
The King's Rejected Mate

My legs were shaking and my heart was beating so fast as I entered the chambers. It was a little dark inside and I could hardly see anything. "Ly..Lycan..you sent for me.." I said with a shaky voice. That familiar scent hit my nostrils, making me grow excited and assaulting my smenses. I could feel myself gradually growing wet underneath. "You.." I heard him say coldly and turned to his direction. He was sitting on a sofa beside his window. "Come here.." he commanded and I took slow strides to where he was. "What is your name?.." he asked Icily "Oli..Olivia, Olivia Gael.." I stuttered. "I Kayden Enzo of the paxon pack reject you Olivia Gael as my mate and Luna of my pack.." he said with no emotion. "What!!" Oliva gael, a girl whose family was killed by kayden finds herself being mates to Kayden. She was rejected by him on the spot, but she refused to accept the rejection with hope that the moon goddess would make him accept her again. But the question is, would he really accept her as his mate?

Joseph_Oyebode · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Two deals

Kayden's POV

I walked out from chamber fully dressed in a black robe. Seeing Ramsey was the last thing I ever wanted at this point of time I am celebrating victory.

'What do you think he came here for?' Wayden asked as I made my way in the long dark and quiet hallways with no maids or guards in sight.

"That is what I don't know. But that traitor shouldn't expect anything from me. I know Ramsey too well, he only comes for benefits or dangers. When the pack was in trouble he kept mute and hide in the dark like the clone he is," I clenched my teeth angrily the more I thought about it.

"Let's see first. Do not be overwhelmed with anger yet," Wayden commented as I pushed the huge door open that leads to the meeting chamber.

On getting there I saw a grey haired middle-aged man. He had this fiercy aura around him and there was a sword scar on his right eye that connected to his right ear.

He was Remsey! A ruthless man from another pack. Sitting beside him I noticed a very beautiful lady dressed in white revealing clothes.

Her mountains were in full sight and she appeared to be very meek. I stared at her long white hair for o

some moment as I've seen her somewhere before but just couldn't recall where.

"Ramsay," I called out as I took over the throne. The lady was startled and that was when she raised her head and I got a good view of who she was and understood why the man was here.

"Alpha Kayden, greetings," His voice resounded in the room like a fierce beast. I simply nodded at him, my gaze focused on the lady who had a flustered look.

I ignored her then turned towards Ramsey.

"What brings you here?" I asked coldly. He knew what he did and for him to come here just verified more on how shameless he can be.

"Oh ho! Alpha Keyden, don't tell me you are so offended that you have forgotten our good old times?" He laughed out loud, hands spread out. I just sat there completely unfazed by his gesture.

"Hum! I'm sorry, so ah before I forget. Here is my daughter, Charmaine. Charmaine go on, introduce yourself," He turned towards the white haired lady beside him and she nodded meekly. Oh? So it was Chamomile. I've heard a lot about this beauty who would have thought that she was brought here by her father.

Charmaine got up slowly, her gown moving with grace as she bowed her head in a short courtesy.

"Greetings, Alpha Kayden. I heard about the recent victory from the villages on my way here. May you continue to reign and bring more peace," She nodded again then took her seat.

I didn't know what type of spell she casted on me at that moment but I knew deep down I needed to have her but in a different way. My gaze well of her bouncing mountains then I retraced my gaze back to her father.

"I do not think that you brought your daughter here for self introduction alone. What Is it that brings you here from thousands of miles from your pack?" I asked him, my back rested against the throne.

I was relaxed at that moment for an unknown reason while my eyes couldn't take off from her. She has this beautiful scent around her and her captivating blue eyes felt like a pair of deep blue oceans ready to drown me.

"Haha! I knew from the onset that you love beautiful women! So I brought my daughter to you ha!" His belligious laughter resounded in the meeting hall. And I smiled too then snapped my fingers.

And it didn't take long. Some aides walked in with trays of wines and fruits.

My gaze fixed on Ramsey's eyes as I slowly slowly.

"I am sorry that I failed to treat my guests with hospitality. Here let's have a toast to the goddess and discuss what brought us here," I said, my gaze still fixed on him as I slowly took the filled glass and took a gulp. The sweet and savoring juice assaulted my taste buds and I nodded . I was satisfied.

"Good wine!" I commented and Ramsay's laughter echoed out too.

"Only the great Alpha has a good taste of wine among the region Packs." He stated and I nodded in agreement, I can't deny that.

"Now let's go back to the reason why we are here," I stated as my glass slammed against the table. The room suddenly turned intensed and Ramsey dropped his glass slowly then turned to his quiet daughter.

"You may leave. You know what to do next," He told her coldly.

"Yes father. Bless," She kissed his forehead and walked out of the room.

I instructed the maids too and they left.

"I see that you accept the gift I brought. And trust me there are a lot more." He started but I wasn't ready to give him an answer.

"You can do with her what pleases you. She's just part of the deal. You must have gotten the hint from what my daughter said," He added as he took a gulp then took out a map.

"This is the BloodStone Pack. A very powerful one that occupies almost half of the eastern region. I do not know how their Alpha I'd but I know that he is a powerful man with a hundred of thousands of armies." He narrated as he showed me regions and pointed at a particular spot.

"It's so unfortunate that my Pack house declared a war against them 2 years ago after they tried to take over the Orc mine my Warriors found. I do not know who gave them the info about it but ever since then they have been killing my people," He said, finally closing the map.

" Was that why you came?" I asked coldly after all the long explanation.

"To explain about how you fought with him? Do you want me to be your saint and attack him?" I asked, relaxed. I watched his face go back to how stoic it was earlier.

"I came for more. I request half of your warriors to join mine in this battle. I am ready to pay anything! Even my daughter, I have given her to thee," He said, his face as calm as the ocean that one can't even read what he's thinking.

"Your daughter's life isn't worth half of my Warriors," I stated and got up ready to leave. This was a blunt rejection towards him and I hope he does more to convince me.

Else! This would be our last meeting.

"I'll give 10 percent of the mines. 300 hundred thousand black Orc. 400 hundred Hard steels for your pack, the upgraded ones. And 600 hundred Blood pills for the alchemist academy in your Pack and… my daughter," He stated and finally I stopped right there in my track.

I turned towards him in disbelief.

Although I was a powerful ruler, all these he mentioned we only have half or no of the items.

"It's a deal then," I said, then walked away.