
The King's Den

Love can be expressed in any kind of relationship. Love can change any form of relationship. It can change two complete strangers to a father and mother, an aloof colleague to a dear friend and an enemy mafia gang to a beloved family?? Love can break all limitations but can it break the sheer will of two bitter enemy sides? Will they be able to mold back the broken relationships or will everything go in vain?

SiriusCapella · Urban
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

First Encounter

Derek slipped his phone back in and we attached our earpieces to join Nate on a concall.

"Nate, call 1010 emergency and file a complaint for a kidnap. If the mafia is involved,no one will file a complaint about it in the station but if it's mentioned as kidnap to the emergency, they report it directly into the walkie talkies through the channel, so anyone in range of the channel can respond. That will be our advantage, we can stop the trafficking."


Before the message would be broadcasted, we had covered a fair distance and were soon close to the coordinates. A few minutes later, the walkie talkie buzzed out and a clear voice cut through it.

"Officers nearby, a kidnapping has been reported in the paradise bridal store, 4315, green gate lane. We need immediate response to the spot, over."

The radio channel was silent indicating that no one else was close by. Derek responded after a few seconds.

"This is the captain. Lieutenant Diana and I are in range of the spot,we will investigate. Send backup. Over"

"Roger that, captain. Over"

Leaving our car at a quite far but viewing distance from the store, we both cautiously closed in with our hands on our guns.

"Nate, be ready on the CCTV."

Strangely, Nate was silent. Derek and I exchanged looks understanding the situation. We were on our own for now without Nate's guidance. The store was in sight and a truck was stationed near it.

There was serious lack of security except the CCTV and the store was aloof owing to the forest coverage. We were watching the surroundings but our attention diverted to the truck. To our horror, women from the store and actual customers were being shoved into the truck. Our view was blocked by two men. One of them spoke with a gruff voice.

"The force? You got no business here. We are Lansky's men."

Derek nodded and beckoned me to follow him back. The footsteps of the men retreating were heard and Derek began whispering to me.

"On my mark,shoot the men. I will cover you while you go and rescue the.."

His words were cut short by shots being fired. Derek and I had our heads down and guns out in reflex as we sprinted closer to the store. That was when we caught sight of another group firing shots mercilessly at Lansky's men.

"Diana, we need the hostages safe. Let's go!"

Glasses splintered at the storefront and we could tell that the fight was turning nasty and bloody with the shouts and screams. Our focus was on the truck solely so we moved swiftly, hidden from the fight.

Retrieving the women from the truck, we shielded them until we entered the store. But no one bothered about us as the battle was intense. We stopped as soon as we were inside, a little away from the storefront. Derek concealed himself among the dresses while I gathered the ladies in a corner.

"You did not see us nor anything else. You were almost kidnapped but hid inside the building. Is that clear?"

Hurried nods from the sweaty faces came in lightning speed. They looked spooked like they were living a nightmare.

"On my word, go across to the changing rooms and barricade yourselves in there. Come out only after I tell you to."

The sound of shooting had reduced to a minimal by the time I had given instructions.


The group charged towards the changing room. Just when everything seemed okay, one of the women tripped on the mannequin and it crashed to the floor. The woman looked across to me in regret and guilt. I fiercely mouthed her to go and heaved a sigh of relief only after a faint lock was heard. Derek's voice came through the earpiece.

"Diana watch out, a guy from the other group is coming over."

There was no other choice than to shoot him so I held my gun ready to fire. He wouldn't let me, a cop live to tell the tale. His footsteps were echoing and my stance grew very tense waiting to pounce on the chance to shoot first.

The tables turned in a second when a hoodied guy tripped over through the dresses. How the heck was he out here and not in the changing rooms!? He was visible to me but the other guy was not. A hand holding a gun to his head was also visible to my line of sight.

"So-sorry, please let me live man..I was just here to get a wedding dress with my girlfriend...p-please"

Derek's command came in clearly.

"Diana, take the shot. I will take care of the one at the storefront."

Before we both could take the shot, a stern, husky voice alarmed us.

"Hey! Let's go. Boss called."

This voice, there was something familiar about it. It sent down chills through my body like it recognises it. Where have I heard it before? It can't be, I haven't heard such a voice. I kept telling myself this but couldn't shake off that feeling. My mind went blank in the thought of urging to find out. My eyes moved sensing movement.

The hoodied guy rose to his feet like nothing had happened and brushed his knees. His head turned to my direction and cold eyes met mine.

"What the fuck?... Nate?"

"Missed me?"

He smirked jubilantly.

"You've got a shit load of crap to clear up so come by the safe house later. I will send coordinates. No need to worry about the CCTV footage, only the gangs fighting will be recorded. Oh and...you owe me one now."

Not waiting for my response, Nate exited through the backdoor. So that's how he came in here. Derek was checking me for injuries while I told him about Nate.

"Let's go back to the car, we need to build up our story."

Apparently, the last two men standing, left. Everything happened so fast that we could cook up a story to show our late arrival.

"We make it like we just arrived to the scene. It was a massacre and the people almost kidnapped were hiding in the store. Okay?"


Backup arrived a few minutes after we fake arrived to the scene. We allowed the women out warning them to act dumb about everything. The CCTV footage was pretty much self explanatory and perfectly edited to only show the part when the gangs were fighting and us entering afterwards.

True to his word, Nate had done an excellent job. The rest was in static and Derek brushed it off saying that the men involved may have tampered with it. Investigation and forensic teams were collecting evidences and samples.

In the middle of this, I remembered that voice again. I couldn't stop thinking about it. Derek shook me snapping me from my thoughts.

"You are spacing out, are you okay D?"


After a tiring day, we finished up and dragged ourselves to the safe house to meet Nate.

"Hey Nate, why and how were you at the crime scene?"

"That for later, first take a look at this"

He showed us the footage of the entire fight with us included. When it was close to the end, my eyes were fixed on the owner of the voice trying to get a glimpse of his face. But his entire head was covered up much to my disappointment. We also came to know that those two men we almost shot weren't the only ones left standing.

Only Lansky's men had ended up dead owing to the surprise attack. While we were securing the hostages, the rest of the group that attacked had left immediately after the fight with the injured.

"So, are you both curious on who the other group was?"

