
The king's Choice

Matilda was angry and restless, "I know my son, I just feel he's unnecessarily interested in that idiot. She must leave this castle with her mother!".     Gwen was kneeling beside her trying to calm her lady down, "My lady, don't forget you are the king's mother and apart from that, your influence and power is unmatchable among the women in this kingdom. Nothing will happen that you don't like".     Matilda felt like crying and throwing tantrums but she had to maintain her composure in front of her hand maid, Gwen, "But things are already getting out of my control! I need to play a major card that will bring Tyler back under my grasp".      "Why don't you get a woman for him", Gwen suggested.      Matilda looked lost in thought before she finally smirked. She had thought of something, "Gwen, you have to keep an eye on that lowly new kitchen servant. You should always stay around the guest palace. I wonder why Tyler hasn't moved her to the servant quarters but nevermind. Just do as I say and make sure you report every of her movements to me and I'll take care of the rest".      Gwen looked shocked and confused, "I do not dare question you my lady but if I'm there all the time who would take care of you?"      "Just do as I say and then call Yvonne for me", Matilda said.      Gwen frowned but she still bowed reluctantly, she wasn't happy that Matilda was going to replace her.     "I don't know what you're thinking but I am not replacing you, idiot. You're just the only one I trust for this job and you'll have to hurry up and find something except you want to keep watching her. When you find something interesting, you'll return to my palace", Matilda said with an evil grin and then she stood up. She had to start the next move immediately. She immediately went to meet Tyler in his court room.      She entered gracefully and as she entered, everyone bowed except Tyler.      "Is anything wrong?", He asked knowing fully well that his mother had come to give him another head ache.      "Nothing, I would like to request that this meeting end as I'd want to have a word with you and it's urgent", Matilda said confidently but silently hoping her son wouldn't embarrass her. Honestly, she didn't know what was wrong with her son!.       "Ok", Tyler replied calmly and ordered them to all leave except Thomas. Matilda frowned and turned to Thomas.      "Tyler, the matter is between us", she asked while eyeing Thomas.      "Rest assured, Thomas is my loyal servant", Tyler replied calmly but deep down he was laughing, enjoying the sight of his mother like that. He was purposely driving her to the edge.     Matilda was trying to keep herself from exploding out of anger so deeply inhaled to calm herself down.     "Ok, you promised me you'll meet Duke Gregory's daughter, you have to meet her tomorrow. Duke Gregory's holding a soiree tomorrow", Matilda said calmly though she was raging inside.       Tyler pretended to think about it for a while, he was wondering the kind of deal his mother made with him. "Ok".      Matilda was careful not to show any triumphant expression rather she remained indifferent. She wanted her son to be scared and curious as to what she was thinking. "I'll also want to speak to the wives of your late father in the castle".      Tyler's expression turned from shock to surprise to worry and then he chuckled. Matilda didn't care about him chuckling, she remained indifferent but then inwardly smiled after seeing Tyler's expression when she said it. Since he became king, she had never seen him loosing composure after hearing someone speak.      "Why? if I may ask", Tyler asked.       Thomas was shocked too but as usual his face remained expressionless.     

Ezetu_Beulah_9079 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

New cook 1

"Dad, what happened?", Stella asked when Tyler entered the room.

     "Nothing serious, go to your room now. I'll come very soon", he promised.

    "Ok, just don't forget the promise", she said and went to her room with the soldier escorts. Tyler was planning to see Janielle where she was locked up.

                  *.     *.     *.

      Pauline was already in front of the dungeon, behind the flowers surrounding it. She was then thinking of how to get past the guards at the gate of the dungeon. The smell she started perceiving from the dungeon, did everything to assuage her worry. She was with food and she had to give it to Janielle. She was thinking hard o what to do then she thought of tricking the guards.

      She left the food there and ran to the guards with fear in her eyes, "pls help me. Someone broke into the guest palace and no guards were around".

     Two guards were already charged to go but one stayed behind.

    "Go and get the culprit, this dungeon should always be secured and come back fast, I can't stay here alone", the other guard who stayed behind said. Pauline was so disappointed, it wouldn't take long before they found out that she was lying. She had to give her daughter food.

     The guard that stayed behind looked at her carefully. He didn't stay behind because he willingly wanted to guard the dungeon but because he found Pauline rather suspicious. He saw her when she ran from behind the bush and this made him confused. He knew she had something up her sleeve.

     "Aren't you going to check too?", She asked worriedly, "I think I saw the king's mother going towards that direction".

     The guard's heart stopped at the mention of the king's mother, If Pauline was lying, good for him but if she was saying the truth and he didn't go, it was going to be disastrous for him, "Alright, let's go together then".

     "Ok", Pauline said, in her heart, she was already dancing. She stayed behind him to let him lead the way and after they went a considerable distance, Pauline turned back and quickly ran to give Janielle the food.

     "Mom! What are you doing here? Leave immediately before the king finds you", Janielle said with fear when she saw her mother.

      "Shut up, silly girl", was her mother's reply, she then handed the food to Janielle, "you must be hungry, how are you?"

     "I'm ok just leave immediately, ok? How did you even enter?", Janielle asked.

     "Pretty good question", came a bold and authoritative voice from the carriage entrance. Janielle and her mother froze.

     Tyler then came in and sight, "family filled with bold people, am I right?", He asked quietly.

     "Please forgive my mother...", Janielle started begging.

     "Quiet, little attorney. Thomas!", Tyler called and Thomas came running in, "release her", he ordered, "and bring them to the court room", he said and walked away.

    Pauline and Janielle was so happy.

    "Don't be too happy", Thomas said to sour their mood, "you seriously don't know what the king has in store for you".

    Pauline hissed and Janielle rolled her eyes. For some reasons she didn't quite know, she didn't just like this Thomas.

      "Thank you for your concern", she said with a faked smile.

     From there, Pauline and Janielle followed Thomas quietly to the court room.

     They were ushered in by the guards   who left after they entered.

     "Sit", Tyler ordered with an echoed voice. The room was quiet and empty as the only people in the room were Tyler, Thomas, Pauline and Janielle.

      "Thank you your highness", Janielle and her mom echoed as they sat down. They wondered what the king was up to this time around.

      Tyler smiled, "I just wanted you to know", he was talking to Pauline now, "that I'd like Janielle to stay in the palace and be one of my cooks. I heard she cooks well".

      Janielle and Pauline were so shocked. It was such a privilege! But Pauline seriously wanted a low-key life. It was more like a curse than a blessing to know the king. She just wanted Janielle to get married to a nice man and be happy not to be the king's cook, "Your highness, thank you so much for this privilege. Undoubtedly, Janielle cooks well but I'm afraid she's not familiar with the food, taste and likes of the high class people".

      "She can learn under the head cook. Thomas will personally make sure of that", the king said. He knew Pauline was trying to bring up excuses, "and don't worry, I'm not making her a maid".

      Pauline still had a look of worry on her face, "ok, when we go home, I'll talk to her".

     "Go home? You can go alone, Janielle's not leaving this castle", Tyler said calmly not even minding the effects of his words on Pauline and Janielle.

      "But your highness...", Pauline started.

      "No buts, just obedience. Now you have all the time to have her to yourself before you leave except if you want to stay here with her, you're highly welcomed to the castle!", Tyler said and walked out with Thomas behind him as always.

      "Mom, what's going on? I'm gonna be a cook?", Janielle asked. Not that it was a difficult task plus she knew it was a privilege working directly under the king but she had always wanted to be a fashion designer.

     "Yes and we can't go against the king's decision except we wish for death", her mother replied with a melancholy mood, what could she do after all?

      "But what about my marriage?", Janielle asked.

      "The king will take care of that and I'm going to stay here with you", Pauline assured her. She wasn't even sure if the king would take care of her marriage. She suddenly started thinking of why the king was so interested in her daughter. No way was he thinking of making her his concubine! Pauline was so worried.