

TODAY NEWS HEADLINE Biggest business tycoon and heir of royal family got married for the second time with his rival company's daughter . ************†************* Abhimaan Singh Rathore is the new owner of Rathore Group & Co.In India and even outside India, everyone knew who Abhimaan Singh Rathore is and if someone messes with Abhimaan Singh Rathore, what will happen to him. He was a very angry aggressive person, who used to get angry at every little thing. Changing girls was not a new thing for him. Every other night he was seen with a new girl. Whether she was a supermodel or some other girl, it was not a big deal for him. *****************"* When he closes his eyes, he remembers only one face, his beloved. This was the same girl whom Abhiman used to remember till today, but he did not know where the girl had gone, whom he had once wanted with all his heart. The same love that he hated the most today, due to which his life has become such that he never wants to live and didn't believe in the word called " marriage ". *******************

S_suman15 ¡ Urban
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chapter -1

You all know that India is one of the very ancient country.Earlier India was ruled by a dynasty. Even though the country has become independent. But even today the royals have a lot of value here. The people here treat the royals very well. The royals still have many properties. Those people are still counted among the very rich people.

His property and company would have been too much of a name.There is such a big royal family Rathore's. Rathore Group and Company is a very big and well known company. This is a company of the Royals family of India.

This company was established by Mr. Vaishnav Singh Rathore.It is said that as beautiful as it looks, it is not so beautiful. This royal family also had a similar story. Everything was looking as good from outside here. Nothing was as good inside. There were many deep secrets of this royal family, which no one knew till date.

Abhimaan Singh Rathore is the new owner of Rathore Group & Co.In India and even outside India, everyone knew who Abhimaan Singh Rathore is and if someone messes with Abhimaan Singh Rathore, what will happen to him. He was a very angry aggressive person, who used to get angry at every little thing. Changing girls was not a new thing for him. Every other night he was seen with a new girl.

Whether she was a supermodel or some other girl, it was not a big deal for him.

He was living his life to the fullest. But it was hollow inside. He didn't know what he wanted.He had no desire to know what love is. For him love is a deception that he lived 10 years ago. He didn't want to live back on this deception again. For him, love is just a name that anyone can use against you at any time . Girls are made for timepass. That's all he knew. He had nothing to do with girls. He used to use the girls only for the night stand and left them. He had no faith in love. He was betrayed by love which he did not want again.

But did he know that the thing he is running away from, he will soon have to face that thing again in his life!

Morning 9:30 a.m. Right now everyone was running in the office. Everyone was afraid that they do not know what will happen in today's meeting. The boss seemed very angry. Abhiman Singh Rathore's PA said as soon as he came inside the office " something has gone wrong sir, the file is not being found and it is being said that someone saw someone coming to the office. I don't know, who was he? " "I tried to check the footage but for so long the photos are also missing. m sorry sir but don't know what is happening. " " I will definitely do something. You don't take tension please sir please calm down.

"Calm down, how to calm down." He roared.

Abhimaan was very angry "You understand what is happening here. I was not here for 1 week and you guys have kept the office completely raw. Can't find a file. Now what happened? we have to take the contract at some cost. Do whatever you have to do for this and those people who had kept the file of this meeting, fire them from this job now."

Nikhil (P.a) " But sir this is not their fault someone has stolen it. "

Mr rathore - I don't care I want that file at any cost and if I don't get that file within 5 minutes then you all will have to lose your job. Got it, I'm leaving. I have no interest in being humiliated in front of that Chauhan. If you guys let me down then understand that you lost your job.

It was not possible to find the file so quickly. The abhimaan knew this. He knew that the file would not be available so soon. But he knew how to handle this situation very well. He did not want to humiliate in front of Chauhan at any cost. He did not become the owner of such a big company just like that. He knows how to handle the situation. On going to the meeting, Mr Rathod did not let anyone even know that he did not have the file. Chauhan knew this because he had got it done so there should be no chance of continuing the meeting. Mr Chauhan wanted Chauhans to get the contract not Rathore's.

It is not that easy to defeat Abhimaan Singh Rathore! Abhimaan smirks 😏,

Abhimaan - gentlemen I am so sorry for coming late I have some problems to handle in my office. Hello Mr Chauhan how are you? Hope your company is doing great as always.

Mr Chauhan- af course Mr Rathore ( he thinks he was going to defeat the great abhimaan Singh rathore)

Abhimaan call his secretary Laila - come with the blue file.

Then he start the meeting laila gives that file to abhimaan their is always a plan B for abhimaan. That why his company is on top in India.

After the meeting he got the contract.

Abhimaan stops Mr Chauhan - hello Mr Chauhan where are you going in hurry???? Ohhh sorry sorry of course you have many works like plotting against my company how to humiliate abhimaan and so on... But one thing you get on your mind Chauhan I am not someone to mess and any one try to humiliate me in any way I am going to destroy that person... And sorry to say you are my new target 😏.

Abhimaan away like a lion 🦁.

In office

Abhimaan - so Mr p.a what are going to say? If I don't have plan B then how are we going to get that contract? Look nikhil I am not someone who ignore these types of things. And the team also you all are fire.

Nikhil - ss.... S...sorry sir plzz last time sir I am begging you .

Abhimaan - sorry? What can a sorry change? Nothing my friend now get out.

Nikhil leave from there but with so much anger inside.

Abhimaan get a call from the jaipur palace.

Abhimaan - yeah

Person - when are you going to came back in the palace you are going to be the king. This is how you are going to handling your family pride?

Abhimaan - Dadi sa ( grandmother) I am sorry I will came back tomorrow here in delhi office some stuffs are creating problems but now I think it's solved.

Dadi sa - ok as long as you came fast I will forgive you.I know how important it is to be your king, there are many people who are behind this throne. We cannot let them win.

Abhimaan - I know grandmother.

Dadi sa - I am waiting for you.


There were many people who wanted him to get the title of Raja of Jaipur. But this could not happen as long as Abhiman Singh Rathore is alive.

The Rathore Royal Family was a very big family. Abhiman's grandfather was the first king. After that his father became the king and now it was the turn of Abhimaan .Abhimaan had four younger cousins , three of his uncle's sons.and one was his younger brother.

It was not that there was much love between all the brothers. All of them used to stand with each other only and only for their own cause. In such a way, many such things were going on inside those people, which normal people did not know.

Abhimaan taught to leave early for jaipur.Abhimaan tells his secretary Lala to get the jet ready so that he can leave for Jaipur as soon as possible.

Abhiman knew what his grandmother wanted to say. He also did not want to be late in the coronation anymore. He wanted that as fast as possible.

Mr Abhiman Singh had reached the Rathore Palace of Jaipur. The entire palace was beautifully decorated with flowers and lights.

When he went inside the palace, everyone was eating at the dining table. At the same time, his youngest uncle said that yes, tomorrow there will be a crown of abhimaan. Now he will become the king but we have not got anything for us. My son also got nothing. Everything was only for a

Abhimaan and why was nothing for us??? Why did our father cheat on us so much? We were also his sons but he did not give us anything. He gave everything to his eldest son.

Listening for Abhimaan was nothing new. He knew how much hatred his uncles had against him, but he did not want this hatred to come in the way of his victory at any cost. He had to know the secret hidden inside this palace at any cost. Due to which his mother died and till date he has not been able to find out the exact reason. He did not want to leave his mother's slayer alive. he knows what to do😏.

Abhimaan - Oh uncle you have such a problem. Would have told me earlier that you want to be the king. I would have happily given this throne to you.Maybe you forgot. I'll remind you You know that whoever sits on this throne, dies.

It has been said and it happens.Like it happened with my grandfather and like it happened with my father and it may happen with me now but it is not that easy to defeat me. Yes, if you want your son to become the king, then I will happily give the throne to you. I don't want to die?

Abhimaan knew that all these things were nonsense and that no one dies because of sitting on the throne. Behind all this there is someone whom he had to find out. This was the reason that he wanted to be the king .

Arun singh rathore - No no son, where did I say, I want to become a king like this. You are our king, we have accepted you as our king long ago. We don't have any problem. There is no such thing as the son .

Abhimaan rolls his eyes.

Abhimaan - ok then good night gyzz...Give some peace to your mind too. How far will you guys run? I don't know you guys but I am getting very tired. I want to rest. Tomorrow is a big day for me. It will be big for all of you too. Go and rest.

After saying this Abhiman goes to his room. He knew there was no point in arguing with these people.After going to his room, when he sits restlessly, he realized how hard he is living his life. After all, so many problems have happened to him. In life and he did not know that what other problem is going to come from next?

When he closes his eyes, he remembers only one face, his beloved.

This was the same girl whom Abhiman used to remember till today, but he did not know where the girl had gone, whom he had once wanted with all his heart.

The same love that he hated the most today, due to which his life has become such that he never wants to live and didn't believe in the word called " marriage ".


Hello everyone this is my work which I am starting today it contains around 2000 words it will be uploaded once in a month. So please don't ask next part soon. Hope you all will like it. Give your best comment, votes & review. 🙏

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