

First time writing. Pls try to keep an open mind pls. I love y'all!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you guys will help me. through my writing journey. I'll always appreciate your reviews cause it'll help me grow more understanding towards what you guys want. I'll appreciate your comments. Thanks a million. . . . Corolla is one of the best women you'll ever meet but what happens when she meets Ayden?!? After experiencing heartbreak, emotional abuse, and even scheming ways of people, will she be able to trust and believe someone could love her?!? Will it last between them?!? Add to your list and join me on this amazing journey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DaoistyweAxr · Urban
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


Hey guys, I know it's been long.

So sorry 🥺😔🙏.

My phone got stolen and there wasn't enough money to buy a new one.

I'm sorry for the hold-up.

Now I've gotten a new one. I'm going to be updating regularly.

I'm going to update one more chapter this evening and another one tomorrow morning.

Pls y'all, bear with me🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏.

Thanks for your patience.

Love y'all ❣️💫💯.