
The King's System

A King. A cultivator. A god. Three lives, one man. Watch as his glorious 4th life leads him to the apex! ------------------------------- "What are you doing?!" "Huh? I'm sleeping." "But this is your introduction!" "And what makes you think I care about something like that?" ------------------------------- Ahem. Watch as his gloriously "lazy" 4th life leads him to the top! ----------- My entry for Writing Prompt 32-a: System (Male Lead) Chapter length is around 1150 on average. ----------- P.S. the start of the novel is poking fun at generic reincarnation novels where the MC becomes a ruthless killer despite being a normal earthling. The annoying dialogue with the system is included in that. Also, first time writing so expect some less than good writing.

SSBGoditz · Fantasy
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54 Chs

Adventurers (2)

[Arin POV]

It's been a week since we left Border Town. We received one of those annoying compulsory requests from the local lord, Viscount Khardin.

I'm not sure what the specifics of the request are, since Arkan was the one who went to the meeting. Apparently, it was something to do with exploring the Alphari Desert.

Something sounds fishy here. The previous lords also wanted to explore the desert, but to no avail. Yet this new lord is attempting what his predecessors claimed to be impossible?

The amount of resources required for such a large supply train is impossible for the small Border Town. Viscount Khardin didn't seem to care though. He gave Arkan a Magic Bag and a map containing the accumulated efforts of all previous explorations.

Our task was to set up resting stations and bases at the oases outlined on the map.

Viscount Khardin was definitely suspicious, but as long as the pay is good I don't care. That's one of the benefits of being an adventurer. It's a type of 'no-strings-attached' work; do the job, get paid, and have nothing to do with the consequences.

Over 10 bases have already been set up, and we are now approaching the final oasis.

As usual, I move ahead and use my Ranger abilities to scout.

Spreading out my Detection, there was nothing I could sense, which was a bit out of the norm. All the previous oases have had at least one or two Tri-horned Tigers or Blue-mane Lions, but there are none here.

Whatever. If there aren't any beasts then that just makes our job much easier.

"Arin, what did you find?" (Arkan)

"Nothing much, Captain. I expected there to at least be some tigers here, but it's bare. There's not a single soul around." (Arin)

As soon as I said that, a figure jumped out of the ground. Curses! How did he evade my detection?

The figure looked no more than a teenager, but his armor was exquisite. The intricately designed blue cuirass looked impenetrable, and the cape and furred pauldrons added to his majestic look.

His face was obscured by his helmet, but I'm sure whoever was under that armor has to be good looking.

"Um... I'm sure we're all curious about certain things here, but can we deal with that scorpion first please?!" (???)

His voice seems so manly! How many women have been charmed by him?

"Arin, didn't you say there was no-one here?" (Arkan)

"C-Captain, I swear! H-He must have evaded my search or something..." (Arin)

I really didn't know he was here! But I guess there's no use explaining it. The truth is that I told Arkan that there was no-one here, yet someone was here.

We should leave that aside for now. Right now, the most important thing is to take care of that scorpion. Looking at its size and aura, it should be around level 70. The three of us working together should be able to take it down.

We got into battle formation. Bork, as usual, started tanking the hits while I fired some arrows.

The bloody scorpion kept on making them useless though, by making them hit its shell.

Arkan had much more success. He ran forward and stabbed the scorpion, only for it to wrench his grip from his swords. Now he's useless!

What are we to do? Our main damage dealer is now unarmed, and Bork won't be able to hold the attack much longer!

The stranger chose this moment to move. He jumped onto Arkan's swords, then jumped again, onto the top of the scorpion's head.

Then, he stabbed down with his dagger! While the three of us were expecting it to deflect off harmlessly, it actually sunk into the scorpion, all the way to the hilt!

After he 'put away' the corpse, probably into a Magic Bag or something similar, he took off his helmet.

And boy was he handsome! Where I come from, we have some of the most handsome looking men – yet this person in front of me was at least 5 times as handsome!

I'm totally going to try and lure him into our party. Then I can spend almost every day with him!


[Daniel POV]

After that was relatively peaceful. Apart from some complications with the fitting of one of the buildings, the setup of the base was done pretty quickly.

One thing that bugged me was that none of the adventurers removed their helmets. Are they so against me seeing their faces that they would rather stay in something that stuffy? Or is it that they don't trust me yet?

In any case, I also need my own private time. My recently acquired Necromancy should only be practiced when there is no-one around, and I need some time to practice Fire Magic as well.

This Arin was bothering me all the time, asking about what I remember and what I learnt during my time in the desert. I get if she's curious, but the way she is now is very annoying.

To shut her up, I just started ignoring her. I also released some of my killing intent while disguising it as aura.

As expected, she started backing off. I don't have a problem interacting with girls, but someone who is so 'sticky' is probably a gold digger or showing fake affection.

The setup finished when the sun went down. Since we couldn't move during the night, we each took a room in the newly built buildings and went to sleep.

Of course, I actually spent my time practicing my magic. I want to try something out. Using Necromancy, I summon a very basic level 1 skeleton.

Switching my secondary class to Mage to gain extra INT and MP, I manipulate the skeleton into something that is as hard as orichalcum. I also make a bone sword and shield for him.

Next, I tried making a level 30 skeleton. Although its level was high, it was still manageable for me since it was still under my own level.

I pitted the two against each other, and the level 30 one didn't even stand a chance. The upgraded skeleton, which I'll call Skeleton Warrior, cut it down within a minute.

The amount of mana required for a Skeleton Warrior is also substantially less than a level 30 skeleton, so it's a win-win. However, it is impossible for me who doesn't have much of a grasp on magic to make Skeleton Mages. Skeleton Rogues are possible, but I lack the knowledge of Stealth skills to make it possible.

In the end, I will probably make a Skeleton Warrior army and cover them in full-body armor to make them seem like humans. For now, I store the Skeleton Warrior in Ed's inventory. It is technically not alive, so it went it just fine.

After that, I went to sleep. It will be a long week.

Last chapter of the day.

I feel like I've exhausted all of my ideas, and writing any more will just result in a reduction of quality.

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