344 Can You Catch Me, My King?

I dashed out of the room in anger but stopped outside the room.

Calm down, Das.

If you get angry here, she will just hide herself again, and I might not be able to find her for eternity.

It's Lily, if you piss her off, she will surely hold the grudge.

I need to think carefully.

What can I do?

Lily certainly won't come out on her own, no matter what I say, no matter what I do.

Damn her.

She was being so hard on Daisy, and she even masturbated watching Daisy and me. And now she is hiding.

She is really a devil, a cute devil.

I took a deep breath and sat down in the middle of the hallway.

Think Das, think.

What can I do so that Lily can come out on her own?

I certainly can't force her to come out.

Let's try talking with her and see if she replies or not.

"Lily, I know you can hear me"


Great, she is not even replying now.

"Can you at least tell me why are you hiding?"


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