
The King's Death

The spirit king has died and Ichigo is the heir. Ichigo must marry and events unfold forcing people to conclusions and decisions but also forcing them together...

angelhalad · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 5:Squad 13 Barracks

I could hardly believe my ears. Her words still rung through my mind like millions of bells each ending where another would begin.

"I love you too Rukia." I murmur against her soft lips as I pulled her fully onto my lap and wrapped my arms around her waist tightly burying my head in her neck. I could feel the heavy box in my jacket and I leaned back from her pulling it out slowly.

"Rukia I want you to have this, it was my mother's. My grandfather gave it to my father to give to her. It was her mother's ring." She opens it slowly and a small gasp escaped her slightly parted lips as she runs her fingers over the smooth band.

"Will you put it on me?" I nod slowly and retrieve the black stoned ring from the box before slipping it onto her ring finger. She stares at it for a few moments until a silly smile crawls onto her petite yet full lips lighting up her entire face.

"I was wondering if you'd marry me." She nods mutely and kisses me softly.

"Yeah I guess you'll do I mean you are a king after all." She says against my lips before nudging them into a sweet and tender kiss. I chuckle and stand pulling her up and spinning her around tightening my hold on her and feel the simultaneous tightening of my heart at the thought that she would be mine.

"So would you like to go to a party tonight with all the taicho and nobles...I mean it would be awfully rude if the woman I am marrying isn't there." I catch her chin in my hand and guiding it to my face to press my lips to hers in a searing kiss. I slowly nudge her lips open with my tongue and deepen the kiss turning burning embers into flames. I pull away and she stares up at me a bit dazzled before grinning shocking me with the beauty in just that smile.

"Okay but we should go if you want me to get done with my shift, ne?" She returns running her hand through my hair and looking into my eyes smirking. Her fingers run over the locks reminding me of when I had been injured and recovering and she had sat beside me thinking I was incoherent. Her tears had made my heart break.

"Hai, now let's go you midget." I say pulling away from her and the heartbreaking memory before lacing my fingers through her smaller ones.

"What about all the food?" I look at her like she's crazy and she turns her head in confusion. Her lovely eyes bore into mine and the innocence there makes me nearly laugh out loud before I start to explain.

"Midget someone is already here to retrieve everything and take it back to the palace, I would but I have to go over wedding plans with the elders of your family and your brother." I murmur cursing her brother in my head five million times. She turns to see a maid picking up the basket and bowing softly behind us before she frowns and pouts like a three year old. I lean forward and kiss her pouting lips chuckling at her childish antics.

"I see, well let's go then I don't want to be late." I nod and allow her to lead me back to her barracks. We reach the steps and everyone is starring at us in shock. I pull her forehead to my mouth and place a gentle kiss there before breathing in gently and inhaling her calming scent. I exhale warming the skin with my breath. Her slender hands grip my shirt tightly and she breaths in clearly enjoying my close proximity.

"I'll see you tonight okay. Be safe would you, I don't feel like coming after someone to save you today, I already have to deal with your brother for the day." She smiles and pulls my lips down to hers before turning and walking into her barracks practically bouncing with joy. I watch her hips gently sway and her hair move with each step brushing the back of her slightly exposed neck. Shaking my head to dispel the cloudiness that the woman creates in my mind I pull my hood up concealing my face. I can only see why I love this woman so much.

A field at the edge of the Seireitei- Ichigo

"ICHIGO GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" Rukia shouts from behind me. Shit I'm dead, shit I'm dead.

"Why you're going to kill me!" I shout over my shoulder fear ringing in my eyes after what just happened. I said something bad about that god damn bunny and now she wants to kill me. I should have known...I should have learned the first time.

"NO YOU NEED TO APLOGIZE TO ME FOR INSULTING CHAPPY!" She shouts still following me relentlessly. I stop and grab her waist pull her back to me. She gasps in surprise at the sudden contact her eyes glazing over as I run my lips along her neck stopping all of her movement. I kiss the tender flesh, careful to hide what I'm actually doing, before nipping at the skin causing her to shiver.

"I'm sorry for insulting your favorite thing." I murmur pulling back to look at her before descending my lips to capture her smooth ones. She sighs and melds into me. Her arms wrap around my neck and tighten there knotting themselves in my hair. I'm glad the elders aren't here to witness this.

"I forgive you, but you need to know that Chappy will rule the world one day and I plan to have a Chappy loving daughter as well someday." I sigh and rest my head on her head as we sway to the music for a little. Everyone sighs in relief and the nobles look to us in shock. Their eyes are confused at how we can go from being too violent to the sappiest lovers in one minute.

"Fine then but you need to know I'll have a son that likes to be a smart-ass it's only natural." Byakuya frowns softly and rolls his dark eyes before sitting the glass of sake on the table at his side.

"No your son will be more mannered than you kozo." He says picking up the glass and sipping his sake. I glare at him and look for something to throw. I notice a crumpled piece of paper and pick it up whipping it at his head. He puts his hand up and catches it before looking down at it and glaring at it like a small child.

"Shut the hell up you stuck-up bastard." I seeth catching the attention of Haruto and Kenshin who go to move. "Don't even think about it." I say my gaze drilling holes through there shrinking forms. They nod quickly and bow before turning away from me and scurrying away. Byakuya growls and stands walking toward me.

"Well you do not possess any manners so why would your child want that trait from you." He says looking down at me. Our reiatsu flair against each other and then two loud smacks are heard and echo around the area followed by two rather similar groans of one woman's name.

"Rukia, why'd you do that for?" I groan rubbing the back of my head as Byakuya does the same. I look toward the angered midget and pout softly trying to get her to be lenient.

"Because you two were acting like children. Now shut up and admit that you like each other or I won't let you live when Chappy rules the world and lets me choose who lives and dies." We both give her a 'wft' look and she shrug before motioning for us to do what she said.

"No." Her brother says and tears form in her eyes and she begins to cry softly her eyes betraying her worst fear. I stand quickly and bring her to me and she struggle slightly breaking away from me.

"My big brother doesn't like my future husband this is going to hurt our children and ruin our family!" I feel my eyes widen and I try to calm her down maybe she had a bit too much sake tonight.

"See what you did you idiot! You made her cry now fix it!" I shout catching a lot of attention from the way I spoke to a taicho. He frowns instantly sobering, much too quickly if you ask me, and rests a reassuring hand on Rukia's shoulder.

"Rukia please, I did not mean what I said. I do like your future husband I swear. He is very good for you and I promise I won't fight with him anymore." He looks up then nudges me with his elbow. I glare at him for touching me and turn to Rukia pulling her chin gently so she looks into my eyes.

"Ruki, I don't hate your brother; I just hate his sword." Byakuya's laughter shocks everyone even Rukia. We turn to look at him and he waves his hand composing himself a bit.

"You hate a sword Kurosaki?" I nod slowly weary of his movements.

"You try dodging that thing for as long as I did then come to me and talk about hatred." Rukia wraps her arms around me cooing softly while running a hand through my hair. I wrap my arms around her and her brother sit down beside us. Everyone lulls into conversation again and I stare at her brother for a minute. In all honesty he's not as bad as I remember, although he still is a dick sometimes. He's weird with sake though...maybe there shouldn't be any sake in the wedding...yes definitely no sake.

"I have officially decided that my wedding will be sake free, you people are all weird when you're drinking. It's really crazy. Even Tōshirō isn't acting normal; I'd rather have the normal weird than the just strange weird thank-you." Her brother pouts, pouts for god sake, and sighs softly. He composes himself and I half wonder if he has split personalities when he drinks or if Senbonzakura in being channeled.

"Ichigo that's not fair you can't make me sit through a wedding that isn't mine then not allow me to drink after it's over!" Rangiku says nearly falling on me. Tōshirō follows soon after giggling to himself about Momo being pretty and that she is the best sister in the whole Seireitei.

"Hey Rangiku, long time no see!" Tōshirō shouts hugging her tightly. Wasn't he just standing with her five minutes ago? Hell I think these people are crazy. Rangiku giggles and holds him tightly burying his face in her chest and for once he doesn't protest instead and hugs back tightly.

"Lil' Shiro, there you are I've been looking for you all over. We need to get you home to bed before you pass out." Momo says concerned and sober. Thank god someone that isn't drunk is around me.

"MOMO! Did you know that you're pretty? If not, you're really pretty Momo. Hey where are we going?" He says stumbling a bit as she leads him away. She grips his hand like he's a child and I sort of wonder how he's going to be ready to deal with Karin tomorrow when he visits the world of the living.

"We are taking you back to your room mister; you've had too much to drink. You need to stop taking lessons from Masumoto- fukutaicho." Rangiku follows along behind them giggling softly. Renji walks...well stumbles over to us his face red and a silly smile on his face. He falls forward beside Byakuya totally passed out. Byakuya sighs and lifts him onto his shoulder before leaving. Shunsui is running around chasing after Nanao trying to make plays at her. I'm surprised she hasn't killed him yet. Shūhei and Izuru and sitting and giggling like school girls while Rukia is falling asleep in my arms while I hum softly in her ear.

"You are really sweet Ichigo." I nod and run my fingers through her hair. A flash of white catches my eyes and then I hear Momo shouting for Tōshirō to come back. He runs past wailing like a child.

"Momo doesn't love chappy...oh my heart is breaking!" He shouts falling to the ground dramatically. "She doesn't love me because she doesn't love chappy!"

He puts his hand over his forehead and soon I see Momo running toward us with a giggling Rangiku following her. Her worried eyes land on the dramatic taicho before she hefts him up and tosses his arm over her shoulder.

"Lil' Shiro stop running away from me!" She says softly concern lacing her words.

"What shall I do? She doesn't love chappy! The devilish woman that is Momo hates a cute little bunny!" He says falling onto his back passed out. Momo sighs and shakes her head before picking him up again and walking away. That's when I hear it. A loud crash alerts me to someone falling and hitting a tree branch.

"Abarai get back here!" Byakuya shouts quickly flying after the red blur. He draws his sword and I watch in horror as he gives chase. Renji is laughing like a maniac and dancing around his Taicho.

"Shit your brother is going to kill Renji." I mutter but realize it fell to deaf ears because Rukia is sound asleep. I shunpo her up to her room and tuck her in before slipping out the window and follow the noises until I find Renji tackling my soon to be brother in law and trying...to...tickle...Byakuya! Renji really did want a death wish. I could see the fatigue in Byakuya's eyes and I sighed before grabbing Renji by his hair and picking him up. He turns and his hand flies at my face. A breeze blows beside me and Kenshin grabs Renji's hand before taking him from me.

"Would you like us to take him to his room Kuchiki-taicho and Kurosaki-dono?" Haruto says from my other side. Byakuya nods softly rubbing his hand over his face and falling into a seat near us. He runs his fingers through his loose hair and rubs his temples. I look to my guards and rub the back of my head.

"When you have finished dealing with this baka could you two help anyone else into their rooms that may need it?" They nod and dart off in a blur. Byakuya turns to me as I slump into a chair across from him beside the bar.

"Definitely no sake, even if it's the last thing I do." I murmur rubbing at the back of my neck. Byakuya nods and groans in frustration. Our eyes meet and they mirror the same frustrated look. Planning had been hellish this afternoon and we had shared the same desire to leave the Kuchiki Manor forever and never return. At least I don't have to live with them like Byakuya does.

After a few moments Byakuya sits up straight and begins to speak to me, which is unusual but seeing as we will have to work together I guess it's not too much to ask for. "I swear if that red haired bastard wasn't needed to do all my paper work I'd skin him alive for that."

"What do you think I want to do every time I talk to him even when he's sober? I mean he's a great friend but sometimes I wonder if he got dropped or something. At least with you I don't have to explain simple things and you never speak when it is unnecessary. ." He turns his eyes to me and I see in them years of irritation, annoyance, and weariness that could only result with being with Renji every single day. I wonder if he even does paper work.

"Welcome to my world every day." He mutters darkly. If it's okay with him I'd rather not be in his world, it sounds horrible plus if I was that close just imagine what his sword could do to me. Ichigo sushi is not an appealing thought if I may say so myself. I'll take Zanny and Hichi any fucking day over Senbonzakura.

Watch it with the nicknames kingy...

For once I agree with the white one, I too do not appreciate my nickname...however I am grateful for the compliment none the same.

I ignore the whining pair in my head and return to my conversation thinking of the lunacy I'd gain by switching with him. "No thanks I'll give you back your one way ticket to insanity. How do you even deal with people when there is sake around?" I question, he shrugs and I scratch the back of my neck. We relax as the party winds down and surprisingly we're getting along.

"Usually I don't, by this point I've brought both Rukia and Renji home and put them to bed. Those two are a pair that should not drink together ever." I stiffen remembering the one time I drank with Rukia and Renji before this. God that was horrible. I will never drink with her and Renji again. "I see you've dealt with the pair before?"

"Yeah I get what you're saying. She sang the Chappy theme song at her highest volume the whole way to my house from the party we were at, and to make matters worse it was a twenty minute walk back because we had to stop for her to puke every thirty seconds all the while Renji was dancing like a hooker the whole way up the street. I had to keep telling him to stop tickling me and put his shirt on." He nods and we both shake our heads at that one. Am I...actually agreeing with Byakuya Kuchiki? Hell has officially frozen over and this place is officially deemed bizarre and insane.

"I think we've also come to an agreement on that insane bunny." He says, practically reading my mind, his eyes narrowing slightly in annoyance.

"Did she give you the ruling the world speech already, I've gotten it nearly a thousand times in a few years I feel sorry for you because you've known her far longer than I have?" He nods relatively sober again. Imagine the years of hell he's been through if she had.

"Hai...it would seem she and her sister enjoyed the same inane obsession with that damn bunny. Hisana made my buy her anything that had the bunny on it!" He pauses and then shakes his head and grabbed two cups of sake as well as two bottles of it. "Have you ever thought about drowning all of this in alcohol?"

Let's just say we became close friends that night and in the morning we welcomed a close friend into our lives called the rim of a toilet seat. All in all I remember getting to bottle number three before it kind of blurred together.

God I swear to all that is good, even my hallow side agrees with the King on this one, NO MORE FREAKING SAKE FOR THE GOTEI 13!