
The king's Choice

Matilda was angry and restless, "I know my son, I just feel he's unnecessarily interested in that idiot. She must leave this castle with her mother!".     Gwen was kneeling beside her trying to calm her lady down, "My lady, don't forget you are the king's mother and apart from that, your influence and power is unmatchable among the women in this kingdom. Nothing will happen that you don't like".     Matilda felt like crying and throwing tantrums but she had to maintain her composure in front of her hand maid, Gwen, "But things are already getting out of my control! I need to play a major card that will bring Tyler back under my grasp".      "Why don't you get a woman for him", Gwen suggested.      Matilda looked lost in thought before she finally smirked. She had thought of something, "Gwen, you have to keep an eye on that lowly new kitchen servant. You should always stay around the guest palace. I wonder why Tyler hasn't moved her to the servant quarters but nevermind. Just do as I say and make sure you report every of her movements to me and I'll take care of the rest".      Gwen looked shocked and confused, "I do not dare question you my lady but if I'm there all the time who would take care of you?"      "Just do as I say and then call Yvonne for me", Matilda said.      Gwen frowned but she still bowed reluctantly, she wasn't happy that Matilda was going to replace her.     "I don't know what you're thinking but I am not replacing you, idiot. You're just the only one I trust for this job and you'll have to hurry up and find something except you want to keep watching her. When you find something interesting, you'll return to my palace", Matilda said with an evil grin and then she stood up. She had to start the next move immediately. She immediately went to meet Tyler in his court room.      She entered gracefully and as she entered, everyone bowed except Tyler.      "Is anything wrong?", He asked knowing fully well that his mother had come to give him another head ache.      "Nothing, I would like to request that this meeting end as I'd want to have a word with you and it's urgent", Matilda said confidently but silently hoping her son wouldn't embarrass her. Honestly, she didn't know what was wrong with her son!.       "Ok", Tyler replied calmly and ordered them to all leave except Thomas. Matilda frowned and turned to Thomas.      "Tyler, the matter is between us", she asked while eyeing Thomas.      "Rest assured, Thomas is my loyal servant", Tyler replied calmly but deep down he was laughing, enjoying the sight of his mother like that. He was purposely driving her to the edge.     Matilda was trying to keep herself from exploding out of anger so deeply inhaled to calm herself down.     "Ok, you promised me you'll meet Duke Gregory's daughter, you have to meet her tomorrow. Duke Gregory's holding a soiree tomorrow", Matilda said calmly though she was raging inside.       Tyler pretended to think about it for a while, he was wondering the kind of deal his mother made with him. "Ok".      Matilda was careful not to show any triumphant expression rather she remained indifferent. She wanted her son to be scared and curious as to what she was thinking. "I'll also want to speak to the wives of your late father in the castle".      Tyler's expression turned from shock to surprise to worry and then he chuckled. Matilda didn't care about him chuckling, she remained indifferent but then inwardly smiled after seeing Tyler's expression when she said it. Since he became king, she had never seen him loosing composure after hearing someone speak.      "Why? if I may ask", Tyler asked.       Thomas was shocked too but as usual his face remained expressionless.     

Ezetu_Beulah_9079 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The castle 1

"Mom!!", She screamed and ran out to hug her.

    Pauline dropped her hand bag on the floor and hugged her tightly, "how have you been?", She asked.

    "Fine, how are you?", Janielle replied happily, she noticed how stressed out her mother was looking.

    "I've been ok, let's carry the things I bought for your aunty inside. Where is she and why are you looking all dolled up?", Pauline asked her.

    "Oh, It's a long story and no one is home except I and the servants. Come in and sit first", Janielle said and led her inside.

    "Should I get you something to eat?", Janielle asked excitedly, "why didn't you say you were coming? You never even wrote once but u wrote twice!", Janielle went on and on withy breathing.

    "I didn't write? I wrote to you every week", Pauline stated, this made Janielle shocked.

    "I recieved nothing", Janielle said calmly. Just then, Camila knocked at the door. Camila, Zoe's best friend.

Janielle went to the door and saw Camilla and her mom.

    "Good morning ma, hi Camila", Janielle greeted and opened the door wide for them to enter inside.

   Camilla and her mom entered and sat down.

   "Where's Zoe?", Camilla asked totally ignoring Pauline who was sitting in front of her. Camila's mom exchanged pleasantries with Pauline anyways.

   "She already left with her parents", Janielle informed them and this made Camila and her mom's face fall.

   "What do you mean by they already left? Zoe promised me that we would go together. After everything I had been doing for her", Camila said angrily.

   "I told you already that that girl is not to be trusted. You just don't listen, do you?", Camila's mom said angrily, "and what are the things you did for her?"

    Camila bowed her head in shame," she kept giving me letters meant to Janielle to hide. I, I didn't want to do it but she just promised me something. I..."

    "Shut up!, Oh God, Camila! Let's go back home, when they come back you'll have to tell her parents what that little witch is up to, now apologize to Janielle", her mother ordered.

   Janielle was too shocked to even speak, when she could eventually talk, she just said, "it's ok ma. She doesn't need to".

    "I am so sorry for whatever her useless character caused you all", Camila's mom apologized and dragged  Camilla home angrily.

    When they left, Pauline just sighed, "so that's why you were not getting my letters. What a little witch Kathryn has as a daughter. How was she treating you?"

    "She's just naturally annoying", Janielle said and they laughed together to her silly joke.

    "I hope they've not been causing troubles. Where did they go by the ways?", Pauline asked.

    "To the castle", came Janielle's short reply.

   Pauline's eyes widened, "the castle, are they in some sort of trouble?"

    "No, the king just invited us for dinner", Janielle said sadly remembering that she was meant the go with them.

    "And they left you here? Is that how they've been treating you? Anyways, I came to take you back. You should be thinking of marriage now!", Pauline said, "call the butler to the carry gifts inside and we'll leave immediately".

    "Mummy, don't you think we should wait for them to come back?", Janielle asked

    "I have no time to waste, call the butler now", Pauline said.

    Janielle quickly rushed to the butler's room.

                 *.     *.     *.

    The Denvers arrived at the castle right on time. Laura, Thomas assistant, was given the task to welcome them and take them to the court room to meet the king.

    "Welcome", she greeted lamely, "follow me", she said as she took them to the court room.

    "Such timely arrival", Tyler noted as they entered.

    "Your highness", they all bowed to greet him.

     "Jonathan Denvers, it's been such a long time. Let's eat, you all must be very hungry", Tyler said and stood up. They all left for the huge dinning area with Thomas following Tyler like a clingy cat. Tyler was surprised to see just one girl but he chose not to talk at first.

    The Denvers were all do surprised and happy to see the feast on the table.

    "Eat and drink to your satisfaction", Tyler said with a smile that made them all uneasy.

    "Yes, your highness. I've always been wanting to dine with his highness and I can't let this opportunity slip by", Zoe said giving him a very wide smile with affected her makeup, giving her face cracks.

    Tyler tcched in his mind, this was obviously not the 'Janielle', "in that case, you should eat- time waits for no man", then he turned to Duke Denvers who already started putting food on his plate, "in your last letter, you said your wife's niece was staying with you".

    Kathryn and Zoe frowned, why did the king have to ruin their happy moment. Their frowns didn't go unnoticed by the king.

   "Well, she is having a fever", Duke Denvers replied slowly.

   "Oh my, I can send men to get her so that the royal physician will take care of her, can't I? Why didn't you tell me?", Tyler said, "Thomas".

   "Your highness", Thomas replied and bowed.

   "Send men to Duke Denvers house to  get Janielle", Tyler said and Thomas left immediately.

   Duke Denvers became so scared along with Kathryn. Zoe was just angry. Who was Janielle?, Why did the king have to remember her?

    Tyler saw the faint fear in them and he suddenly knew they were lying.

               *.    *.    *.

    The butler helped Janielle put her last luggage in the carriage and then hugged her afterwards, "do you really have to go? How can we manage with Miss Zoe alone?"

    Janielle chuckled, "I'll be visiting now and then, so don't worry". While she was still greeting the servants and wishing them goodbye, Pauline was already in the carriage waiting for her daughter. She was glad to finally have her back. In no time, Janielle joined her in the carriage and they set of for the village.