
The King's Den

Love can be expressed in any kind of relationship. Love can change any form of relationship. It can change two complete strangers to a father and mother, an aloof colleague to a dear friend and an enemy mafia gang to a beloved family?? Love can break all limitations but can it break the sheer will of two bitter enemy sides? Will they be able to mold back the broken relationships or will everything go in vain?

SiriusCapella · Urban
Not enough ratings
33 Chs


The next few moments were filled with breathless anticipation on what was going to happen. Even Diana and Nate were silent and awaiting the fight.

I was organizing my points of escape to leave safely. They would be busy sniping at their enemy and wouldn't notice me leave. But my thoughts came to a grinding halt when Nate's voice came through.

"Derek, there is someone creeping up the stairway towards those snipers. The Terranova are ahead on this game."

His footsteps were not audible even to the slightest. It was mayhem when the guy pounced on the two snipers unannounced. One kick sent the limp guy right next to me. And the other sniper was struggling around with his gun and the guy.

The man was spitting blood and tried to recover from the kick but his eyes widened on the sight of me crouched and hiding.

It was now or never, I rushed to the stairway. It was only momentary but I saw the other sniper being bashed onto the wall mercilessly splattering blood. My steps were frantic not minding the sound it was making.

"You started this Terranova, This is war!"

The echo of a shot being fired made me freeze for a moment. But the words I heard next made me run determined.

"There is another one running downstairs. Take care of him."

I had made it to the ground and ran to the opposite direction from where the shots were being fired consistently.

"Nate, where am I going?"

"You are on the correct area, keep running down the street to your right. I can guide you with the visuals."


A little distance covered and Nate's voice stopped me.

"Derek, stop and hide right now!"

I was few blocks away from the way that leads to home but followed Nate's instructions nonetheless. As I waited behind a huge generator snuggled in between the alleyway, the other side was filled with activity with Nate passing instructions to Diana.

"Someone else is accessing the CCTVs on the path Derek needs to move across right now. Diana, I need you to go through the route I sent you and destroy one of the cameras outside a mansion which we don't have access to. Whoever is accessing the other cameras has somehow gotten access to this as well so we need to destroy it. Until I block the other user of the access to the cameras leading Derek to the mansion, he stays cautiously hidden. Do you both get the plan?"


"I am already moving towards the camera. Derek, we will meet there."


"And Diana, don't let yourself seen on the camera when you destroy it."

"Gotcha Nate"

The few minutes were painfully slow as I watched outside now and then for any movement. The sound of gun shots was over so it was even more dangerous to come out.

"Derek, Start moving immediately. The Terranova left with a few waiting to know your whereabouts. But I have blocked every camera on both sides to confuse them of your location. You have only a few minutes so go!"

He didn't have to tell me twice because I was already running towards the safe haven. Diana scuffled from one of the hedges and we ran nonstop towards our home.

There was no word from Nate indicating that he was undertaking the difficult job of covering our tracks. When we were close enough, a call erupted and I answered it. It was from the station and they informed about the gang fight.

It was a long night having the squad clean up the bodies left behind and also the weapons. It was obvious now that the Terranova had won the fight. The other complaint was from the mansion owner about the CCTV we destroyed. But we were too tired to even react awkwardly.

After everyone were cleared from the scene, we returned to the safe house to get the details from Nate. Worn out from the day, we sunk into the couch. Nate was engaged on a call with Gabriel informing her of today's events. Once the call was over, Nate joined us munching a sandwich.

"For the citizens of this city, this is another normal day. But for the mafia world, it's official. Lansky is the first to declare war on Terranova. The King has been challenged."


Meanwhile at the Terranova headquarters, the captain had returned with his men bloodied and with a crazed look etched on his face after a deadly fight. His eyes caught the hacker responsible for their safety.

"Why weren't there any leads on the guy who escaped the clock tower?"

"Apologies, captain but the CCTVs we were accessing to find him were blocked off and one of them was broken. There's three involved-a hacker, the clocktower guy and another who broke that mansion's CCTV. Could it be someone from the other gangs and when they couldn't kill you, they ran?"

"No. If he were from one of the other gangs, he wouldn't run without a fight and would die if he lost. Cowardice results in death even if he returns back to his gang, there was no necessity to work on the CCTV so exceptionally well."

"Then…" the hacker strayed mulling over the incident.

"Some punks who are trying to play a gang, the real deal of people getting killed in cold blood could be the reason he fled. But still, we should be vigilant. There is no greater danger than underestimating your opponent." the captain mused but a smirk filled his face.

"Yes, Captain. I will keep watch"

"And if that hacker was able to block you out, it means that the opponent is formidable and a challenge. Being our best hacker, you better start hustling and sharpen your skills further."

The hacker returned back to work but the captain lingered in the room for a little longer. His head fell back leaning on the head rest of the chair. Even though he warned the hacker to better himself, it was exciting that a little rat escaped the Terranova.

"Next time little rat,next time...perhaps the Lansky gang should be destroyed to make an example to never mess with the Terranova." he muttered finding the situation rather entertaining.