enzo"

" where's she "

" ....

" where's Rita "

Lupita quickly showed him the way towards Rita's room,his step was heavy and was like needles poking their skin....

Mr Abel already left to deal with some business especially berxton who dared to plot against his daughter, giving him a gift was going to be fun....

Enzo entered the room and found the brothers sitting on nearby chairs looking out for her, kelvin was surprised at how fast he got here but soon shrugged it off...

Enzo pulled a chair and sat beside her, taking her cold hand in his....

" how's she "

" they said she would be fine as she passed out,it had been a couple of hours and she hadn't woken up yet"

" who did it"

" you know who it is"

Kelvin replied him...

Enzo eyes darkened with fury,and he clenched his fist, smiling darkly....they were really going to pay for it,all her pain and tears he would make them pay double for it...

The brothers trembled when they saw his gaze and even started to pity the people who were in trouble....


Berxton was watching the news,when tge news of the company he sold was advertised,he looked interested and looked forward to it only for his face to turned into an ugly scrowl and opened wide with shock..


" what was going,how could it be.... impossible,did that mean Abel scammed him into selling the company back to his own house"...

Berxton couldn't watch the news anymore and switch it off , smashing the remote in the process,zen who happened to witness the scene looked at his father coldly then returned to his room and locked the door.....

He took out a bottle filled with medicine,his face emotionless, without thinking twice he poured some drugs into his palm and shoved it down his throat,he drank a bottle of water and climbed on his bed , covering himself with the bedsheet and sleeping waiting for the medicine to take place so he could end his meaniless life and cold treatment,he had enough.....

Ring! Ring!

Berxton swipe the screen and picked the call only for him.to hear that voice making him feel goosebumps..

" hello big brother, do you like the gift"

" Abel how dare you"

" oh I, dare and this is just the beginning"

Abel maliciously voice sounded...

Without waiting for a call the phone was disconnected and berxton threw the phone angrily,not bothering to know what became of it.....

Berxton chest heave up and down it took him a while to keep himself calm,and he matched towards his studies to get his burner phone used in communicating with his allies...

" yes"

" I need help in return ,I join you on your quest"

" deal".....

The sinister voice sounded....


It was a beautiful date and both Toni and Lydia enjoyed themselves,Toni had started opening up to her and Lydia who was understanding and patience gave him a chance...

Lydia was walking home,she was smiling happily to herself whem suddenly someone hitted her head hard with a plank,and she fainted,her head bleeding slightly....

The attacker looked around and seeing no one dragged Lydia's unconscious body towards the dark alley..

<<<<<<<To be continued< p>

Leo is really 😮 finish it...

One word for berxton 🙄

Poor zen😢

Who hitted Lydia 🧐

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