

The Devil Walking On Earth is what he is called by the supernaturals. Ruthlessness runs through his very soul. Heartless he is. He is unforgiving. His fearlessness is something known to every spices that exist. He is capable of wiping out an entire race and no one would utter a word to stop him. He's known for keeping only male guards but this time around he wants females as guard. This decision shocked the entire supernatural race. But most females dared not go to the contest. It was only ten if them. Among the ten females, one particular one caught his eye even though all the females have their potentials. She was fierce, strong, calm and Lethal and he loves the fire in her eyes. It reminds him of himself. ______Disclaimer_______ He watched as she stood in front of him, giving the five men a hard glare which left them shifting from one foot to the other. She never ceases to amaze him. How can a beautiful girl be so cold? He asked himself secretly. "My King wants to have a chat with your master, in peace," she said with the same cold emotionless tone with dark aura surrounding her. An aura that he has never felt around her in before. "Our King has no business with your asshole of a king," one of the men spat angrily. The next second she was standing close to him with her dagger on his spine. "Don't disrespect my king. I won't mind castrating you before ripping out your particulars. One more word of disrespect thrown at my king and I will make sure I add you to an art collection," she warned, her voice coming out darker than he expected which made a shiver run down his spine as the guard nodded with a fearful expression. "Now, lead the way. Try anything smart and I won't hesitate to slice you up," she muttered motioning for the king to come with them.He followed with the same cold expression. He has never met a woman as strong as her in his entire life and this female has his heart without knowing. She's The King's Guard.

CHISOM77 · Eastern
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34 Chs

Dark Portal

The others hummed in agreement again. It was true that Hamza was afraid of ruining in his current relationship with Kelshun with his proposal. He didn't want to ruin the only chance he has to get closer to her than he already was. Hamza has never committed to a serious relationship before.

All women from his past only clings to him because of his position and the power he held. Those women never loved him so he just do what he wants with them and dump them the next day. He never forced them into anything and besides he knows a Max of them are his enemies. But now that he has feelings for Kelshun, he was at lost of what to do.

The horse, Ragnar Noir kept galloping through the thick woods of the king's pack land at a minimum speed causing a gentle breeze to blow around which kept caressing the skins of the two people on top of him. One of Hamza's hand was holding onto the reins of Ragnar Noir and one arm around the girl's waist, keeping her in place.

Her sweet scent wrapped around him like a blanket. Her scent was so addicting just like her her enchanting eyes. Any man in his right senses would want to keep her with him, always and he's no exception. But except he would keep her only for himself. He made a mental note to change her scent when they near that man whore's territory.

Kelshun was admiring the beauty of nature as Ragnar Noir kept a steady pace. He was light but steady on his feet. Ragnar Noir was truly a KING'S horse or should she say "a Royal Horse". Whichever you prefer. From the way he moves, Kelshun concluded that he was a brave and wise horse. She made a mental note to study him more as they journey with him for three or four days.

It been an hour since they left the pack house, Ragnar Noir now has his golden black wings spread as he galloped towards a cliff and flew in to the air with ease. "Beautiful," Kelshun thought silently as the king's arm tightened around her waist. She looked at the landscape beneath them in awe.

She would give anything to fly this high. It exciting, really. Looking down at the greenery scenery and the lakes which passed through the forest was a good sight to behold. God has paradise on earth as well but it is a pity most of us don't appreciate nature or it's beauty. Well, Kelshun loves and appreciates nature and it's beauty.

There's something so special and calming about watching the sunrise, sunset or even the waves of the oceans crashing against the rocks as one seats at the shore of the ocean. Imagine watching thousands of stars in the sky with someone you love as you chat about your past lives or how eventful your days has been whiles appreciating God's creation and blessings through the beautiful stars above and wishing you could get more closer to the sky so you could touch the stars.

It been six long hours of being afloat in the air. Kelshun was already asleep with her head on the king's chest. He loves how relaxed she seemed with him as she slept, this shows that she trusts him enough to be vulnerable in his presence. This discovery made his hope of getting chosen by her skyrocketed higher than before.

He prays she chooses him because he doesn't want to fight another Alpha for her to be by his side. He didn't want to show her his ugly side, he didn't want her to be dissatisfied with his actions which might lead to her hating his guts.

"Ragnar Noir, let's find an inn to rest for the night," the king said to his horse gently as if he was a human but surprisingly, the horse neigh in response with a slight nod of it's head. As it flew downwards to search for an inn. If only Kelshun had heard and seen the communication between the king and Ragnar Noir, she would have be awed by both creatures.

Ragnar Noir flew down into the middle of the forest with ease. After the graceful creature landed on the floor of the forest, it walked for about ten minutes before stopping at the mouth of a cave with a neigh of approval. Hamza smiled and dismounted Ragnar Noir with the girl in his arms. He loved this feeling, just her, Ragnar and himself. No one would come to disturb them. It was a good feeling, he would make sure he created such opportunities in the future.

"Hamza..." He heard her mumbled in her sleep which made him stiffened. Was she see his past again..? The girl snuggled in his arms with a soft sigh snapping him out of his stupor. He walked into the cave with Ragnar not far behind him. Surprisingly, the inside of the cave was beautiful.

There was splash carpet laid on the floor with an huge adjustable couch with four soft pillows. Hamza sighed in contentment as he laid the girl on the couch before adjusting it into a bed form. He took off her combat boots and the cloak she was wearing.

He quickly covered her with a blanket afraid she would catch a cold. After which he walked out of the cave and created a magic seal at the mouth of the cave before disappearing into the forest with the cap of his cloak over his head, his dark figure moving in the woods as the moon shone above.

About ten minutes later he stood on the top of a cliff as he looked at the moon above him. "Come out" he said into the quiet night. Not even a second later, four figures wearing the same black clock stood before him.

"Good evening, your majesty" they chorused together.

"Good evening. How is the coast?" Hamza asked coldly whiles looking at the figures from under his hood.

"He is having a lot of guards on every side of his kingdom, no one could go in or out without his notice. He seemed prepared this time around" the first figure replied

"I don't think is a good idea to go to his kingdom now. Especially when you want to keep her a secret" the third person standing in front of him added. Hamza knew who the "her'' he's talking about.

"There's no way I will waste my time waiting for the right time to go to him. It now or never" Hamza replied after sometime.

"But, your majesty you know he wouldn't aid you his help for free. And I definitely second, he would want her in exchange for his help. We can't loose her, she's special and has a bigger part to play in all of these chaos" the second man said in a firm tone.

"Yes, I know she's special. Believe me when I say choosing him would be the last thing she would do. I know her, not enough but I know she wouldn't be that easy to tame" Hamza replied in a firm tone as well. He knew what that girl was capable of doing.

"She's all you've got, all we've got so please don't let them have her" the third person said.

"Shit, something isn't right" the fourth man said, moving with an in human speed with the others in tow. They moved in the direction of the cave. Just as they got there, they saw a shadow of a man being swallowed by a dark portal. But that wasn't what made them mad. That person has the balls to take her with him. Hamza felled on his knees with a darker chuckle. A chuckle so dark that the others shivered involuntary. Never had they heard anything darker than the king's chuckle.