
The King's Den

Love can be expressed in any kind of relationship. Love can change any form of relationship. It can change two complete strangers to a father and mother, an aloof colleague to a dear friend and an enemy mafia gang to a beloved family?? Love can break all limitations but can it break the sheer will of two bitter enemy sides? Will they be able to mold back the broken relationships or will everything go in vain?

SiriusCapella · Urban
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33 Chs


After the meeting with the twins, Nate types in sequentially coded programs into the system to hack the CCTVs of the south east area of Watford which was under the control of Lansky.

A red light spot blinks and he attaches his earpiece.

"Nate here"

A stern feminine voice responds.

"Are they working as per schedule? What happened to my updates?"

"Work has commenced already, Gabriel. It's only a matter of time before the files reach you and I can assure you that they will be transferred to the HQ much faster than scheduled. You know them."

"Okay, I will be waiting. Gabriel out."

Removing his earpiece, Nate encases all visuals onto the screen into a collage view. He knew that once the twins began the investigation, they would be way ahead in knowledge about everything related to the case.

Since they were experts and he held trust in them, he did not bother informing Gabriel about their little day off. Soon, they would be flying around through various watchpoints so it was his duty to maintain surveillance of their activities and warn them in case of danger.

He encases another set of visuals onto a different screen. There were cameras with cloud storage tech attached at the watchpoints, this was a necessary video source other than the CCTV surveillance. These cameras provided the visuals of the watchpoint entrances and exits.

Those positions were chosen for watchpoints because of their easier escape routes but there were some which had only one way in and out. Once the location of Lansky's next crime operation was found, the relevant watchpoints' coordinates would be transmitted to the twins by Nate.


It's been a week since we began exploring through Lansky's territory in the south eastern area of Watford. Each day, we would receive a set of watchpoints based on the transaction routes and meetups from Nate to shoot pictures from.

Quick clicks are much better than videos, which would require us to remain still in one position. Photographic evidence was essential equally because video camera setups can only shoot videos at one angle from one position.

At first, Diana and I teamed up for gathering proof. Once we reached a particular level of familiarity, it was much effective to split up to two different spots.

Most of the trafficking incidents were hindered by the Terranova which was a bit inconvenient for us. We had to stop the evidence run and clean up the mess the gangs left behind. The other officers don't care much and our cover remains intact. But only a few more weeks were still needed to build up a shitload of evidences to take down the Lansky's gang.

Right now, Diana and I are at a shooting range reserved for high ranking officers to practice.

After Nate's warning, Diana has been diligent and her skills are improving at a better pace than before. But it has been equally exhausting due to our nightly errands.


"Yeah twinnie?"

"Don't take Nate's words too seriously. He didn't mean it like that."

"I know Derek, it maybe all professional but he does care for us… atleast to a certain extent."

"Yes, so don't overdo it and fall sick."

"Yes sir"

She made a comical salute and went back to aiming at the target. She paused after a few shots and let a little giggle.


"You know something? The other day, Nate was really cool when he appeared out of nowhere at the bridal store.  If he goes out like a normal person, he would kill all the girls."

"I know right? He's clueless"

She scoffed and I looked at her confused.

"And have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror twinnie? The combo of black hair, a clean shaven face, chocolate brown eyes and not to mention those abs…not only girls but you would also kill guys. You are as clueless as he is"

"Hey! ..What about you? You are a mirror image of me"

"I am not clueless as you though"


"Soon, a guy might catch my eye and swoop me away"

No way, I am not letting any guy get close to her without doing a complete background check. There are some real jerks out there who literally want just one thing and it's disgusting.

If I ever find out something shitty about the guy Diana dates, he will be behind bars in a second. I gave a restrained smile not letting my emotions show out and continued the practice.

Tonight, I am heading to the borderside of the city while Diana was taking the watchpoint few blocks away from this one.

It was an old clocktower and the musty odour was quite strong. It was only a single floored building but it was elevated enough to be equivalent to five floor building and there was a central stairway leading to the top.

Taking position, I was ready to click pictures. Nate, Diana and I were connected as always. But, something was wrong.

"Guys?" I whispered slowly. Nate responded.

"Yes, I see them. It looks like the transaction is not happening tonight?"

"Yeah but then… why are they here? What about you Diana?"

"Nothing here yet… The package should be arriving through this route"

"It's like they are preparing for something."


"What is it, Nate?"

"Package…package, could it be that the package was not the women but... Terranova?"

"Uh oh, it's a trap set out for them"

"Derek, get outta there now"

Nate's words were out of my mind right now, footsteps were enclosing from the stairway.

"Hide quick!"

The only place to hide was behind the engine. It was difficult to even breathe due the stillness and also the smell was sickening.

I took a few peeks and there were two men, one with a slight limp while the other had a ponytail. They had sniper guns with silencers attached and looking through it towards the route opening on both sides.

Their whispers were constant, they were communicating with the rest of their gang. Now and then, they moved positions watching, with their shoes crunching on the dirt. My muscles were tight and painful from crouching without zero movement, my training proved a blessing.

"Derek?" Diana's worried voice made me breath out slowly. I am coming back D, somehow. Nate's voice followed.

"Derek, don't move or you have the entire gang on you. Wait till the Terranova arrive and when the fight breaks out, you will find a marginal timing for your escape. Be ready."