

The Devil Walking On Earth is what he is called by the supernaturals. Ruthlessness runs through his very soul. Heartless he is. He is unforgiving. His fearlessness is something known to every spices that exist. He is capable of wiping out an entire race and no one would utter a word to stop him. He's known for keeping only male guards but this time around he wants females as guard. This decision shocked the entire supernatural race. But most females dared not go to the contest. It was only ten if them. Among the ten females, one particular one caught his eye even though all the females have their potentials. She was fierce, strong, calm and Lethal and he loves the fire in her eyes. It reminds him of himself. ______Disclaimer_______ He watched as she stood in front of him, giving the five men a hard glare which left them shifting from one foot to the other. She never ceases to amaze him. How can a beautiful girl be so cold? He asked himself secretly. "My King wants to have a chat with your master, in peace," she said with the same cold emotionless tone with dark aura surrounding her. An aura that he has never felt around her in before. "Our King has no business with your asshole of a king," one of the men spat angrily. The next second she was standing close to him with her dagger on his spine. "Don't disrespect my king. I won't mind castrating you before ripping out your particulars. One more word of disrespect thrown at my king and I will make sure I add you to an art collection," she warned, her voice coming out darker than he expected which made a shiver run down his spine as the guard nodded with a fearful expression. "Now, lead the way. Try anything smart and I won't hesitate to slice you up," she muttered motioning for the king to come with them.He followed with the same cold expression. He has never met a woman as strong as her in his entire life and this female has his heart without knowing. She's The King's Guard.

CHISOM77 · Eastern
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34 Chs

Those Hypnotizing Eyes

If you're not brave, no one would back you up


Whatever, old man," the king replied in the same mocking tone. "Don't blame me though, we made the mistake together," the king added as a reminder but Thunder being Thunder, just snort in disagreement and went back to watching the show unfold with a chuckle while the King shook his head in disbelief. Now he was really thinking Thunder was insane.

"The mother of his what?"the lady asked blinking in fake surprise.

"His god damn baby," the lady replied annoyed.

"You're saying you're pregnant but have the pleasure of wearing such clothes?" the masked lady asked looking at her flat belly intensely.

"I'm just two weeks pregnant so what's wrong with dressing up a bit before my belly starts growing big?" She asked with a haughty attitude which made the masked female tsked boringly.

"Do you know that the king has a mate out there?" the masked female asked with a serious tone. Her sudden statement made the lady nervous whiles the pack's jaw dropped. The king pursed his lips tightly after hearing her statement.

"Well, she's just a mate and I'm the mother of his first child so she would have to reject him," she said heartlessly. The woman was wicked.

"Play time over. Let's get to the serious issue," the masked female said.

"Are you worthy of the king?" She asked starring at the haughty lady intently.

"Yes. After all I'm the daughter of one of the most powerful Aphas in this country," she replied with confidence.

"Would you die for him if that is what would safe his kingdom?" She asked, her tone turning serious every passing second.

"Of course not. The life of the child matters the most because he's the heir to this kingdom," she replied more confidently. The pack laughed hearing his answer, she's so dense. The king shook his head, hearing the woman's selfish answer. She's so power hungry that she forgets logic.

"What's your name?" another question rang out. She was really enjoying the game.

"Bella, Esabella," the haughty lady replied unsure why the masked female was asking for her name.

"Esabella as the daughter of a powerful man, you're truly dense. In fact you're dum," the mask lady replied shaking her heard.

"You want your so-called child to be an heir to a fallen kingdom?" She continued to ask.

"You must be mentally ill, lady Bella," she added. She was going all out insulting her and embarrassing her.

"You..how dare you insult me, you peasant," the lady bellowed trembling in rage.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Esabella, calm down. Okay, pregnancy hormones are really making you more undeserving of a king," the mask female said with a chuckle. The pack holler with laughter.

"Can you fight for what is yours?" She asked with curiousity.

"Of course," Esabella replied with more confidence. Her hand gripping the king's tightly.

"Then fight for it," the masked female replied. Before everyone could comprehend what her words meant, she grabbed the king's hand and pulled him behind her. Esabella grip on the king slipped and she stumbled backwards.

"If you loves someone, you never let your guard down," the masked female lectured with a bored tone.

"And what happened now means you obviously don't love this man. Now you should go to where you're coming from, the king is exhausted," the masked female added with the king's wrist still in her hand.

"And who are you to decide that you pathetic human?" Esabella asked on top of her lungs.

"I only talk with my guns, fists and swords. Tell me, who am I, lady?" the masked female replied with a shrugged. The pack was wondering why the king was quite. Kelsey who was standing on top of the stairs almost asked that particular question.

"Now be a good little girl and go back to where you came from and I will keep my mouth zipped about your little secret, for now," she added with a sigh but her eyes told Esabella she would expose her if she tries anything stupid.

"Wh...whaa..... what are you talking about?" She dared to ask but not before stumbling upon her words though.

"You know what I'm talking about so don't try to play dum with me, young woman," the masked female replied with a humourless chuckle at the end of her words.

"Fine. I will leave but this isn't over and you should remember that he's mine," Esabella said pointing her index finger at the king.

The masked female took hold of her finger and said sternly, "Do not point your finger at the king". She let go of Esabella's finger with a huff of breath and Esabella walked away after glaring at the girl with hatred.

"We need to talk, your majesty, in private," she said after the park dispersed with giggles and murmurs.

"Sis, see you at the dinning room after you're done," the masked male said as he walked upstairs with Kelsey in tow after they got a nod from her sister. The king looked at their joined hands but as soon as she realized what she retracted her hand with an apology.

"Can we talk somewhere else?" She asked looking at his chest.

"Yes. Follow me," the king said walking towards the elevator beside the stairs on the left. The elevator arrived on the sixth floor of the pack house. Both stepped out with the doors closing behind them. He walked to his living room and sat on the couch and motioned for her to do same which she did.

"What do you want to talk about," he asked curiously.

"Do sense pregnancy?" She asked in a serious tone. The king almost chuckled at her question, he can sense a heartbeat so why can't he sense pregnancy?

"Yes I do," he replied cooly.

"Can you sense when it belongs to you?" She asked with furrowed brows. At this question, the king was stunned, of course he can.

"Yes," he replied truthfully.

"Then, you should know if it is yours then," she said with a sigh.

"Yes it belongs to me," he affirmed, knowing she was talking about Esabella's pregnancy.

"That's the thing my king, that pregnancy isn't yours. She's been lying to you. It the spell that makes it seems like it is yours but the truth is far from that, my king," she replied with another sigh.

"But I've slept with her and I was her first," he muttered. His tone held confusion.

"My king, you never did slept with her otherwise I would have known the moment I held her finger," she replied truthfully. Somehow, the king was letting his cold facade slip off in her presence which has never happened with anyone before.

"How do you know with just a touch," he asked doubtfully.

"I can read the past and from what I saw she isn't what she portrays to be. She isn't just an ordinary daughter of an alpha. She's the daughter of a vampire lord and a werewolf Alpha female and male," she said with a cold gaze.

"They're all over you," she added.

"I will take my leave now," she said with a polite bow of her head and exited the living room while the King's growled in anger, how dare Esabella cast a spell on him. He was so gonna deal with her brutally. Is this what Thunder has been trying to say all this while, he was so focused on his enemies to realize they were already in his territory and kingdom. He felt betrayed and that's what he hates the most.

He has known Esabella for fifteen good years and thought she was a descent girl and had even thought that her father was a friend of his but he didn't realize that, that friend has been plotting for his downfall. He has lived for over hundred years and didn't consider others his friends easily but it was only because Esabella's father saved his nanny who he cares about a lot that was why he considered him a friend and ignored all the sighs that he brought with him.

"Calm down, you don't want her to see your beast now," Thunder warned, although he was also angry, he controlled it. The king's anger subsided when he understood what Thunder meant. He went into his bedroom with a sigh. If they want to play a game of chess, then he's ready.

Although he doesn't have a queen to watch his back in this game, he just got someone who's more than an ordinary queen. He will not allow his kingdom to be classified under the fallen kingdoms. There's a reason why people fears him and he is going to keep up with that reputation.

The king walked into the dining room where food was being served and members of his pack filling in. His eyes scanned the room looking for the familiar figure of his new guard, he mean the female guard. Why he was searching for her was a mystery to him since Thunder wouldn't tell him why they seem drawn to the girl in the first place.

He frowned when he didn't see her, the pack members who were present raised brows at their king in question when he was looking around, as if searching for someone but not finding the person. The truth is they have an idea who he's looking for but they wanted to be sure so they kept quiet and kept waiting in anticipation for what would happen if that person walks in.

As everyone thought, they heard the sound of soft footsteps coming from the living room. They watched as his head snapped in the direction of the footsteps but he averted his gaze as soon as he saw her, grabbing a serving tray from the table, the king started piling up different foods onto one plate before setting it on the tray and two glasses of orange juice and two bottles of water.
